*Please note that any Payment Terms designated as Appraisal Firewall Pays Appraiser in the following screenshots will reflect your manager name. This also applies to Payment Authorization outputs and the print view of the order details.*
Content Includes:
- Bank Account
- Bill Me
- Credit Card
- Credit Card – Request from Borrower
- eCheck
- Lender Credit Card
- Manager Bill
Bank Account
Selecting Bank Account will add a new Payment section on the New Order screen. Any field with an asterisk (*) is a required field and will need to be entered to have the Order button available. You as the Manager will be the party responsible for remitting payment to the appraiser since the Manager will be processing the payment type.
Please note that a Bank Account Owner must be selected as the User or Borrower to ensure the Order button at the bottom of the screen is enabled. Selecting the appropriate bank account owner will also aid in accurate billing activity information.
- User – The bank account belongs to the User, i.e. the user placing the order.
- Borrower – The bank account would belong to the Borrower.
Under the Account Type, Checking will be the default option. Select the dropdown for additional account type choices.
- Checking – Payment will come for the Bank Account Owner’s Checking Account. Routing number and account number will need to match the selected account type.
- Savings – Payment will come from the Bank Account Owner’s Savings Account. Routing number and account number will need to match the selected account type.
- Business Checking – Payment will come from the Bank Account Owner’s Business Checking Account (if applicable). Routing number and account number will need to match the selected account type.
Within the Payment section, you will see a disclaimer to the right. This is to inform users that the authorization receipt on the Communications Log is not a verification of payment. Rather, it is an authorization that the Bank Account is authentic.
When viewing the Communications Log, the authorization will be displayed as the following:
Opening the Payment Authorization will look like the following, where the last four digits of the Bank Account will be displayed:
Order assignment occurs simultaneously once the Payment Authorization posts. On the order acceptance screen, the appraiser will have access to the Payment Terms, which will display that you as the Manager is responsible for paying the appraiser. This is because you as the Manager are the party processing the payment type.
Another location the payment is disclosed for all parties is the Print view from the Property Information (house icon) tab.
Located under the Payment Details heading, the information will display that you as the Manager pays the appraiser directly. Additional information shown is how much the appraiser is charging for the work completed and if any service fees are assessed by the appraiser. In the example below, the appraiser would collect $3.
When an appraiser accepts the order, this will trigger the transaction to go through, collecting the funds from the Bank Account.
Once the order is completed, you as the Manager will remit payment to the appraiser. Since your Manager account is the party responsible for remitting payment, any service fees the appraiser is responsible for will need to align with your organization's invoicing and payment schedule.
Bill Me
The Bill Me payment type is where the appraiser invoices the lender for the order and the lender is the responsible party for remitting payment to the appraiser.
During the acceptance process, the appraiser will see Appraiser bills lender directly under the Payment Terms.
Another location the payment is disclosed for all parties is the Print view from the Property Information (house icon) tab.
Located under the Payment Details heading, the information will display that the Appraiser bills the lender directly, listing the name of your organization. Additional information shown is how much the appraiser is charging for the work completed and if any service fees are assessed by the appraiser. In the example below, the appraiser would collect $202.
Remitting payment for Bill Me payment types will need to align with your clients' payment distribution schedule. Any service fees the appraiser is responsible for, will need to align with your organization's invoicing schedule.
Credit Card
Selecting Credit Card will add a new Payment section on the New Order screen. Any field with an asterisk (*) is a required field and will need to be entered to have the Order button available. You as the Manager will be the party responsible for remitting payment to the appraiser since the Manager will be processing the payment type. Acceptable card merchants will be displayed adjacent to the Payments Accepted, i.e. Visa, Mastercard, etc.
Please note that a Card Holder must be selected as the User or Borrower to ensure the Order button at the bottom of the screen is enabled. Selecting the appropriate card holder will also aid in accurate billing activity information.
- User – The credit card belongs to the User, i.e. the user placing the order.
- Borrower – The credit card belongs to the Borrower.
When entering the credit card number, be sure to manually key in the card number as the copy/paste function can cause an error which will prevent you from successfully placing the order. Additionally, do not enter any spaces or dashes when entering the credit card number.
