As you work your way through the Request Detail, you will see the credit report organized into various data tabs for easy identification, review and editing. This tab order, or carousel, can be edited via the Tab Edit to organize tabs you use most frequently to infrequent use. Slide the categories left to right for high usage all the way down to low usage. The tab order carousel will be updated at the time the activity occurs.
- Supplements – any supplemented items, consumer disputes, and other customer service requests that need to be done on the file are grouped here for easy and quick access.
- Products – displays the product that was ordered along with the name of the applicant. Allows you to upgrade the product, cancel/repull bureaus, view applicant/access/access addon data, and use unfreeze pins.
- Trades – line items of credit returned on the applicant as recorded by the bureaus.
- UDMs – discloses any loans the applicant may have taken out after a credit report has been ordered as reported by the bureaus.
- Scores – credit scores as reflected by the bureaus.
- Notes – add report Footnotes and Non-Printing Notes here.
- Attachments – any attachments associated with the request are displayed and accessible to be viewed (attachments are also available on the specific account they were appended to).
- Segments – a review of what the bureaus have returned on the applicant.
- AKAs – any other names the applicant has been known.
- Addresses – current and former addresses the applicant has resided.
- Employments – current and former employers of the applicant.
- Statements – consumer statements appended to a repository file by the applicant.
- Alerts – key pieces of information returned with a pull of credit pertaining to the applicant.
- Public Records – documents or records returned from the bureaus as recorded by various levels of government.
- Inquiries – list of entities that have pulled the applicants' credit.
- Criminals – displays criminal information searches; can only be manually input and is included on the printed credit report.
- Educations – displays education facilities the applicant/co-applicant attended; can only be manually input and is included on the printed credit report.
- DMVs – displays licensing/vehicle information of the applicant/co-applicant; can only be manually input and is included on the printed credit report.
- Billing – view billing information specific to this file, plus add charges, credits, and payments.
Each tab of similar data content may have slightly different functionality available based on the type of data that in the section. At a quick glance, you will notice a number on each tab indicating how many data items are in that section.
- Plus Sign: Some sections have a plus sign at right. Clicking this allows you to add a new item to this section. Sections that do not have plus signs are Notes and Segments. You can add new items to any other section.
- Down-Arrows: You can expand any section with the arrow at right, and then drill down into specific account information by clicking the additional arrows.
- List View Customization: Customize what columns will be visible within each section. Selections are retained on all orders and subsequent user sessions.
- Account Menu: The menu (commonly referred to as a Hamburger menu) can be clicked to display actions that you can do within each section such as Adding Supplements to accounts.