XOP users can setup their bureau access codes with the speed inherent in the XpertOnline Provider utility program. Setting up bureau access codes in this program is very similar to the process of setting up bureau access codes in XpertOnline.net.  

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First, users need to open the Access Codes setup screen: do this by selecting on the Setup menu and choosing the Access Codes menu option.

This opens the Access Code Setup screen, shown below, where users need to give the access code a name in the Codes tab and to add the actual access code on the Detail tab.

This guide focuses on working in these two tabs on the Access Code Setup screen.

Equifax Access Code Setup

When the Access Code Setup screen opens, begin by clicking the New button, located in the Actions section to the right of this screen. Users will see a new, blank entry highlighted in blue with an asterisk (*) to the left of it. You will need to give this access code a name—choose a name that reflects the bureau that it will be accessing. For example, if you are setting up an EFX access code, name this access code ‘EFX Standard.’


When you have given this access code a name, click the Save button. Once the save completes, you will have created a new access code. Now, you need to add the most important part—the detail-related information for this bureau access code. Begin by going to the Detail tab.


As is shown on the previous page, the Description (EFX Standard) will populate into the Detail tab automatically. From the Bureau: drop down list, select the bureau name whose access code you are setting up. Continuing with this example, choose the Equifax entry.


Selecting the Equifax entry here changes the screen to display the necessary fields required for Equifax access code setup.


  • Subscriber Code—enter in your EFX Subscriber code as received from EFX.
  • Password—enter in your EFX Password as given to you by EFX.
  • CPU/Customer Code—enter in your CPU/Customer Code as given to you by EFX.
  • Permissible Purpose—click the drop down arrow to select the proper Permissible Purpose code. There are certain requirements for the correct Permissible Purpose code – select the Permissible Purpose code drop down arrow for definitions of each selection.


Note: that these values can be retrieved from either your bureau representative, or by viewing your Equifax access code values in the Xpert 2.x or the XpertOnline.net software.


The Simulate checkbox should only be checked if you wish to pull test files with this access code.


Once you have entered in the appropriate information, click the Save button from the Actions section on the right side of this screen. When the save completes, you will have created an Equifax access code and can begin requesting credit information from this bureau.

TransUnion Access Code Setup

The procedure of setting up a TransUnion access code is similar to setting up an Equifax access code. The only difference is the look of the Detail tab; as is obvious, each bureau requires its own individual information, so the fields that you need to populate for EFX differ from the required TU fields, as well as the XPN access code fields.


You first need to create a new access code on the Codes tab—remember to name this access code something that reflects the bureau it will access. For example, since we are setting up a TU access code, make sure that the name has TU or TransUnion somewhere in it.


Once you have created a new access code on the Codes tab and saved it, switch to the Detail tab.


When you come to the Detail tab for your TU access code, click the Bureau drop down list and select Trans Union.



Once you select the TransUnion option from the drop down list, you will see that the Detail tab screen changes to reflect the required fields for TransUnion bureau access. The value in the Description field will carry over from the Codes tab. Please see the following page for a graphical example.


  • Member Code—input your Member Code as given to you by TransUnion.
  • Password—enter the Password you received from TransUnion for access to their information store.
  • Industry Code—enter in your Industry Code as given to you by TransUnion.
  • Market—input the Market value as given to you by TransUnion.
  • Submarket—input the Submarket value as given to you by TransUnion.


Note that these values can be retrieved from either your bureau representative, or by viewing your TransUnion access code values in the Xpert 2.x or the XpertOnline.net software.


The above values must be input in order for your Subscribers/Clients to receive TransUnion bureau data.  


The values listed below are optional fields, as is noted on the Detail tab for the TU access code:

  • Version Switch
  • Routing Indicator
  • Country Code
  • Form Type
  • Language
  • Point of Sale
  • Purpose Code


The Simulate checkbox at the top right of this screen should only be checked if you wish to pull test files with this access code.


Once you have entered in the appropriate information, click the Save button from the Actions section on the right side of this screen. When the save completes, you will have created a Trans Union access code and can begin requesting credit information from this bureau.

Experian Access Code Setup

The procedure of setting up an Experian access code is similar to setting up an Equifax or a TransUnion access code. The only difference is the look of the Detail tab; as is obvious, each bureau requires its own individual information, so when you select the Experian option from the Bureau drop down list the screen changes to reflect the required values for access to Experian bureau information.


You first need to create a new access code on the Codes tab—remember to name this access code something that reflects the bureau this is for. For example, since we are setting up an XPN access code, make sure that the name has XPN or Experian somewhere in it.


Once you have created a new access code on the Codes tab and saved it, switch to the Detail tab.



In the Bureau drop down list, you need to select the Experian entry from the list of items when you first come to the Detail tab. The Description field will carry over from the Codes tab.

  • Subscriber Code—input your unique Subscriber Code as received from Experian.
  • Password—populate the Password field with the password assigned to you by Experian.
  • Preamble—input your assigned Preamble as received from Experian.


Note that these values can be retrieved from either your bureau representative, or by viewing your Experian access code values in the Xpert 2.x or the XpertOnline.net software.


The Purpose Code/Type drop down field is optional here.


Once you have entered in the appropriate information, click the Save button from the Actions section on the right side of this screen.  When the save completes, you will have created an Experian access code and can begin requesting credit information from this bureau.


When you have bureau access codes setup for all three bureaus, you can then create products and align access codes to these products that your Subscribers/Clients will use to order credit information from these bureaus for Borrower/Co-borrowers.