The SharperLending TRV Provider takes what IVES Participants do today and automates the entire 4506/Tax Return Verification process. TRV Provider saves you the time you spend manually working up (faxing, scanning, annotating, emailing) and submitting files to the IRS on behalf of your clients, scraping the IRS site for completed items, then returning the completed form back to SharperLending for your clients.
Content Includes:
- What is the SharperLending TRV Provider system?
- How do requests get into the SharperLending TRV Provider?
- Searching for Orders
- Working in SharperLending TRV Provider
TRV Provider offers a direct connection to the IRS from within the system, and an automated “scraper” that takes the completed items from your mailbox on the IRS site and brings them back into the TRV Provider system.
- All-in-one system receives and processes orders, submits transcripts, scrapes IRS’s site, and returns completed files to your client.
- Electronically annotate the 4506 transcripts your clients send (no more paperwork!).
- Customize billing per client, send batches of orders, quickly correct/assign “stuck” IRS orders, and more!
Use this instructional guide to assist you in working through the SharperLending TRV Provider application.
What is the SharperLending TRV Provider system?
The SharperLending TRV Provider is a light-weight executable file that installs on your local computer and then communicates with the SharperLending platform and the IRS 4506 website. Once installed, you can work with the 4506 PDF files that your clients submit to electronically annotate files, then approve files to send to the IRS. You can send up files in approved batches, or you can pick and choose which files to send. When the IRS returns transcripts, you will be able to view the completed returns within TRV Provider. Your client will automatically be notified by email that the transcript has been returned and is viewable in the SharperLending
How do requests get into the SharperLending TRV Provider?
Your clients use the SharperLending platform to order their TRVs.
Searching for Orders
Quickly locate orders by using the Search field. You can search by applicant last name, form type, social security number, and also by TRV Provider or SharperLending reference number.
Working in SharperLending TRV Provider
New Orders
The New Orders section is your queue of items that have been submitted by your clients in SharperLending.
The Ready to Review section indicates how many 4506 forms are waiting for you to process and approve for submission to the IRS. Click the linked number to open the list of orders and begin working on them. Double-click on an order within your order list to open and begin working on it. Clicking the Ready to Review link will display the oldest order that has been placed to you, but has not yet been approved.
Just below Ready to Review is the On Hold section. Click the number link to review and approve forms that you have put on hold to prevent them from being submitted to the IRS.
The next section is the Oldest New Order. This is the TRV reference number of the oldest order that has not been approved for IRS submission. Click the linked reference number to view and work on this order.
The Orders Today section lets you quickly identify how many orders have been submitted today. Click the linked number to open the list of orders.
The Signatures section displays orders that have electronic signatures pending. If you have enabled eSignature for your clients, this order section helps you track orders that are awaiting the borrower(s) electronic signatures. Click any blue number to view the associated orders.
- Recent – This indicates the amount of orders you have recently approved and are waiting for borrowers eSignature.
- 2 Days – Indicates the amount of orders that have been waiting over 48 hours for a borrower’s approval and electronic signature.
- 4 Days - Indicates the amount of orders that have been waiting over four days for a borrower’s approval and electronic signature.
- 7 Days+ - Indicates the amount of orders that have been waiting over seven days for a borrower’s approval and electronic signature. The eSignature feature expires after seven days.
- On Hold – Orders that have not had borrower approval after seven days or orders where a borrower has declined to provide an electronic eSignature are automatically placed On Hold. You can view the reason for the On Hold status within the Communications log of the order.
Once a borrower provides all the appropriate eSignatures, the order is automatically sent to the Batch Management section for you to send to the IRS.
Viewing the Order Details Screen
Double-click on an order from either the Ready to Review, On Hold, Oldest New Order, or Orders Today lists to begin work on your clients’ 4506 request.
Double-clicking on an order in a list will bring up the Order Details screen.
Adding a Form Request
Add a request for an additional form on an existing order by clicking the Add button under the Details tab.
- Select the form you are requesting from the drop down menu.
- Mark the check boxes for the years of transcripts requested.
