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New Order Creation

Once the user has successfully logged into their account, they will see their dashboard. To the left, they will see three options: Orders, Setup, and Administrator Reports. As a subsection to Orders, the user will need to select New Orders.

After the user selects New Order, they will be directed to the initial order placement screen. If the user is associated with multiple branches, the user need to select the branch the order needs to be placed under. Should the user be associated with a single branch, that branch will be pre-populated in the Branch field.

Below is an example of what a user associated with multiple branches will encounter on the New Order screen. Users associated with multiple branches will not see the available product list until a branch is selected. 


Below is an example to what a user attached to single branch will see on the New Order Screen. 

Once a branch is selected, you may enter the information for your applicant(s). Upon entering the zip code, tab out of this field to have the city, state, and county automatically populate. If there is a co-applicant, be sure to select the Co-Applicant button. Enter the necessary information for the Co-Applicant.

The Property Information section can be copied from the current address above, or another property address may be entered. To expedite the process, you can select the Same as Applicant checkbox. This information will be pulled from the address entered in the applicant section. If the property information is different, enter the address the product is being placed.

As an alternative to placing the order, the user can select the product type prior to entering the applicant information. After choosing the products, the applicant information fields will be highlighted in red based on the required fields for that particular products. Once the fields are entered, those fields will change to a green outline, indicating that the required information has been entered.

Adding Products

After the applicant, co-applicant, and property information has been entered, you will be directed to the Products section, which will always be displayed on the right-and side of the screen. The products that are listed are those products the branch and/or user has been setup.

From the Products section, you can add the product(s) that you want to place the order for by clicking the plus(+) sign next to each product, or dragging the product down to the Products section. You can add as many products as you want here, and when you place an order for them, multiple products will be ordered simultaneously. Alternatively, you can order each product one at a time.

Depending on how many products will be associated with the order, this will be displayed under the Products header on the new order screen. To remove the product, you can select the ‘X’ on the product itself within the Products section, or you can select the Remove button.

When you have added the product(s) that you want to order, select the Service Provider and Product from the drop down list. Only the vendors that are associated with the branch will be displayed. Additionally, only the products that are enabled for that vendor under the branch the order is being placed will be available for selection. After the vendor and product has been chosen, those fields that are required by that vendor will be highlighted in red.

Once those required fields have been entered, the highlighted portion will change from red to green. Entering all the required information will enable the Place Order button.

During the product creation process, you will also need to select whom the product is for, i.e. applicant, co-applicant, business, etc. Please note the available options are different depending on the product, vendor, and/or product.

The user can also add/remove the users that will receive email notifications. The user that is creating the order will always be automatically added within the Email Notifications section. To add another user, click within the Email Notifications field. This will bring up a list of users that are associated with the branch the order is being created under.

Select the user from the available list. Once you have added the user you want, they will be included in the Email Notifications field. Should you want to remove the user, click on the ‘X.’

After all the information has been entered, you can select Place Order.

You will know the order has been placed successfully when the Order Information is displayed and the product(s) are listed as a line item in a blue bar.