Content Includes:
- Working Within an Order
- Order Statuses
- Working Within a Product
- How to Copy a Product
- How to Cancel a Product
Working Within an Order
After opening up an order from the dashboard, you will see numerous tabs. Each tab reflects a different source of information pertaining to the order: Order Details, Property Information, Billing Information, Log, Attachments, and Notifications.
Order Details (paper tab)-displays the order information and product(s) associated with the order. Also where the user can edit the order information, and create a secondary order.
To edit the order information, you will need to select the Edit Order Information. This will allow you to edit a variety of fields. Once the fields have been adjusted, you will need to select the SAVE button to ensure your changes are updated within the platform.
You will then see a message indicating whether or not you want to commit this change.
Please note that the service provider may have outdated information. To ensure the service provider has current, accurate information you can send a message to the vendor via the communication log, selecting Vendor from the dropdown.
Create Secondary Order allows you to create a child order. You will be prompted with a confirmation. To move forward, select Create Secondary Order.
After this option has been selected, the order information will be auto-populated, and you can select the necessary product(s) to order.
When completed you can select the Place Order button.
Property Information (pin drop tab)- displays a Google Map of the property along with the address.
Billing Information - displays the cost of the product(s) ordered, including where the invoice can be found, and a breakdown of the cost of each individual product-type ordered.
Selecting the invoice will show you a print view of the overall cost for the order, who the bill goes to, and where the payment needs to be remitted. To see the pricing for a specific product type, select the carrot of that listed product. This will expand the product, and provide further pricing.
Logs - provides you with an audit log of various actions that have taken place on the order. Depending on your needs, you can download the log in a .CSV file.
Attachments - displays those documents that have been uploaded by the client and/or vendor.
Vendor Attachments are those that the vendor sends to the client. Client Attachments are those that the client sends to the vendor. Selecting the box adjacent to the attachment file name will allow you to Download Selected.
Notifications - displays all the users that will be notified on the product(s) that was ordered. Additionally, you can edit those notifications via the Edit Email Notifications button.
Adding a user can be done by clicking on the textbox field. A list of users associated with the branch the order was placed will be displayed. Once the addition has been made, select the SAVE button. If a user needs to be removed, this can be done via the ‘X.’
Order Statuses
An order can go through a series of statuses, and each status correlates to a different symbol.
Pending/Waiting - yellow clock. Typically is waiting for some kind of action by the vendor.
Review - red exclamation mark. Indicates that the client needs to verify some sort of information.
Completed - green checkmark. Order is done.
Cancelled - red do not pass symbol. Order has been cancelled and will not be moving forward.
Working Within a Product
Once a product has been ordered, a series of tabs will be available. Each tab displays a different type of information. These tabs work similarly as those under the Order Information section.
Product Details (paper tab) - Displays information about the product ordered that the vendor/service provider receives.
Communication Log (word bubble icon) - Ability to see all communication between the client and vendor. Selecting the + icon opens up the option to send messages.
You will see a textbox where you can enter your message. This can be directed to the client or the vendor. After the message has been created, select the Send Message button. If the message needs to be cancelled, this can be done via the Cancel Message button. With the message functionality, some vendors do not permit attachments to be sent. Those vendors that do not allow attachments will have a notation.
Those parties that allow attachments will have the Attachment button available.
Billing Information ($ tab) -Displays the cost of the product ordered, the vendor the product was ordered from, and an individual invoice for that specific product.
Attachments (paperclip tab) - Shows the attachments that have been sent to the vendor (Vendor Attachments) and attachments that have been sent from the vendor (Client Attachments). These attachments can also be found on the Communication log.
The attachments can be downloaded. This can be accomplished by selecting the box adjacent to the attachment name, and choosing Download Selected.
Email Notifications -Shows the users that were added to the product upon placement. To add/remove users, select Edit Email Notifications.
Click on the field where the emails are displayed. This will bring up a list of all the users that are associated with the branch the product was ordered under.
Choose the appropriate user(s). Once complete, select the SAVE button. If you need to remove a user, select the ‘X’ to the right of the user’s email.
The added user(s) will be displayed under the email notification section.
How to Copy a Product
Within a successfully placed order, there is an option that allows the user to copy a product. This feature is available so the user does not have to re-key order information. Expand the product via the carrot. Click on Copy Product.
You will then see that the service provider and selected product will be auto-populated. Both fields can be changed at this stage.
After the selections have been made, you can select the order button.
How to Cancel a Product
If an order/product needs to be cancelled, the user can open the order in question, expand the product that needs to be cancelled, and select the Cancel Product button.
You will then be presented with an overlay asking to confirm that you truly want to cancel the order. Select YES if you want to cancel the order.
The order will be successfully cancelled when you see a green bar with the notation that the product has been cancelled.
Please note that only orders in an active status will have the Cancel Product button.