Your clients can request supplements on multiple accounts at the same time.  With this feature, your clients can view details on trades, identify those that need manual verification or work, and order all supplements with the single click of a button.  This is especially helpful and time-saving when the same kind of work needs to be requested on multiple tradelines (e.g. verify the balance on multiple accounts).
The ability to order multiple supplements at once is available alongside the current supplement process so your clients’ workflow is not interrupted.  Clients can use the existing process while becoming accustomed to this feature.

How to use this feature:
Access the supplement request page, either from linked accounts on the credit report delivered to the LOS, or from the client side of XpertOnline.  Right away, users will notice a new tab at the top called Trades.  Moving to this new Trades
 tab shows the screen below.  Users will instantly see all trades list here with the ability to expand each for account details, check a box to request a supplement on each, and then the supplement request detail panel at right.  Users can perform the same action on multiple trades in this view, helping them work more efficiently.

Watch a training video