Once you open an order from the Dashboard, each section will allow you to customize your column list view, assisting with displaying more information to you at a glance.
Select any of the tabs, i.e. trades, public records, inquiries, etc., to see the current list view. Towards the upper right, select the gear icon. Please note that the Notes section is the only section that will not possess the gear icon.
A small screen will display showing which columns you can enable or disable from the list view.
The sliders to the right indicate these items are enabled for the list view. Sliders to the left indicate items that are disabled from the list view. Once the preferred items are enabled, select SAVE. Selecting Cancel will take the user back to the previous screen. The list view will automatically be updated with the items enabled, adding the newest items to the far right of the list view.
As with the main dashboard, drag the column headers left to right to change the layout of the list view. Clicking on the column header will sort the column in ascending or descending order. Changes will be retained for any file a user accesses and on subsequent user sessions.