A number of enhancements will be available to Beta Testers starting Thursday morning, Sept. 30th, 2021. Please see below for a list.
- New Feature: Ability to combine 2 Individual reports into 1 Joint report. You can now open an Individual file, go to the Modify Request screen, and choose to Combine this file with another reference number in the system, creating a Joint report. Click Here for full user training information on this exciting new feature.
- Enhancement: Remove 2-attachment limit. We have removed the 2 attachment limit when uploading supporting documentation to accounts. You can now upload as many attachments as you like to supplemented accounts.
- Enhancement: Emailing link to output from the Print screen now includes the link to the report. When viewing the Print screen and using the email links at the top of the page (Client, User, Processor links), the file will be linked within the email that is set to the recipient for fast access to the file.
- Enhancement: add styles and themes to the Set Completed Date prompt. When the last supplement on a file is set to Done status, the prompt to set the completed date to today's date now contains the same theme and style as the rest of the site.