CreditXpert is a score-plus-credit-analysis that can be added to certain accesses in This is a non-bureau specific scoring model, meaning that the logic within the scoring model is the same for Equifax, Trans Union, and Experian alike. This score analysis is available as an Addon to the EFX v5.0 Credit Report, the XPN v7.0 Credit Report, and the TU v4.0 Credit Report accesses. When the Credit Xpert Score Addon is turned on per access, a score will be printed in the Score Information section of the final report and a supplementary output will print that explains why the score is what it is.
The CreditXpert Score analysis is just this—an analysis of the Borrower’s/Co-borrower’s credit history account by account. It is not intended to replace any of the bureaus’ scores.
If you would like your clients to be able to offer this to their Borrowers/Co-borrowers, you need to obtain a license code with CreditXpert Inc., and set this code up in Xpert, and then setup the products accordingly.
Please note that these instructions are for XOP only.
Step #1 – Obtain License Code from CreditXpert
As a provider, you will need to obtain a license code from CreditXpert for your company. This license code will be the same no matter how many clients you want to provide the CreditXpert score analysis with. Please see the web address below for more information and contact information for getting a license code.
Step #2 – Setting up Your Provider Company
Once you have been issued a license code from CreditXpert, you will need to setup your Provider company in order to be able to offer your clients the CreditXpert score analysis. There is no need to setup your individual client companies with this license code—but you MUST setup your Provider company in order for your client to be able to pull CreditXpert products.
Open the XpertOnline Provider program, login, and go to the Setup | Clients menu option.
You will then be prompted with an Exact Search window. Leave the Exact Search window blank and click OK to view your entire client list.
When the Clients screen opens, find your Provider company entry (Subscriber ID of zero) and either double-click it or single-click on it and select on the Detail tab.
When the Detail tab opens, scroll down and in the lower left of this tab, users will see the Credit Xpert Information section.
In the License Code field, input the CreditXpert license code as given to you by CreditXpert. When the code is input into this field, click the Save button from the Actions section of this screen to save your changes.
When the save is complete, you will have setup your Provider company for the CreditXpert score analysis. Move on to the final step in this process—setting up your products.
Step #3 – Product Setup
There are two types of CreditXpert products that should be setup in XOP. The first product is intended to analyze the returned credit information at the time the request is ordered. The second product is intended to pull the credit first, and then let your clients decide whether they want to use the CreditXpert Score analysis to analyze the existing bureau information after the credit has been pulled.
The following instructions walk you through setting up the first type of CreditXpert product—the type that will analyze the returned bureau information at the time the request is ordered.
Product Setup to Analyze Bureau Data at the Time the Request is Ordered
From the main XOP screen, click the Setup | Product Lists menu option.
When the Product Lists screen opens, you will be prompted with an Exact Search window. If you know the name of the product list or product that you need to modify, enter it in at this time and click OK. If you would like to view your entire list of Product Lists, leave the Exact Search field blank and click OK. You will see the screen below – select the product list and product that you wish to modify. When the product details are listed in the Product Detail tab, click the Product Detail… button.
When the Product Detail screen opens, select an access in the tree structure that you would like to add the CreditXpert score to. Remember—this behaves similarly to any regular bureau-created score, but this score is non-bureau specific. Also, when any access has the CreditXpert score analysis enabled as an addon, the inquiry that is sent up to the bureau will not include the CreditXpert score analysis addon.
In this example, we will add the CreditXpert score to the EFX v5.0 Credit Report access. To do this, select on the Equifax v5.0 Credit Report access, and in the Access Detail tab, click the Addons… button.
The Access Addons tab will then open. When it opens, find the Neuristics CreditXpert entry, right-click on it, and choose the Selected option.
Then, on this same tab (the Access Addons tab), you also need to enable the Force Joint Access as Separate, if this addon is not already enabled on this access. Right click on this entry and choose the Selected option as well.
Some info on the Force Joint Access as Separate Addon…
The Force Joint Access as Separate addon will identify requests that are marked as a Joint request type and submit them as two Individual files. When the Force Joint Access as Separate addon is enabled (set as Selected), any requests that contain both an Applicant and a Co-applicant will always be sent to the bureaus and pulled as two individual files, so two bureau segments will return from each bureau.
This is very important when applied to the CreditXpert score: EFX and TU only generate one bureau segment when they identify that an incoming request is a Joint request. The single segment that is returned contains merged Applicant and Co-applicant information. Since CreditXpert generates the number of scores based on the number of segments returned from the bureaus(s), if you order a Joint request with the CreditXpert score turned on for EFX and/or TU, but the Force Joint Access as Separate addon is disabled, only one CreditXpert score will be created. Not only will this score only attach to the Applicant (and leave the Co-applicant without a CreditXpert score), but it will also contain erroneous information, because the CreditXpert score that generates was based on the merged segment from EFX/TU that contained both Applicant and Co-applicant information. So, if you do not enable the Force Joint Access as Separate addon on products that contain a CreditXpert addon, the Applicant will have a CreditXpert score that was actually deduced from Applicant and Co-applicant information.
