Dec. 13th, 2019: EPN and TVP - Vendor Email Notifications and Quicker File Location
Modified on: Thu, 2 Dec, 2021 at 3:42 PM

EPN, TVP Enhancements Scheduled for
Friday Morning, Dec. 13th, 2019
Starting Friday Morning, December 13th, 2019, the EPN settlement services and TVP platforms will be updated with new features and enhancements listed here. Features include a new AVM Vendor and enhanced vendor email notifications in EPN, plus TVP and TRV Provider enhancements to help you locate files faster. Read on for complete information.
We are also excited to announce a handful of future enhancements that will bring added efficiency to you and your clients’ processes. See the Coming Soon section below for more information.
EPN Settlement Services Platform Enhancements
New Product Available for Collateral Data AVM Vendor Many of you offer AVMs from Collateral Data. We have expanded our partnership with them to include a new AVM product: Commercial AVMs. When this product is ordered, this AVM will evaluate common data points and compare commercial properties to generate an estimated value on commercial loans.
If you are interested in providing this new Collateral Data product to your clients, contact Customer Service at (800)452-1174 option 4 to get started. |
Custom Vendor Emails Include More Information to Improve Efficiency When lenders place orders to custom vendors, both new order email notifications and message notifications are sent frequently to the vendor. We have expanded these email notifications to include additional information to help vendors process orders faster. All email notifications will now include lender/client information so that vendors can quickly and easily see which client the email notification is for without having to take the time to look that information up. - For new order email notifications, the client information can be found in the body of the email
- For status updates and message email notifications, the client information will be found in the subject line of the email
How to use this feature: This additional information will automatically be included in custom vendor emails. There is nothing you need to do to see this information. |
TVP Enhancements
Order Dashboard Update Helps You Locate Files Easier When viewing your orders dashboard on the TVP web site, you can now know which form the listed order includes at a glance. A new Forms column is now available just to the right of the reference number column that will show the form that the 4506T is requesting. This is especially helpful on orders sent from an LOS interface such as Encompass when they sent different reference numbers per form type: you can instantly know which order is for a 1040, 1099, W-2, ROA, etc.
How to use this feature: There is nothing you or your clients need to do to view the new Forms column. It will be displayed by default with this release. |
TRV Provider Enhancements Search Feature Enhanced to Show Most Recent Results First This release will enhance your TRV Provider application that you use to edit, annotate, and submit form requests to the IRS. When using TRV Provider to search for requests, by default the search results will now be ordered from most recent first to oldest last, allowing you to find orders faster.
How to use this feature: There is nothing you need to do to get this feature – it is enabled by default whenever you use the Search field in TRV provider to search for and locate your 4506-T requests. |
Coming Soon: New Features that are “in-the-works” for EPN and TVP End-to-End Custom Automated Workflows for EPN The EPN settlement services platform will soon allow managers to create smart, fast custom workflow logic for lenders that will evaluate returned data, then automatically order additional products.
When the workflow moves forward, it will take one of two paths, which can be set on a branch of the lender. Depending on the lender setup, the remaining products will be ordered at the same time, with multiple outputs being returned, reducing the need to order products individually and increasing the efficiency of end-to-end loan processing. Watch for more announcements about the ability to create smart, fast workflows for your clients in EPN.
New e-Signature vendor streamlines e-signing, reduces cost in TVP We are working on a new TVP e-Signature integration with SignEasy to provide more options for you and your clients. The mortgage and lending environment is increasingly relying on digital and mobile services, and expanding the ability to capture borrower signatures safely, securely, and electronically will help reduce cost and provide more options.
Watch for additional information about this new e-Signature expansion.
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