- Enter additional applicant(s) information.
- Client – Displays the company who placed the order. Click on the client’s name to view and modify the client’s profile information.
- Get Next – When you are finished working on this order, click this button to move on to the next order in the queue.
- Loan number – Enter the loan number this transcript is associated with.
- Interface number – Displays the corresponding SharperLending reference number associated with this tax transcript request.
- Order number – This is the TRV Provider reference number associated with this order.
- Notes – Create notes pertaining to this particular order.
- Price – View and edit the price for the order. A red price indicator means that pricing has been modified on the order. Click the red indicator to view a pricing breakdown.
- Forms – Displays the forms requested on this order.
- Add – Click Add to order additional transcripts associated with the 4506.
- Form Details – Displays information on the form highlighted in the Forms section. Modify the request details if needed.
- eSignature – Mark the checkbox if you want to auto-generate a 4506C form and request a signature from the borrower(s). Additional fees may be incurred by using this feature.
- Cancel Form – Cancel the request for transcript within the TRV so that the request is not delivered to the IRS.
- Hold Form – Place this order on hold so that the request is not delivered to the IRS, but may be approved later.
- Transcript(s) Requested – For use in conjunction with the eSignature feature, you can mark the appropriate request type that will be automatically marked on the autogenerated 4506C.
- Years – Displays the years for the transcripts that are being ordered. You can edit this information on behalf of your client.
- Applicant(s) – Displays the borrower(s) that the transcripts are being ordered for. You can edit this information only when using the eSignature feature.
- Addresses – This is the address of the borrower(s).You can edit this information only when using the eSignature feature.
- Cancel – Cancel the changes you have made to the order.
- Save – Save changes you have made to the order.
- Approve – When finished annotating the transcripts on this order, click Approve.
- Approve for Signing (for eSignature orders only) – When finished annotating the transcripts for an order with eSignature enabled, click to approve the designated form.
- Send forms for Signing (for eSignature orders only) – When you have approved all the appropriate forms for signing, click this button to send all the approved forms to the borrower(s) for electronic signature(s).
The Communications tab shows all messages between you and the user. The Special Instructions box displays any instructions the user input at the time the order was placed in SharperLending. Create a new message by typing into the text box and clicking Send Message. To view a document that a user has sent, double click the message that indicates an uploaded attachment.
Annotating a TRV Order
You can annotate the 4506 form right on the order details screen. Edit borrower/co-borrower information, highlight specific sections, and type text onto the 4506.
- Attach – Upload an attachment from your computer (4506 on Disk), attach a copy of the 4506 already uploaded to another form on the order (4506 on Order), or upload an attachment pertaining to the order but not part of the transcript request (File to Order).
- Save – Click to save the changes you have made to the document (To Form) or save to a local drive (To Disk).
- Hand – Scroll quickly to a specific place on the document.
- Text – Add text to the document.
- Oval – Create a red oval to highlight a portion of the 4506 you want to draw attention to.
- Erase – Delete previously entered text.
- Rotate – Adjust the view of the document.
- Delete Pages – The IRS will accept a maximum of two pages on a 4506 submission. Click Delete to specify any additional pages that should be removed.
- Insert Pages – Click to add an additional page to the 4506 that will be submitted with your order.
- Crop Pages – Resize legal or irregular sized documents to fit on a standard sized page.
- Zoom – You may adjust your view of the document by using the instruments on the tool bar.
You can right click on the tool bar to add or remove menu items.
Approving Order For IRS Delivery
After you have finished annotating the 4506 form and it is ready for IRS submission, click Approve. The form will be sent to the Batch Management section.
Batch Management
There are two ways to send your requests to the IRS, Quick Send or Custom Batch.
- Quick Send – Click the Quick Send link to view all the forms that are ready to send to the IRS. Scroll through the cover sheet and subsequent orders to review what you are sending. You can manually print and fax, or use your digital fax machine to deliver them to the IRS. Please note: Using a digital fax program cuts down on time-consuming manual faxing and can improve the turn times of your TRV orders.
