TVP and EPN System Enhancements Scheduled for Friday, Feb. 8th, 2019

Starting Friday morning, February 8th, 2019, we will be updating both the TRV and EPN systems with a number of new enhancements to help you work smarter and more efficiently.   Key among the list of enhancements is the continued consolidation of TRV systems into a single system for ease of use.  Read on for complete detail.

We’re Nearly There: Providing You with a Single System for TRVs
We have been working toward our goal of reducing the number of systems you have to login to for access to our products, with a focus on your TRV business. And with this release, we’re nearly there. We are migrating all Provider and Client company and user management out of TRV Provider and over into the secure, web-based TVP system. Things like settings, billing, client and user edits and additions, are all now found on the secure

Since so many of you already use the TVP system to manage clients and users, this release simply redirects your users from the TRV Provider application to the web site in 2 key places.
  • In TRV Provider, when your users click the Profile button, they will be redirected to the Profile screen in TVP.  All Profile management will be done in TVP.
  • In TRV Provider, when your users click the Clients button, they will be redirected to the Clients list screen in TVP.  All client and user management will be done in TVP.
Billing Information and Other Settings
All existing billing information you have entered in TRV Provider is automatically available for viewing and editing within TVP.  You can continue to manage your per-client billing in addition to the newly added manager default pricing all within TVP.

All available settings that were in TRV Provider are also now available in TVP. This includes the Auto-Approve 4506s setting, as well as the Only if already e-signed option.

What about my existing clients using the EPN-TRV interface?
Your existing clients placing orders in EPN for TRVs will not be affected by this change. The vendor codes will remain the same.

What about new clients in EPN that I want to enable for the TRV interface?
For new clients that you want to setup in EPN to place TRV orders, the process is much the same as it was in TRV Provider, except you will use the first branch user's email address and password in EPN for vendor codes.  Follow these instructions in TVP.
  1. Create the new client in TVP.
  2. When you add the first branch and branch user, the branch user's email address and password that you create in TVP will be the credentials that you enter into EPN to enable the TRV vendor interface. 
  • TRV Provider Enhanced to Handle IRS Rejects Per Year
    While we are migrating all functionality over to TVP, the one main piece yet to migrate is the actual processing of the transcripts (but rest assured, we are working on this and hope to have you fully working in TVP very soon). One processing enhancement we are implementing in TRV Provider is the ability to reject tax forms per year in the situation when the IRS rejects individual years, but not the entire order.

  •  How to use this feature
    When you get a notice that the IRS has rejected at least one year on an order, open the request and click the IRS Reject button.  You can see the newly-added section in the screen shot here: “The following year(s) will be marked as rejected.”  All years that were placed on the order are shown as checkboxes, and by default, all years on the order will be rejected.  You and your users can uncheck the individual year(s) that should remain active, and leave the rejected year’s checkbox as checked.  Click Send after you have entered a rejection reason and unselected any year(s) that should remain active.