As in the system, you have the option to customize certain items that the bureaus report on accounts included in a request. Bureau-reported grantor names, bureau-reported narratives, bureau-reported ECOAs, and bureau-reported alerts can all be customized to your liking from within the XpertOnline Provider utility program. Take note that once you customize any bureau-reported information, you then need to add the corresponding Additional Service to the product and select the name of the Group (Narrative, Name, ECOA, or Alert Group name) from the drop-downown list at the time you add the service in order for the bureau data to be properly converted.
Content Includes:
- Customize Account Name Conversions
- Customize Narrative Conversions
- Customize ECOA Conversions
- Customize Bureau-reported Alerts
- Aligning Custom Conversion Groups to a Product
After a successful login, click the Setup menu option and choose the Conversions listing. The arrow to the right of the Conversions option indicates that there are more menu options below this listing—once you select the Conversions option, you will see a listing of four additional menu options that you can choose from: Names, Narratives, ECOA, and Alerts.
The following documentation walks you through customizing these four conversion options to your liking.
How to Customize Account Name Conversions
To be used with the Convert Account Names Service
Often times, the bureaus will report the name of a Subscriber/Grantor in a less-than-favorable manner—for example, a Bank of America trade line might report as BofA or BA. If you would like all instances of this grantor name to be standardized to your liking no matter which bureau reports it, you can set XpertOnline Provider to convert ‘BofA’ to ‘Bank of America,’ for example.
To setup a customized grantor name conversion group, click the Setup menu option and choose Conversions | Name. The Name Conversions screen will then open, displaying a Group tab—this is where you can begin customizing your bureau-reported grantor names.
NOTE: Click the New button to create a new account name group that will contain individual, customized account names.
First, you need to create a single group to contain individual name conversion entries. When you are viewing the Group tab, click the New button to the right in the Actions section. This creates a blank entry that you need to assign a name to. To assign a name to it, click in the section highlighted in blue and begin typing.
Once you have assigned this group a name, click the Save button in the Actions section. When the save is complete, you have created a name conversion group that you can add individual conversions to.
To add conversions to this name conversion group, select on the Conversions tab (you may also double-click the Group name to view the Conversions tab). The Conversions tab is divided into two sections: a From: section and a To: section. XpertOnline Provider needs the exact grantor name as reported by the bureau to match it to your customized conversion. The Conversions tab reflects this information: in the From: column, type in the grantor name as reported by the bureaus. In the To: column, type in the grantor name as you would like it to display on the account detail.
Note—to get the grantor name as reported by the bureaus, you may need to open an account detail page in a request to see exactly how the bureau reports it, or search your rolodex entries.
When you have input the grantor names that you wish to convert into the appropriate fields, click the Save button in the Actions section. You have now created your own customized conversion name group and conversion name. There is no limitation to the number of individual name conversions that you can have in a name conversion group; nor is there a limitation to the number of name groups.
Once you have created a name group with individual name conversions in it, you need to setup your product(s) to properly convert the customized names.
To do this, you need to add the Convert Account Names service to the product or products whose grantor names you wish to convert upon the import of the bureau data.
How to Customize Narrative Conversions
To be used with the Convert Narratives Service
The bureaus also often report narratives on certain accounts in a less-than-favorable manner—for example, if a bureau reported narrative reads ‘Open Account,’ you can use XpertOnline Provider to make this narrative read ‘Open.’
To setup a custom narrative conversion, click the Setup menu option and choose Conversions | Narratives. The Narrative Conversions screen will then open, displaying a Group tab—this is where you can begin customizing bureau-reported narratives.
First, you need to create a single group to contain individual narrative conversion entries. When you are viewing the Group tab, click the New button to the right in the Actions section. This creates a blank entry that you need to assign a name to. To assign a name to it, click in the section highlighted in blue and begin typing.
Click the New button to create a new Narrative group that will contain individual, customized narrative conversions.
Once you have assigned this group a name, click the Save button in the Actions section. When the save is complete, you have created a narrative conversion group that you can add individual conversions to.
To add conversions to this narrative conversion group, select on the Conversions tab. The Conversions tab is divided into two sections: a From: section and a To: section. XpertOnline Provider needs the exact narrative phrase as reported by the bureau to match it to your customized conversion. The Conversions tab reflects this information: in the From: section, type in the narrative phrase as reported by the bureaus. In the To: section, type in the narrative phrase as you would like it to display on the account detail. Use the <TAB> key to move from field to field. Please see the following page for a corresponding graphical display.