Click Cancel Batch if you do not intend to send the requests to the IRS at this time. The forms will be returned to the Batch Management section in an Approved status.
- Custom Batch - Manually choose which approved forms you would like to send to the IRS. Place a checkmark next to the requests you would like to include in the batch. Click Send to bring up your delivery options.
- View Previous Batches – View orders that were previously sent to the IRS. Monitor the status of an order and view pending orders by selecting a batch along the left, then double-clicking on a form on the right. You can also review the orders that were sent to the IRS by clicking the PDF button.
- If you have obtained an IRS reference number, you may assign it to its corresponding batch of orders. Highlight the batch on the left, enter the IRS number into the reference number field and click Set. The entered number will appear in the IRS Refnum column.
Transcripts Pending
The Transcripts Pending section tracks the number of orders that are in process and need to be returned from the IRS to you. Click any number link next to a day to view those pending orders.
IRS Rejected Transcripts
Sometimes the IRS will reject a transcript request you have submitted. The IRS will reject a form
based on one of ten reasons, which you are able to track and document in TRV Provider. When you receive an IRS reject, locate the order using the Search field or in your Transcripts Pending list and click IRS Reject.
Indicate the reason the IRS rejected the form by selecting one of the options. You may add
additional notes after selecting a reason. Then, click Send. The results will be delivered to the user in the SharperLending platform.
How To Work With Stuck Items
Stuck Items draws attention to items that the IRS has returned that do not match up with an existing order. You can open a stuck item, search for the order that it is associated with, and assign it to the existing order. Click Upload to manually attach a completed transcript and assign it to an order.
Click the number link next to Transcripts Stuck to view and assign the transcript. Highlight the transcript or file you’d like to assign. Narrow the search for the appropriate transcript to assign the document to by selecting the year, form, or TIN. You can search for pending or completed transcript requests by selecting either the Pending Only or All radio button. When you have highlighted the corresponding transcript, click Deliver. The stuck transcript will then be associated with the designated form. You can also send the file to your computer by using the Export button, or delete the stuck file by selecting Cancel.
Unread Messages
The Unread Messages section on the bottom of your main dashboard screen displays messages from your clients. Select the Unread radio button to display messages that have not been viewed, or click Today to view all messages delivered to you on the present date. Double click on a message to open the order and view the message. Once read, the entry in the Unread Messages section is removed to avoid clutter.
The Profile button allows you to modify company account information such as your contact information as well as your product base pricing.
On the User Settings tab, you can enter contact information for your company. You can also update
your password to access your account.
The Company Settings tab is where you can enter your IRS settings to enable the system to do IRS mailbox scraping. The IVES number and password you enter in the IRS Configuration section must match your login
credentials to your IVES account.
In the Pricing section, you can enter default pricing for your forms and eSignatures. You can also modify this information on a per client basis.
Use the IRS System Status section to notify your clients of the status of the IRS. When you learn that the IRS is having difficulty processing or returning orders you can update this information. The system status is
displayed to users when they are placing new TRV orders. They can hover over the status icon to view any Notes you have entered.
The Users button displays a list of other users in your office who can access TRV Provider and process orders.
Click Save Configuration Settings if you have made any changes to this window that should be saved.
Within the Clients window, you can setup clients who should be able to place TRV orders within SharperLending. You can add new clients or edit existing ones. The password and client ID entered for a given client must match the information entered for them within SharperLending setup.
Run reports with a specified date range to help with billing and view order trends.
Important Notes:
- You can setup default pricing for your company or enter pricing on a per client basis.
- SharperLending orders that return an error of ‘Login credentials are invalid’ indicate that the password entered on the client setup screen does not match the password entered in SharperLending setup for that client.
- If you receive a message of ‘Your password is about to expire’ when viewing the IRS Mailbox Scraper tab or when logging into your IVES account, you need to update your password within your IVES account as well as in the IRS Configurations Settings section of your Profile.
- You must contact your SharperLending representative to enable eSignature for your all clients.