Paperless Rapid Rescore Information and Training
TransUnion’s Quick Check service in XOP makes the rapid rescore process faster and easier, and helps to eliminate the possibility for manual error. XOP electronically gathers the TU-reported trades and public records, and when you select what data should be looked at, submits the information to TransUnion – no more filling out paperwork by hand and faxing it to TransUnion.
Use the information in this guide to setup your pricing, and to use the features in XOP to submit rapid rescores electronically to TransUnion via the Quick Check service.
Setting Up Quick Check Pricing
You will want to make sure that you are properly covering your costs for the TU Quick Check service, as TU will still bill you just like they do for rapid rescores.
To setup client pricing, follow these instructions.
1. Login to XOP, then go to the Setup | Clients menu option, and search for the client whose product you want to enable.
2. Once you have found the client, go to the Setup tab, then click the Lookup Product List button. Click the OK button, then expand your product list, and click on the product that you want to add pricing for.
3. Click the Options button, then scroll down until you find the TU Quick Check option, and fill out your pricing for the three options listed here:
a. TU Quick Check Documented
b. TU Quick Check Non-Documented
c. TU Quick Check Rush
4. Save your changes. Whenever you order a Quick Check in XOP, these prices will be applied to the credit request based on your selections on the Quick Check order screen. Note that Quick Check is billed based on each individual tradeline and/or public record that is submitted to TU, except for the Rush checkbox: Rush orders are billed on the entire order.
5. We can help you automate implementing your Quick Check fees if you like. Call us at (800) 452-1174 option 2 for information on global pricing updates.
Ordering a TU Quick Check in XOP
To place an order for a TU Quick Check, double-click on the request to open it. Once the file is open into the Request Detail tab, click the Utilities menu, and select TU Quick Check. This screen will open.
At the top of the Quick Check screen, you can indicate if this is a Rush order, expand the comments field to add more information, and/or Override Name and Address.
When you click the button to Override Name and Address, an editable screen opens, allowing you to modify the applicant/co-applicant TU data that was returned on the file. This is helpful in situations where you encounter a returned error due to invalid city name, or if you want to correct applicant names. Be sure and Save your changes when overriding name and address; or, click Revert to use the returned TU data.
You can then select which trades and/or public records you’d like to send to TU for rapid rescoring.
A Note on Billing: each individual trade/public record that you select for Quick Check will be billed at either the Documented or the Non-Documented fee. The Rush fee will be applied to the entire order. For example, if Rush is $20 and each trade/public record is $5, picking 2 trades + 1 public record = $15, then clicking Rush will add $20 for a total of $35.
- Check the Rush checkbox at the top for rush orders. This will apply your “TU Quick Check Rush” fee that you entered into your product options to the entire order.
- Check the checkbox next to the account that you want to submit to TU. This will apply the “TU Quick Check Non-Documented” fee.
- If applicable, check the Doc checkbox. This will apply the “TU Quick Check Documented” fee to the review of that account that you entered into your product options, and will override the Non-Documented fee.
- Select a Reason from the drop down list. This helps to explain the purpose for the Quick Check order.
- Enter any additional Comments into the corresponding field. The more information you can provide on Quick Check orders, the more accurate and fast the rescore will be returned to you. You can check the Expand Comments checkbox to have more room to view and work in the Comments field.
Once you have selected trade/public record information, you can move onto the bottom half of the Quick Check screen.
- Select if you do not want to charge for the entire Quick Check order by selecting the No Charge checkbox.
- Check the TU Quick Check box here to charge for this Quick Check order, and to see a total of your fees based on your selections above. Fees shown here will be a grand total of all your Documented and Non-Documented trade and public record sections above, plus the Rush fee.
- If you want to be the person responsible for working on this service, check the Take Ownership checkbox.
- If you have any trades or public records where you checked the Doc checkbox, you will need to add the appropriate attachment for documentation purposes. Click the Add button to add rapid rescore forms to support the trade or public record in question. You can add multiple attachments as needed.
When you are ready, click the OK button. You will receive a confirmation screen that lets you make sure you are ready to place the order based on your selected accounts and pricing. Click OK to place your order.
Things to keep in mind on your TU Quick Check orders:
- Each order can contain a maximum of 5MB of information - that includes applicant info, comments, and all attachments. If there are multiple large attachments, the order may be rejected.
- If necessary, you can place multiple Quick Check orders on a single request, picking different trades/public records for each order.
- The Rush fee though, if selected, would be applied to each Quick Check order. With size limits and pricing in mind, it’s a good idea to keep attachments as small as possible.
Finishing the TU Quick Check Order
When the Quick Check order has been placed, it will be sent to TU for processing. In XOP, a User Service will be added to this request, and the request will be placed in an Updating status until you have received the proper documentation from TransUnion.
You will receive information back from TU in the same way that you normally receive your responses today for your Rapid Rescore orders. You can then make your changes, mark the User Service as completed, and print the updated report, or the supplement report, back to your client.
Contact us with any questions about the TU Quick Check product at (800) 452-1174 option 2.