Note—to get the narrative phrase as reported by the bureaus, you may need to open an account detail page in a request to see exactly how the bureau phrases the narrative.
The blank To fields in the above graphic indicate that this narrative phrase will be cleared out and not print.
When you have input the narrative phrases that you wish to convert in the appropriate fields, click the Save button in the Actions section. You have now created your own customized narrative conversion group and narrative conversion. There is no limit to the number of individual narrative conversions or narrative conversion groups that you can setup in XOP.
To have this custom conversion group that contains custom narrative conversions work on a request, be sure to align the Convert Narratives service to a product and select the narrative group name from the drop down list when you add the service.
How to Customize ECOA Conversions
To be used with the Convert ECOAs Service
As most of you know, an ECOA code identifies a trade line as belonging to an Individual, Joint, Co-Signer, etc. These ECOA codes are generated and reported differently by each bureau depending on the make up of a trade line, and often can be cryptic and not user-friendly. The XpertOnline Provider program offers a service called the Convert ECOAs service that, when aligned to a product, will convert certain ECOAs into a more readable format if you have not previously customized your ECOA conversions (continue reading for ECOA Conversion customization). If you enable the Convert ECOAs service without selecting a conversion group, only numeric ECOA codes will be converted by default. When a numeric ECOA imports into, if this service is enabled on the product, the numeric value will be automatically converted to its alphabetical equivalent. The only bureaus that report numeric ECOA values are Experian, and all Trans Chicago/Fannie Mae bureaus (TC/EFX, TC/TU, TC/XPN). The standard ECOA Conversions for all bureaus, including Trans Chicago/Fannie Mae bureau pulls, are listed at the following web address:
If you wish to customize bureau-reported ECOAs so that they print to your Subscriber/Client in a code other than what the bureaus report or what converts by default (numeric values to alphas), you need to go to the Setup menu option and choose Conversions. From the Conversions option, select on the ECOA listing. This opens the ECOA Conversions screen that allows users to create ECOA Conversion groups containing individual ECOA Conversions for every bureau-reported ECOA that is listed on the linked page above.
When the ECOA Conversions screen opens, you will be on the Group tab. Find the Actions section and click the New button—this will create a blank ECOA group that you need to give a name to. For example, if one Subscriber/Client wants one set of customized conversions and another Subscriber/Client wants a different set of customized conversions, you can name the new ECOA group to reflect which client this group should go to.
Continuing on, once you have named this new ECOA group, click the Save button located in the Actions section. When the save is complete, you will have created a new ECOA group that will contain individual, custom ECOA conversion codes per your liking. This group that will contain individual, customized ECOA Conversions will need to be selected when you align the Convert ECOAs service to a product.
To create the individual, custom ECOA conversion codes that will be contained in the group you created above, make sure that this ECOA group description is highlighted, and click the Conversions tab—this tab is where you can create as many custom ECOA conversion codes as there are possible for each bureau, including TC/Fannie Mae bureau pulls.
You will need two things once you are in the Conversions tab:
- The name of the bureau that you wish to convert the ECOA from.
- The bureau-reported ECOA code that corresponds to the bureau that you wish to convert.
These two items can be obtained from the web address below.
Once you are in the Conversions tab, begin by finding the Actions section and clicking the New button. When you click the New button, an asterisk (*) will appear to the left of the highlighted row. You can begin adding your customized ECOA conversions into the row that has the asterisk to the left of it—single click in the From column to begin. Use the <TAB> key to move from field to field.
- In the From column, enter in the ECOA code as reported by the bureau you wish to convert.
- When customizing conversions for XPN and TC/EFX, TC/TU, and/or TC/XPN, this is the numeric value.
- When customizing conversions for EFX and/or TU, this is the alphabetical value.
- In the To Applicant column, enter in the ECOA code that you would like to appear on the report for an Applicant’s trade line. The value in the From column will be converted to this value.
- In the To Co-applicant column, enter in the ECOA code that you would like to appear on the report for a Co-applicant’s trade line. The value in the From column will be converted to this value.