Once the full card number has been entered, you will see the name of the credit card merchant listed below the Card Number field.
Within the Payment section, you will see a disclaimer to the right. This is to inform users that the authorization receipt on the Communications Log is not a verification of payment. Rather, it is an authorization that the Credit Card is authentic.
When viewing the Communications Log, the authorization will be displayed as the following:
Opening the Payment Authorization will look like the following, where the last four digits of the Credit Card will be displayed:
Another location the payment is disclosed for all parties is the Print view from the Property Information (house icon) tab.
Located under the Payment Details heading, the information will display that you as the Manager pays the appraiser directly. Additional information shown is how much the appraiser is charging for the work completed and if any service fees are assessed by the appraiser. In the example below, the appraiser would collect $3.
When an appraiser accepts the order, this will trigger the transaction to go through, collecting the funds from the Credit Card.
Once the order is completed, you as the Manager will remit payment to the appraiser. Since your Manager account is the party responsible for remitting payment, any service fees the appraiser is responsible for will need to align with your organization's invoicing and payment schedule.
Credit Card – Request from Borrower
Selecting Credit Card – Request from Borrower will add the following fields to the Order section on the New Order screen:
- Borrower Email – Email address for your borrower where the Payment Request email will be sent for the borrower to enter and submit their payment information. This is a required field.
- Borrower Password – Password as entered by the user creating the order which will be emailed to the borrower in an email separate from the Payment Request email. Typical Borrower Password example is the last four digits of the borrower’s social security number, i.e. 4567. This is a required field.
- Message to Borrower – Any message you wish to communicate to the borrower, which is included on the Payment Request email. Example message would be, “Please use the last four digits of your SSN as the password.”
Once the order has been successfully placed, the Communications Log will display the following activity:
When the borrower submits the payment information, the Communication Log will be updated with the Payment Authorization receipt. This receipt will not be a verification of payment. Rather, it is an authorization that the Credit Card is authentic. Additionally, the order will not be assigned to an appraiser until the borrower submits their payment information.
Opening the Payment Authorization will look like the following, where the last four digits of the Credit Card will be displayed:
Another location the payment is disclosed for all parties is the Print view from the Property Information (house icon) tab.
Located under the Payment Details heading, the information will display that Your Manager pays the appraiser directly. Additional information shown is how much the appraiser is charging for the work completed and if any service fees are assessed by the appraiser. In the example below, the appraiser would collect $3.
When an appraiser accepts the order, this will trigger the transaction to go through, collecting the funds from the Credit Card.
Once the order is completed, you as the Manager will remit payment to the appraiser. Since your Manager account is the party responsible for remitting payment, any service fees the appraiser is responsible for will need to align with your organization's invoicing and payment schedule.
Selecting eCheck will add a new Payment section on the New Order screen. Any field with an asterisk (*) is a required field and will need to be entered to have the Order button available. You as the Manager will be the party responsible for remitting payment to the appraiser since the Manager will be processing the payment type.
Please note that an eCheck Owner must be selected as the User or Borrower to ensure the Order button at the bottom of the screen is enabled. Selecting the appropriate eCheck owner will also aid in accurate billing activity information.
- User – The eCheck would belong to the User, i.e. the user placing the order.
- Borrower – The eCheck would belong to the Borrower.
Under the Account Type, Checking will be the default option. Select the dropdown for additional account type choices.
- Checking – Payment will come for the eCheck Owner’s Checking Account. Routing number and account number will need to match the selected account type. A Check Number must also be provided.
- Savings – Payment will come from the eCheck Owner’s Savings Account. Routing number and account number will need to match the selected account type. A Check Number must also be provided.
- Business Checking – Payment will come from the eCheck Owner’s Business Checking Account (if applicable). Routing number and account number will need to match the selected account type. A Check Number must also be provided.
Within the Payment section, you will see a disclaimer to the right. This is to inform users that the authorization receipt on the Communications Log is not a verification of payment. Rather, it is an authorization that the Bank Account is authentic.
