On Thursday afternoon, September 2nd, 2021, the XpertOnline v10 (XOLX) Beta system was be updated with these items:
- Reset Trade Information: Easily undo any manual adjustments made to a specific account to import data directly from a particular bureau. Expand the Trades section via the Down-Arrow. Choose the appropriate trade from the list, and use the Down-Arrow to the right.
Scroll down to the section called Unmerged Accounts and expand.
A table will be displayed showcasing the current information on the left, while the bureaus' information will be displayed on the right, in uniform columns.
Perform a right click on a line item from the bureau of choice to reset and update the data reported in the Current column.
- Utilize the Edit Log to view the edits performed within a Supplement according to the date and timestamp of when the action occurred, the User that performed the action, and a brief description of what was adjusted. Hover over the menu and the left and click Edit Log.
The Edit Log list will be shown from newest activity to oldest activity, according to the date/timestamp of when that action took place.
- Note: to view a more extensive description of what was adjusted, expand the down-arrow.