Here is the list of XOLX updates that will be available starting tomorrow morning, Friday, January 7th, 2022

  • Dashboard Update for New Tab Based Layout
    We have released a brand-new dashboard feature to better organize your orders. The new tab-based layout will let you move through a series of similar tabs to find files faster. From Supplements to those you have Recently Opened, to your All Orders list and Searching, it’s easier to navigate through your dashboard orders.

  • Search Fields Moved to Tab List
    The Search option has been moved to the tab-based layout just below your widgets to make common features and functions available in the same location.

  • Rapid Rescore Updates
    When using the main XOLX dashboard menu to access the Rapid Rescore utility, we have rectified an issue with the Search option not functioning properly. You can now successfully search for files from the Rapid Rescore utility.