XpertOnline Management Utilities Now Available in Enhanced Web-Based Application

Single, Secure Site for Credit Card Management, Second Use, and Rapid Rescores PLUS XOP Updates Below

We are pleased to bring you a brand new platform for managing your second use monitoring and reporting, credit card payment batch activity, and Rapid Rescores.  The new platform is available from a single, secure web site, so you don’t have to bounce from site to any longer.  Use your XOP credentials to login.  If you have any bookmarks set to the Flash-based utility sites, you will want to update them to point to this new URL. 

All the same functionality you are used to is available from the new application so you and your staff can easily get started working in the new platform. From this new web site you can:
  • View, monitor, and manage your second use activity
  • View and manage credit card payments, payment batches, and reprocess or cancel pending payments
  • Load and process any Rapid Rescores that have been ordered

Many web browsers including Google Chrome are set to retire their support of Flash soon.  While we are not sunsetting our older flash apps, web browsers may begin to stop their support of Flash, so we strongly suggest you start transitioning to the new web-based platform as soon as possible.

XOP Update for Rapid Rescores
We have recently updated XOP so that, when you are working in a file and click the Utilities | Print Rapid Rescore Form menu option, you will have the choice of entering the new web-based Rapid Rescore app instead of the older Flash version.

Next week, we will apply an additional update that will take you to straight into the new web-based Rapid Rescore utility and bypass the Flash version.