XpertOnline Management Utilities Now Available in Enhanced Web-Based Application
Single, Secure Site for Credit Card Management, Second Use, and Rapid Rescores PLUS XOP Updates Below
We are pleased to bring you a brand new platform for managing your second use monitoring and reporting, credit card payment batch activity, and Rapid Rescores. The new platform is available from a single, secure web site, so you don’t have to bounce from site to any longer. Use your XOP credentials to login. If you have any bookmarks set to the Flash-based utility sites, you will want to update them to point to this new URL.
- View, monitor, and manage your second use activity
- View and manage credit card payments, payment batches, and reprocess or cancel pending payments
- Load and process any Rapid Rescores that have been ordered
XOP Update for Rapid Rescores
We have recently updated XOP so that, when you are working in a file and click the Utilities | Print Rapid Rescore Form menu option, you will have the choice of entering the new web-based Rapid Rescore app instead of the older Flash version.
Next week, we will apply an additional update that will take you to straight into the new web-based Rapid Rescore utility and bypass the Flash version.