Vendor user accounts are used for viewing, maintaining, and completing the product(s) a client orders. This guide provides an overview of what a vendor user’s account looks like, as well as the type of information a vendor user can access.

Content Includes:

Creating a vendor user account can be done by the Manager so long as it is for a custom vendor. If the vendor is not custom, we (SharperLending) can send out the new vendor user invitation. Once the invitation has been sent, the user will need to complete the account activation process. Please refer to the User Registration guide for more information.

User Dashboard

Once a vendor user logs into their account, they will be presented with their dashboard, as well as menu options. The user will know that they are in a vendor account by looking to the right of their username in the upper right-hand side of the screen.

To the left, the vendor user has three menu options: Order, Vendor Setup, and Vendor Reports. The Order option shows those active orders within the queue waiting to be viewed and/or completed.

You can click on the sub-headers on the pipeline to drill down to the order(s) that require the attention of the vendor user. The number above each subheading refers to the total number of orders fitting that status. Please note that you can also enter the reference number in the search bar to quickly access that specific order.

  • Closed/Cancelled -these orders have been completed outright or cancelled.

  • Open/Pending -orders that have yet to be completed or cancelled, sometimes require more information from the client

  • New/Attention -these are orders that have recently been placed by the client ( New ), or have some sort of information that requires the vendor user to address ( Attention ), i.e. new messages, etc.

Clicking on any of the statuses will direct you to the order list, with the orders listed under their respective status.

To open up an order, simply click on the order you want to view.

Order Overview

Within an order, there are various tabs you can access to view specific information. Below you will find each tab is explained individually.

  • Order Information (paper icon)-shows the order details that was entered by the client upon order placement, i.e. applicant information, property address, which client placed the order.

  • Updates (refresh icon)-this is where the user can make any updates on the order, including completing the order, or sending messages back to the client. The user can also upload attachments or change the order status.

Any addition to the above information will enable the Update button.

Under the Communication section, the vendor user can send a message by clicking on the ‘+’ icon.

A textbox will be available to enter a message, which can be sent to the Client or Customer Service. An attachment can also be included with the message. Once complete, the Send Message button will be enabled. Should the message need to be cancelled, select the Cancel Message button.

All communication on this order will be shown under the Communication section so long as the Show All Communications is enabled. If it is disabled, only messages sent to/from the client will be displayed.

  • Attachments (paperclip tab)-shows the attachment(s) that have been sent from the client, and also the attachment(s) sent to the client.

By selecting the box adjacent to the attachment file name, you can Download Selected.

  • Notes (paper and pencil icon)-here you can enter a note on the order that will be visible to you as well as other members of your organization.

Entering a message in the textbox will enable the Save Note button. These notes will not be visible to the client.

  • Property Information (pin drop tab)-shows a map of the property location as well as the property address.

  • Logs (book tab)-shows the various actions that have been committed on the order with the ability to download the log via the Download Order Log button. This download will result in a .CSV file. The log is often used for audit purposes.

Vendor Setup

The vendor setup is used to add/remove products that clients can order, add/remove vendor users, and set email notifications to one or more recipients. After selecting the Vendor Setup menu option, the user is directed to the type of vendor(s) the user is a user on. Expanding the carrot will display the name of the vendor.

Current Products

Click on the name of the vendor to get to the customization screen. This screen will display the product(s) that are available.

Should you want to add new products, select the Add Product button.

The fields that are outlined in red are required fields. Enter these to your specifications.

Once those fields are entered, the Save Product button will be enabled. Should the product need to be cancelled during the creation process, select the Cancel button.

You will know the product has been added successfully when it is listed with the other products, and the green bar indicating the creation was successful.

To edit an existing product, select the Edit button. You can then edit the fields. Once the necessary changes have been made, select the Save button. If you need to cancel the adjustments, select the Cancel button.

The changes will be reflected when you are directed back to the current products screen.

When editing a product, you will see a button that says Advanced. This button will provide you with the ability to customize the fields that the client will need to complete when ordering the product.

You will see two sections on this screen.

The Base Form Required Fields section will display those base level fields that are required, i.e. first/last name, property address, etc. The red slide buttons reflect that those fields are currently enabled and required. To add additional fields, you will need to select the Edit Form button.

The Custom Form section will show how that product is displayed to the client when they are ordering the product. If you want to add additional fields, select the Add Field button. This will display a variety of field options you can customize.

Should you want to add any of these options, enter the desired information, and click OK. After the new fields have been added, you will need to select Save Form and Required Fields. The changes will be made once you see the green Your changes have been saved bar.

Compliance Documents

You can upload compliance based documents by selecting the Compliance Documents button. Any existing documents already added will be listed here. To add documents, select the ‘ + ’ icon.

You can add the document by selecting the Attachment button, or utilizing the drag/drop option.

Once the document is added, you can select Add Document to commit the action. Additionally, you can edit the document name, or determine a date the document should expire. You can also opt to have the document never expire. There is also the option to remove the document by selecting Remove Pending Attachment. Utilizing the Cancel button will also return you to the initial compliance documents screen.

Documents uploaded with be listed on the main page. You can View, Edit, or Remove the document.

  • View will show you the document that has been uploaded.

  • Edit will allow you to make adjustments to replace the document, update the expiration date, etc.

  • Selecting Remove will in fact remove the document.


The users section will display those users that are associated with the vendor, add new users, and edit the existing users. To add a new user, select the Add User button.

Enter the email of the user you wish to add. This works exactly like adding users elsewhere in the system, thus sending out an invitation, and requiring the user to register their account.

Once the email has been added, select Add User. While adding a new user, you can opt to restrict the user from having access to the setup portion. Users that have this option restricted do not see or have access to the Vendor Setup menu feature.

Email Preferences

This section lists the email addresses of the vendor, each order specifically, and notifications. The vendor email addresses is the contact email. Emails entered in the order email addresses are those individuals that receive a notification when a new order has been received.

Finally, the notification email addresses pertain to those users that are to receive notifications when actions are made by the client, i.e. message from the client. Those emails that are already setup will be listed here.

To edit the emails, select the Edit button. This will allow you to add/remove email addresses. You can add an email by typing the address into the necessary field, and you can remove an email by selecting the ‘X’ adjacent to the listed email address. Once complete, select Save. Additionally, you can utilize the Cancel option to avoid making any inadvertent changes.

Vendor Reports

This reporting section allows you to create customized reports for your tracking needs. Any existing reports will be listed alphabetically by report title. If you want to create a new report, select the ‘ + ’ icon.

You can select from the list provided a series of fields you would like data to be generated.

Please note that a report title, and at least one field MUST be selected to enable the Save button. Should you need to cancel the report, select the Cancel button. You can also opt to select the red ‘X’ in the upper right-hand side of the screen.

You will know the report has been added successfully when you see New report was added successfully in a green bar.