- In the Bureau ID field, you need to take your mouse and single-click here. When you do this, a drop down arrow will appear. Click this drop down arrow and select the bureau that reports the value in the From column from the list of Bureau IDnames. You have these bureau IDs to choose from:
- EFX—Equifax
- TU—Trans Union
- XPN—Experian
- TC/EFX—Trans Chicago/Fannie Mae/Equifax
- TC/TU—Trans Chicago/Fannie Mae/Trans Union
- TC/XPN—Trans Chicago/Fannie Mae/Experian
When you have setup the conversion(s) to your liking, click the Save button from the Actions section. When the save is complete, you have setup a customized ECOA conversion. To have this custom conversion work on a request, be sure to align the Convert ECOAs service to a product and select the ECOA Group name from the drop down list when you add the service. If you would like to use the default ECOA conversions (for XPN, TC/EFX, TC/CU, or TC/XPN only), then enable this service without selecting a group.
Items to Note:
- The value in the From column must match with the bureau that reports it. For example, if EFX reports an “I” as an Individual ECOA code for the Applicant and the Co-applicant, you need to make sure that if you input an “I” in the From column, the Bureau ID that you choose is EFX. This rule holds the same for all values in the From column and the corresponding Bureau ID value.
- When you setup a customized ECOA conversion, you need to fill in values for both the Applicant and the Co-applicant.
- If you leave any To Applicant column blank, the ECOA that prints on the report will be blank, and vice versa.
- You can add as many ECOA Conversions as you like in the Conversions tab; also, you can have as many ECOA Groups as you like in the Group tab.
- Remember to enable the Convert ECOAs service when you customize bureau-reported ECOA values, and to select the Group name from the drop down list. Otherwise, your customized conversions will not work.
- Conversion values are case-sensitive.
You can remove an ECOA Conversion or an ECOA Group from these screens by selecting the item and clicking the Delete button located in the Actions section of each tab.
Users also have the option to right click in either the Group or the Conversions tab to see two menu options that help with the ECOA conversion process:
- The View ECOA Definitions right-click option opens a web page that defines all of the current bureau-reported ECOA conversions.
- The View ECOA Default Conversions right-click option opens a web page that shows the user which bureaus are converted when the Convert ECOAs service is used on a product without customizing ECOA conversions to your liking.
How to Customize Bureau-reported Alerts
To be used with the Convert Alerts service
As with customized ECOA Conversions, bureau-reported alerts can be customized so that they are easier to read, are shortened, or do not exist on the print out at all. For example, Trans Union’s HAWK product often returns the bureau-reported alert message “HAWK available and clear.” Users can use the Alert Conversions option along with the Convert Alerts service to reduce the size of the alert phrase, or to keep it from printing on the report.
Use the web address listed here to see examples of bureau-reported alert messages and their definitions:
Use the web address below to see examples of converted alert messages:
To begin customizing bureau-reported alert messages, in XOP (XpertOnline Provider), go to the Setup menu option and choose Conversions | Alerts. The screen that opens is called the Alert Conversions screen. When it opens, find the Actions section and click the New button. When you do this, a row will become highlighted with an asterisk to the left of it. Single click in the area highlighted in blue and give this Alert Group a name. When you have assigned a name, click the Save button in the Actions section. When the save is completed, you will have created an Alert Group that will contain individual bureau-reported alert message conversions (see following page for corresponding graphic).
Next, click the Conversions tab. This is where you will customize bureau-reported alerts to your liking. Begin by clicking the New button located in the Actions section. When you do this, a row will become highlighted in blue with an asterisk to the left of it. You can begin adding your customized Alert conversions into the row that has the asterisk to the left of it—single click in the From Type field to begin. Use the <TAB> key to move from field to field.
- In the From Type column, you need to type in the type of alert exactly as the bureau reports it.
- In the From Message column, type in the message phrase exactly as the bureau reports it.
- In the To Type column, type in the alert type that you would like to have print on the report. The value in the From Type column will convert to the value in the To Type column.
- In the To Message column, type in the message that you would like to have print on the report in the Alerts section. The value in the From Message column will convert to the value in the To Message column.
When you have filled out these four columns, click the Save button in the Actions section. When the save is complete, you will have created an alert conversion. In order for your custom alert conversions to appear on the printout, you then need to align the Convert Alerts service to a product and select the Alert Group name from the drop down list when you add this service.
