May 3rd 2019: Verisite Available to Order in EPN
Modified on: Thu, 28 Oct, 2021 at 4:18 PM

Verisite Property Inspections Now Available in EPNPlus More EPN System Enhancements Available Friday Morning, May 3rd, 2019 We are pleased to announce that, starting Friday morning, May 3rd, 2019, the EPN system will be enhanced with a number of updates to make your lives easier. At the top of the enhancement list is the ability for your EPN clients to place Verisite property inspection orders from within EPN. The groundbreaking Verisite property inspection tools allow borrowers (or whoever the lender designates) to provide subject property photos and descriptions to their lender to evaluate collateral: they take the pictures, and Verisite verifies pictures for protection against fraud. Verisite is intended for loans and sub-loan products that don’t require full appraisals, such as home equity loans, disaster relief inspections, new construction progress evaluations, portfolio reviews, and more. Verisite can also be used on mortgages that are kept as part of a bank’s portfolio. If your clients do HELOCs, Verisite is the perfect solution to speed up their origination process. The appraisal and valuation industry is heading down the track of “hybrid appraisals” where big data is combined with mobile technology to deliver faster, accurate collateral valuations. Make sure to let your clients know about Verisite – they will be asking for a solution like it soon. Contact us for lender marketing materials!We have a digital media kit that you can use, and we can assist with private labeling flyers. How does Verisite work? When enabled as a vendor for your clients, Verisite allows your clients to select which property pictures and descriptions they want. A mobile phone number and email is required on the order. When the order is placed, the user is sent a text message with a link to download and install the Verisite mobile app on their smart phone. Once the app is installed, the user can see what the lender needs interior and exterior pictures and descriptions of (kitchen, countertops, bathrooms, flooring, roof, etc). Once the pictures are taken and sent back to EPN from the user’s mobile app, lenders can approve and generate the Verisite Photo Report output. The result? An instant, current, comprehensive inspection of the property. Getting Started – Contact Us Today! To offer Verisite in EPN, first you will need to make sure you have the Verisite Addendum completed and signed. Contact us if you haven’t already. Then, in the Appraisal Firewall system, make sure the lender and branches you want to enable have profiles setup in Appraisal Firewall under your manager, and that they have the Verisite product(s) enabled for their division. For assistance with getting Veristie setup in EPN – including billing, contracts and client setup detail – contact us at (800) 452-1174 option 4, or |
Other Enhancements Include… New Ability to Create Alerts Helps Broadcast Quick Messages to Client Users This release includes the ability for managers to create general messages and alerts that your client users will see upon login. This will prove helpful when you need to broadcast a quick message to your clients about a vendor that is experiencing issues, a holiday schedule that is coming up, etc. When you setup an alert for clients to see, it will be visible to all lender clients across the board upon login. Your manager users can add alert messages at any time, toggle them to show or not to show, and delete alerts at any time.
How to use this feature: Login to EPN as a manager, and go to the Manager Setup menu option. There will be a brand new Alerts tab here – displayed as a triangle with an exclamation point. Move to the new Alerts tab. To create a new alert, click the orange Plus button at right. You can either create an Alert message, or an Information message. Alert messages are generally used for vendors that are experiencing technical difficulties, and Information messages are generally for schedule changes, upcoming holidays, etc. Once you select an Alert Type, type in the Title of the message and the Message content. When ready, Save your changes. When saved, the message will be defaulted to OFF so messages are not accidentally displayed. Turn the alert ON to properly display it to your clients.
TRV Vendor Enhancement: Auto-Include 4506-T on Subsequent Forms To help streamline the TRV ordering process, whenever your clients upload a 4506-T, and then click the Add New TRV button to add a new form to the request, the 4506-T form that was uploaded previously will automatically attach to the new form request. This is to eliminate the time spent uploading the same 4506-T file over and over when multiple forms are being requested. Users can easily remove the automatically attached file if they don’t want to reuse the same 4506-T by clicking the red “X” next to the uploaded file, and provide a different file. Additionally, when requesting an e-signature for the 4506-T and the user uploads Audit Docs, and then clicks the Add New TRV button, the audit docs that were previously uploaded will automatically be added to the new form for convenience. How to use this feature: There is nothing you or your clients need to do to take advantage of this feature. It will work by default. |
More User Management Options for Managers and Lender Administrators Often, users are invited to join EPN that, for whatever reason, don’t end up finishing the signup process or creating a profile (email address was entered incorrectly, sent to the wrong user, your client doesn’t want them to signup, etc). These users will stay in a status of Invited, cluttering your user list. Manager users and Lender Administrators now have the ability to delete Invited users to keep the client user list tidy and easier to manage. How to use this feature: Login to EPN and go to Client Setup. Click on a client, and move to the Users tab. In the Invited section, expand a user that has been invited but never signed up. You will see a new Delete Invitation button. Clicking this button will prompt you to confirm that you want to do this. Click Delete to remove the invite and the user from the list, or Cancel to go back. |
AVM Workflows Updated to Better Handle No-Hit Situations For those of you that offer AVMs in a workflow for your clients, we are enhancing the way EPN handles No-Hits on workflow results. As of this release, when an AVM Workflow has a No Hit from all AVMs in the workflow, the workflow will automatically go to a status of Canceled, and the loan file will display in the Orders List. Currently, when an AVM Workflow receives a No Hit, the workflow would go to a status of Review and the loan would be placed in the Attention Needed list. How to use this feature: There is nothing you or your clients need to do to use experience this enhancement. It will happen automatically. |
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