Experian Precise ID Experiencing Issues
We have received word from Experian this morning that they are experiencing issues with their Precise ID product. We have been communicating with them and they are currently looking into the issue. There is no word on timeframes for resolution at this time, but rest assured we are diligently monitoring this situation.
Due to this XPN issue, when your clients request a product with the Precise ID access on it, the file will stay in a status of Processing. We are gathering all these requests, and as soon as we confirm that Precise ID is back up, we will push them through to completion. There is nothing you need to do on these files – we will correct any issues for you and your clients.
The Experian support ticket is FSS# 110420 if you wish to reach out to them.
Experian Precise ID Issues Resolved
We have been able to confirm with Experian and with validation on our side that the Precise ID issue has been resolved. All affected requests have been processed through and should now be completed.