When viewing the Communications Log, the authorization will be displayed as the following:
Opening the Payment Authorization will look like the following, where the last four digits of the check number and Bank Account will be displayed:
Order assignment occurs simultaneously once the Payment Authorization posts. On the order acceptance screen, the appraiser will have access to the Payment Terms, which will display that your Manager is responsible for paying the appraiser. This is because your Manager account is the party processing the payment type.
Another location the payment is disclosed for all parties is the Print view from the Property Information (house icon) tab.
Located under the Payment Details heading, the information will display that your Manager pays the appraiser directly. Additional information shown is how much the appraiser is charging for the work completed and if any service fees are assessed by the appraiser. In the example below, the appraiser would collect $3.
When an appraiser accepts the order, this will trigger the transaction to go through, collecting the funds from the Bank Account via the entered eCheck.
Once the order is completed, you as the Manager will remit payment to the appraiser. Since your Manager account is the party responsible for remitting payment, any service fees the appraiser is responsible for will need to align with your organization's invoicing and payment schedule.
Lender Credit Card
The Lender Credit Card is a payment type that must be enabled and stored at the division level. If your organization would like to have a company credit card charged for appraisal orders, you will need to enable this option via the Billing/Services section. From Relationships, expand the division you want to enable the Lender Credit Card, select Edit Settings, and expand the Billing/Services section.
Midway down the Billing/Services page, look for Store Credit Card.
Enable the box adjacent to Store Credit Card. You will see new fields revealed. Select the Show Lender Card link to access the fields required to complete the credit card setup. If your client's organization would like to use this lender card on all credit card orders, enable Require this credit card for all orders.
Enter the appropriate information in all required fields, which will be designated by the asterisk (*).
Once you have completed the credit card information, be sure to select the SAVE button towards the top of the Billing/Services section. The saved lender credit card will display, as shown below, in the division settings.
Once the Lender Credit Card has been successfully stored, Lender Credit Card will be an available option under the Payment Method dropdown. Since the card information is stored in the system, there is no need to enter the card information again.
When viewing the Communications Log, the authorization will be displayed as the following:
Opening the Payment Authorization will look like the following, where the last four digits of the Lender Credit Card will be displayed:
Order assignment occurs simultaneously once the Payment Authorization posts. On the order acceptance screen, the appraiser will have access to the Payment Terms, which will display that your Manager is responsible for paying the appraiser. This is because your Manager account is the party processing the payment type.
Another location the payment is disclosed for all parties is the Print view from the Property Information (house icon) tab.
Located under the Payment Details heading, the information will display that your Manager pays the appraiser directly. Additional information shown is how much the appraiser is charging for the work completed and if any service fees are assessed by the appraiser. In the example below, the appraiser would collect $3.
When an appraiser accepts the order, this will trigger the transaction to go through, collecting the funds from the Lender Credit Card.
Once the order is completed, you as the Manager will remit payment to the appraiser. Since your Manager account is the party responsible for remitting payment, any service fees the appraiser is responsible for will need to align with your organization's invoicing and payment schedule.
Manager Bill
Manager Bill is a payment method which replaces the traditional Bill Me payment type within the Payment Method section under the Order section within the New Order screen. If your organization would like to be responsible for remitting payment for all your clients' Bill Me placed orders, you will need to work with your clients directly.
From the Order section on the New Order screen, select Bill Me under the Payment Method section. Once the Manager Bill process has been successfully set up, this configuration of Bill Me is actually a Manager Bill order.
On the order acceptance screen, the appraiser will have access to the Payment Terms, which will display that your Manager is responsible for paying the appraiser. This is because you as the Manager receives the bill from the appraiser and is therefore processing the payment.
Another location the payment is disclosed for all parties is the Print view from the Property Information (house icon) tab.
Located under the Payment Details heading, the information will display that your Manager account pays the Appraiser directly. Additional information shown is how much the appraiser is charging for the work completed and if any service fees are assessed by the appraiser. Since your Manager account is the party responsible for remitting payment, any service fees the appraiser is responsible for paying will need to be invoiced appropriately. In the example below, the appraiser would receive $0.99.
Once the order is completed, you as the Manager will remit payment to the appraiser. Since your Manager account is the party responsible for remitting payment, any service fees the appraiser is responsible for will need to align with your organization's invoicing and payment schedule.