Get Your Products & Services More Exposure with Advertisement Space on XOL Credit Reports
It’s coming soon: the ability to place ads for your products and services on your credit reports.
Every time your clients order your credit reports, your brand is reinforced. By now, they know and trust your brand, your name, and your product. Capitalize on your brand by advertising additional products and services from the brand they know and trust.
What a great way to get the word out to your clients about other products and services you offer: advertising on your credit reports.
Click Here to review the Ad Spec Sheet on getting started
Benefits: You Know Your Audience!
Unlike Google’s broad approach to advertising (Adwords), or Facebook or LinkedIn, advertising on your credit reports to your credit clients is a rare and highly targeted opportunity: you know your audience. You know who is viewing your ads. You know when they are viewing your ads. You know their behavior. You have the benefit of knowing who your clients are and what industry they are in – and can advertise relevant products and services that help their business grow.
Have more mortgage company clients than credit union or banking clients? Tailor your ads to fit that audience. Or vice versa, as certain messages may resonate more with banks than with mortgage companies.
How will my Ads Look?
There are 2 different ways that your ads can look based on what you want. Ads will be present just below the Applicant Information section.
- 3 small ads spread across a single row.
- Or, 1 large ad in a single row.
How it Works
- Your ads will display on the first page of your credit report, just beneath the Applicant Information section near the current location of Checkup, Public Records, and other buttons.
- You can design your own ads and send them to us, or we can assist you (see Promotions & Discounts below).
- Once we receive your ads, we will put them in place for you.
- Once in place, you can use XOP to enable your ads on a per-client basis. You can have ads display for some clients but not others.
- From that point forward, your ads will display on all reports for all enabled clients.
- All enabled clients will see the same ads (only 1 ad set can run at a time across all enabled clients.)
- Ads can be enabled on your PDF Lender Report outputs at this time.
- Keep in mind: this is an opportunity for you to offer advertising opportunities to local businesses that may want to run ads to your clients, such as Realtors, and other non-competitive vendors. You can make ad revenue from this!
Getting Started
- Review, sign and send the XOL Advertising Addendum back to us. Contact to get the addendum.
- We need your ads! Review the spec sheet here to get started.
- You can also send ads and information to