The EPN settlement services platform allows managers to create smart, fast custom workflow logic for lenders that will evaluate returned data, then automatically order additional products. Custom workflow logic starts with an AVM or VOE order. Based on the returned VOE or AVM results – a Hit or a No-Hit – a decision will be made by EPN to move forward with automatically ordering additional products based on the lender’s setup.

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Custom workflows are setup on the client company, at the lender’s branch level, so individual branches can have different workflows according to how they process loans. Branches can have as many custom workflows setup as they want: they can select which workflow they want to order from the main ordering screen.

As the custom workflow is created and vendors and products are added to the process, the ordering screen data entry fields are automatically created and combined on the fly. Then, when a user under this branch chooses the custom workflow, all required vendor and product data fields will be added to the ordering screen for the user. All the user has to do is fill out all required fields and click the Order button to begin the custom workflow process.

When the process moves forward, the automated workflow will take one of two paths as the diagram shows above, which can be set on the branch of the lender. Depending on the lender setup, the remaining products will be ordered at the same time, with multiple outputs being returned, reducing the need to order products individually and increasing efficiency to loan processing.

Important Note: If the need arises to edit the workflow after it has been created, i.e. spelling, branch association, etc. you will need to delete the workflow and re-create the workflow. Questions about this process can be directed to SharperLending Customer Service at (800) 452-1174 option 4, or email

Prerequisites & Information

● AVMs and VOEs are the starting point for workflows. They are referred to as the “trigger product.”

● Branches that will use the workflow must be enabled for at least 1 AVM vendor and/or 1 VOE vendor.

● The vendor branches also need to have at least 1 AVM and/or 1 VOE product selected on the branch.

● Cascading AVMs will work properly with custom workflows.

● The products that are available to be set on the workflow must be enabled at the branch level – or inherited from the lender.

● Please note that you can only have one trigger product per workflow.

Workflow Setup Instructions

Login to EPN with your manager user credentials, then follow these instructions.

1. From the menu at left, click Client Setup, then find and click on the client/lender that you want to enable for custom workflows. Once the Client Information tab opens, move to the Workflows tab.

2. On the Workflows tab, locate the Custom Workflows section, and click the Add Custom     Workflow button.

3. Fill out the following information. The Trigger Product section allows you to set which vendor and product (either an AVM or VOE) results should be evaluated to begin, or “trigger,” the workflow.

a. Name: give this workflow a name. The name should describe how the workflow works to allow users to distinguish this workflow from others in situations where there are multiple workflows.

b. Branch: select the branch that this workflow should be available to.

c. Vendor Kind: select the type of vendor that should trigger the workflow. 

d. Service Provider: select the AVM or VOE vendor that should trigger the workflow.

e. Product: select the AVM or VOE product that should trigger the workflow. Note that this can include any cascading AVMs/AVM workflow products that are setup, as workflows are generated from a HIT or a NO HIT.

4. When you have the Trigger Product section filled out, click the Add Workflow Product button. This will allow you to begin filling out the Products to be Ordered section. The workflow products that you setup under a Trigger Product will determine what products are ordered after the trigger product data has been returned and evaluated. You can add as many workflow products as you like under the trigger product.

5. Begin filling out the information for the Workflow Product. Pay attention to the Condition Type, as the condition that you select here will be based on the evaluation of the trigger product results. Since AVMs and VOES are the only trigger products available, the only conditions available here are AVM HIT, AVM NO HIT, VOE HIT or VOE NOT HIT.

In this example, if the Collateral Analytics AVM comes back as a HIT, a 4506-T will be ordered automatically.

a. Vendor Kind – select the type of vendor that should be ordered in this workflow.

b. Service Provider – select the vendor that should be ordered in this workflow.

c. Product – select the product that should be ordered from this vendor in this workflow.

d. Condition Type – select HIT or NO HIT matching the vendor trigger product kind. This will determine if the product will be ordered based on a HIT or NO HIT.

6. To add more Products to be Ordered, click the Add Workflow Product button again. Follow this same process to add multiple Products to be Ordered that will line up with all the Conditions you set on the Condition Type setting. In this example, on the NO HIT condition, a full 1004 appraisal product will be ordered.

7. You can add more to this workflow by clicking the Add Workflow Product again to set up this workflow order a 4506-T in both HIT and NO HIT scenarios.

8. As you add more Workflow Products to this custom workflow, the ordering screen data fields are being built based on data requirements for these vendors and products. This will allow EPN to capture all possible data requirements on a new order for all triggering products, workflow products, and the conditions that are set for each.

9. When you are done, click the Save Custom Workflow button to complete your work on this workflow.

10. Repeat the setup process for any other workflows you want to build.

11. Contact SharperLending customer service with questions at (800) 452-1174 option 4, or

Add or Remove Products to Existing Custom Workflows

Existing custom workflows can have additional products added as the need arises for your clients ordering efficiency. From the Workflow tab, look for the Custom Workflow section. Select a workflow listed and choose Add Product. Once you have added the appropriate Workflow Type, Vendor Kind, Service Provider, Product and Condition Type, click the SAVE button. Please note only one trigger product per workflow is allowed.

To remove an existing product, select the red circle to the right. The product will be removed entirely from the workflow.

You will see a notation under the Custom Workflow heading that the product has been deleted.

Ordering Instructions

When the branch user next logs in to place a new order, and they click the New Order menu option to begin filling out the General Information section, they will have a new product available to them on the right-hand side of the screen called Custom.

Clicking the Custom product entry will populate the order screen with the custom workflow options that are enabled on this branch. Scroll down to the Products section and locate the Custom option. This is the custom workflow product for this branch.

In the Custom section, find the Service Provider drop down. This drop down contains all possible workflows that are set for this branch. Select the workflow that should be ordered.

When a workflow is selected, the order screen will dynamically change to reflect all required fields for all products in the workflow. This could include required fields for the AVM, VOE, plus TRVs, appraisal products, flood certs, title orders, etc. This is because EPN needs to capture all data up front depending on the path the workflow takes based on the data that is returned and evaluated on the trigger product (see step 3 above).

Here is what happens once all fields are entered and the Order button is clicked:

1. When the user places a workflow order, the trigger product will indicate to EPN that it is the trigger of a custom workflow.

2. When the triggering AVM or VOE product completes, EPN will process and evaluate the results of the completion: a HIT or a NO HIT.

3. Based on this evaluation, additional products will be ordered in the workflow.

a. A HIT will order the products with the Condition type of HIT as defined on this workflow.

b. A NO HIT will order the products with the Condition type of NO HIT as defined on this workflow.

4. Product outputs will be returned on this order as they are completed by the vendor.

5. Ordered products will be billed as they are today.


Contact SharperLending customer service with questions at (800) 452-1174 option 4, or