Updaters and Processors working through trade lines in the XpertOnline Provider utility program often need to add the same narrative phrases to the narrative section of accounts repetitively. To automate this process, users can go to the Setup | Common Narratives menu option to input narrative phrases that are used over and over again; they can then open a request into the Request Detail page, then open the Trades and view the Detail tab to add a common narrative to the Narrative field.  



Common Narrative Setup Screen

The Common Narrative Setup screen, shown above, allows users to type narrative phrases into it and save them so that they can easily be added into a Narrative section of a trade line without typing and retyping the entire phrase over and over again for each trade.

To add a common narrative phrase, simply click in the area of the Common Narrative Setup  screen that you would like to add the narrative phrase to. You need to make sure that your cursor is below the last entered narrative phrase so that you do not disrupt the text of any existing common narrative phrases. You may need to click <Enter> to get to the bottom of the list.



NOTE: Make sure that, when you click in the Common Narrative Setup screen to begin setting up a common narrative phrase, that your cursor is below the last common narrative phrase listed on this screen.

Once your cursor is at the bottom of the existing narrative phrase(s), you can type what you like into this space.  Be aware that the Common Narrative Setup screen is not case sensitive, meaning that the case of the letters that you type into this screen is what will be added to the Narrative field on a trade line. Therefore, if you want all of your narrative phrases to be in capital letters, you must type them in upper case.  If you want them to appear in lower case, type them in small letters.


Once you have finished typing in any narrative phrases, click the Save button from the Actions section of this screen. When the save completes, you will have created a common narrative phrase that can be added to a trade line by selecting it from a list of common narratives available on the trade Detail tab. Repeat this process to add as many common narrative phrases as you like.


When you are finished setting up common narrative phrases, go to the Setup menu and choose the Refresh Setup Information menu option.   This ensures that the new phrases will be available to be added to the trade lines for this request.



To add a Common Narrative phrase to this field, find the Narrative drop down list and click the arrow—in this list, you will see all of the Common Narrative phrases that you have previously setup.



As you can see, this drop down list contains all of the Common Narrative phrases that you have setup previously. Select a narrative phrase here to add it to the Narrative field.



When you highlight the narrative phrase you want, click the Add button. This adds your selection to the top of the Narrative field.



Remember to click the Save button at right to keep your modifications to this trade line. When the save is complete, you will have added a common narrative phrase to this account.


Use these instructions to create common narrative phrases and add them to accounts within the XpertOnline Provider program.