On Wednesday afternoon, September 8th, 2021, the XpertOnline v10 (XOLX) Beta system will be updated with these items:

  1. Request Date Completed Update: when your processor finishes the last outstanding supplement/service on a request and statuses to Done, they will be prompted to set the Date Completed of the entire request to Done. If they choose Yes, the Date Completed will be set to that date and time. If they choose No, the Date Completed will not be set. Additionally, if another supplement is ordered after the Date Completed is set, the Date Completed will be reset to the date and time that the new supplement is Done.

  2. Search Update: you can now search by first and last name to locate exact files faster. Search in this order: Last Name, First Name. For example, you can enter: Smith, John.

  3. SSN Update: The consumer SSN is now unmasked in the following places for easier identification: within a request in the header bar, in the Request Information section, and in the Segments list.

  4. We have fixed a quick bug on the main Supplements and Orders list screen so that request statuses will only show as words, and not as numbers.