Quicken Loans Wholesale Lender Agreement
Please Sign and Return to SharperLending by Close of Business
Thursday, August 30th, 2018

Quicken Loans has opened the door to an opportunity for all SharperLending CRAs: they want your company name to be listed in their wholesale lender drop down list.  As you know, this will allow your credit reports to be reissued into the Quicken system and enable you to securely cast a broader net on where your credit reports are available from.

There are, however, two requirements that need to be met by you in order to accomplish this. Quicken requires that at least 10 SharperLending CRAs sign the attached agreement; and secondly, that we get the signed agreement back to Quicken no later than Friday morning, August 31st, 2018.

Then, you can review the agreement, and starting on Page 4, find your CRA company name and sign it where your company name is listed.  Please note that, if you have already signed this agreement, no action is required on your part.

This is a great opportunity for you to get your name listed in the Quicken Loans drop down!  Please don’t hesitate to get this back to us so we can meet the deadline.