Many lenders use the appraisal ordering and payment process as a time to capture additional borrower fees that are due when originating the loan, such as credit report fees.  We are providing your clients with the option to configure and capture additional borrower fees at the same time the borrower uses their credit card to pay for the appraisal.  This new Custom Lender Fee feature helps to keep the borrower’s credit card from being charged multiple times, and can help offset the possibility of loan cost losses.

The system provides you with the option to configure and collect additional borrower fees (such as credit report fees) at the same time the borrower uses their credit card to pay for the appraisal. The Custom Lender Fees feature helps to keep the borrower’s credit card from being charged multiple times, and can help offset the possibility of loan cost losses.

Important Note: Custom Lender Fees are only available on orders that have a billing type of either Credit Card or Bill Me.

How to Enable the Custom Lender Fees feature

Login as an Administrator, click the Relationships menu, find and expand the Division you would like to enable, and click Edit Settings. On the Settings screen, expand the Billing/Services option, and scroll down until you find the Custom Lender Fees section. Click the Add Fee button.

  • Fee Title – name the fee here.

  • Time of Charge – select when the fee should be applied.

o Charge upon order placement – choose this option to have the amount charged to the borrower when the appraisal order is placed.

o Charge upon order acceptance – choose this option to have the amount charged to the borrower when the appraiser accepts the order.

  • Frequency – select how the fee should be applied.

On every order – choose this option to have the amount billed automatically when each order is placed.

o Per order selection – choose this option to allow the user to check a checkbox to bill the fee to the borrower. The fee will only be billed to the order if the user chooses it.

  • Do not refund upon order cancellation – check this checkbox to bill the borrower even if the appraisal order is cancelled. Leaving this unchecked will refund the custom fee upon cancellation.

  • No fee on reinspection – check this checkbox to not charge the fee again on an order that is linked directly to this order by placing it from the Order Reinspection button.

  • Amount – enter the amount you want the borrower to be charged.

Save your changes to apply these billing settings and begin billing your custom lender fee. On save, the fee will be listed here.

  • You can click the arrow to expand the settings for this fee.

  • Click the Edit Fee or Delete Fee button to modify or delete the fee as needed.

  • You can add as many custom lender fees as you like and apply them at different times.

If you choose to apply your fee on a per-order basis, when your users place a new appraisal order, a new section will display on the New Order screen: Lender Fees (to Borrower). Each custom lender fee created will display as a checkbox here. By default, the checkboxes will not be checked. By checking a custom lender fee box, the fee will be applied to the cost of the order and billed to the borrower. Leaving boxes unchecked will not apply the fees to the order. Multiple fees can be applied when the order is placed.

Custom Lender Fees will be logged and tracked on the order within the Billing tab.

  • To provide the borrower with custom lender fee amounts, go into a Division’s General Settings, then find and check the Notify Borrower of Custom Lender Fees checkbox. Note that borrower’s will only be notified if the appraisal order’s billing type is Credit Card – Request from Borrower.

  • Use the new Custom Fees checkbox in your custom management reports to track billing activity for any Custom Lender Fees that are setup.