If you would like to clear a bureau alert message, input the original bureau alert type and the original bureau alert message into the From Type and the From Message columns respectively, and leave the To Type and the To Message columns blank.
Users also have the option to right click in either the Group or the Conversions tab to see two menu options that help with the Alert conversion process:
- The View Alert Definitions right-click option opens a web page that defines some of the current bureau-reported Alerts.
- The View Alert Sample Conversions right-click option opens a web page that gives examples of Alert conversions, including the use of the Wildcard option (see below).
Wildcard Alert Conversions
For advanced users, you have the option of performing a “wildcard” alert conversion. A wildcard conversion is essentially only matching the From Type and the To Type columns and inputting your custom message into the To Message column so that you can avoid typing an entire original bureau alert message into the From Message column. If you choose to try a wildcard alert conversion, there are two requirements:
- You need to place an asterisk somewhere in the From Message column.
- The From Type and the To Type values must match.
Place an asterisk at the end of the text in the From Message column to do a "wildcard" conversion. If the Alert Types (values in the From Type and the To Type columns) match and the From Message begins with the text to the left of the asterisk, the alert will be converted to the value in the To Message. This allows users to do batch conversions of bureau-reported alerts that all begin with the same letter, word, phrase, etc.
If the From Message contains only an asterisk (no original alert message), only the From Type and the To Type values need to match in order for the alert to be converted to the value in the To Message column. This eliminates typing in any of the actual text of the bureau-reported alert message.
See this web address for an example of wildcard alert conversion setup.
Aligning Custom Conversion Groups to a Product
Once you have any conversion groups—including Narrative, Name, ECOA, and/or Alert groups—customized to your liking, you then need to align the custom group to the corresponding service. Services that correspond to the conversion group are as follows:
- Customized Narrative Conversions—use the Convert Narratives service
- Customized Name Conversions—use the Convert Account Names service
- Customized ECOA Conversions—use the Convert ECOAs service
- Customized Alert Conversions—use the Convert Alerts service
However, prior to opening a product and aligning the customized group to the corresponding service, users must refresh any newly-created conversion groups. This will ensure that each newly-created group is available to be aligned to the service on the product.
To refresh XOP so that any newly-created conversion groups will be available, click on the Setup menu option and choose Refresh Setup Information.
When XOP has refreshed all setup information and you receive the pop up window shown below, all customized conversion groups will then be available to be aligned to a product via the corresponding service.
Click OK to continue by enabling the customized group on the product.
First, on the Setup menu, choose the Product Lists option.
When the Product Lists page opens, you will get an Exact Search prompt. Either enter in the exact name of a product list, or leave this field blank to view all product lists. Then, find the product list and the product within the product list that you would like to add your custom conversion group to.
Once you have found the product, click on the Product Detail… button, as shown above.
This opens the Product Detail page that compiles the make up of this product. Click on the Services entry on the left-hand side of this screen to view the listing of Additional Services, located at the bottom middle of this screen.
The Additional Services here are ordered alphabetically. Scroll down to find the four convert services—Convert Account Names, Convert Alerts, Convert ECOAs, and Convert Narratives. These four services are outlined in red in the above graphic.
You can enable each service and align your custom groups to each service in the same way for all four services here. Begin by double clicking on the service that you would like to enable on this product (for this example we will work with the Convert Account Names service).
Double clicking on the Convert Account Names entry opens the screen shown above. To align your custom conversions to this service, find the Name Conversion Group drop down arrow and click it to see the names of your custom conversion groups. Select a group name, and click the Save button at right. When the save is complete, you have enabled the Convert Account Names service on this product and aligned a custom conversion group to this service.
To align custom conversion groups to the Narratives, ECOAs, and Alerts services, follow the same general instructions as given above: double click on the desired service in the Additional Services section, find the drop down list on the subsequent page, click the drop down arrow to find and align the custom conversion group name to the corresponding service, and Save your changes.
Once you have performed the following steps outlined in this document, you will be able to offer customized conversion information for bureau-reported account names, bureau-reported narratives, bureau-reported ECOAs, and bureau-reported alerts to your Subscribers/Clients:
- Created groups and custom conversions within each group for names, narratives, ECOAs, and/or alerts.
- Refreshed the setup information by going to Setup | Refresh Setup Information menu option.
- Enabled the corresponding service for and aligned a custom conversion group to a product.