Enable this addon—the Force Joint Access as Separate addon—when using the CreditXpert score analysis for all accesses whose products may order a Joint request. This will ensure that both the Applicant and the Co-applicant receive CreditXpert scores, and that none of the scores will be based on merged bureau segments.
Continuing on, once you have the Neuristics CreditXpert addon and the Force Joint Access as Separate addon set as Selected on any accesses that you want to contain a CreditXpert score analysis, move on to adding the proper Output to this product. Note that you may have any services you wish enabled on this product.
In the tree structure, click the Outputs entry. When the System to System Outputs tab is displayed, find the CreditXpert output entry and double-click it.
Double-clicking on the CreditXpert entry opens the screen below. Here, ensure that the Selected drop down list is set as Selected, and click the Options button.
When the Output Options tab opens, shown below, you need to set a few values on this screen described below.
- XSL DOM: click the drop down list and choose the single entry in the list—the MSXML2.0DomDocument.3.0 entry.
- XSL Output Type: click the drop down list and choose the single entry in the list—the HTML entry.
- XSL Name: choose either entry here, depending on how you would like your CreditXpert score analysis to look. You can also click the “XSL Name” text here for more information and/or help.
- CXScore.xsl—this XSL does not contain the star rating or the bar graph. Click the linked PDF file for an example of this output. Compare this link to the linked CXScore2.xsl output.
- CXScore2.xsl—this XSL contains both the star rating and the bar graph. Click the linked PDF file for an example of this output. Compare this link to the linked CXScore.xsl output, above.
Important Note: If you happen to leave the XSL Name field blank, the CXScore2.xsl will be used by default.
After you have the Options set on the CreditXpert output, Save your changes, and click the Close button to return to the Output Detail tab, and click the Destinations… button to configure where you would like this request sent.
On the Output Destinations tab, right-click on the Output to User Mailbox option and choose Selected. Note that, here, if you are unsure as to whether you want your client to have a copy of the CreditXpert output, set this to Optional—you can then manually print your client a copy if they request it.
When you have the Options and the Destinations set, Save your changes from the Actions section of this screen. When the save is complete, you should now have a product with the Neuristics CreditXpert and the Force Joint Access as Separate addons as Selected, and the CreditXpert output as Selected with the Options configured and the Destination set to your liking.
Product Setup to Analyze Bureau Data After the Request has been Ordered
Those of you who offer Client side v2.0 of XpertOnline to your clients can also offer them the option to add the CreditXpert addon to any accesses on a product as Optional—this allows your clients to choose to add the CreditXpert score analysis to returned bureau information as they wish.
With this feature, your clients are more likely to retain the business of those borrowers whose loans may be declined for having less-than-perfect credit history as this option provides the consumer with information regarding improving their score and credit worthiness.
Please keep in mind that this feature will not reaccess the bureaus when analyzing bureau data—it analyzes the existing bureau data that was pulled initially and already exists.
In order for this to be available to your clients, your Provider company must be setup with a CreditXpert License Code, and the products available to your clients must have the CreditXpert addon set as Optional for bureau accesses (if the CreditXpert addon is set as Selected on a product, the score analysis will run at the time a report is requested initially and will not be available after the request is pulled).
You should add the CreditXpert Score addon as Optional to any of the three accesses that you would like to give your clients the option to analyze after the request has been pulled. To give your clients the most flexibility, you can add the CreditXpert Score addon as Optional to all three of the following accesses:
- Equifax v5.0 Credit Report
- Trans Union v4.0 Credit Report
- Experian v7.0 Credit Report
Please keep in mind that you still need to enable the Force Joint Access as Separate addon as Selected to any access that has the option to add the CreditXpert score analysis. This will ensure that the proper data is analyzed.
You may have any services you wish enabled on this product.
Also, you will want to note that there are no required outputs for this type of CreditXpert product either – especially, note that the CreditXpert output is not required. This is because when your clients choose to add a CreditXpert score analysis to existing bureau data, Client side v2.0 automatically formats the custom-generated output into the CreditXpert score analysis output. For those of you that know the CreditXpert output, XpertOnline will default to using the CXScore2.xsl format—this is the format that includes the star rating and the bar graph.
As a recap for this CreditXpert product type:
- For Accesses, enable EFX, TU, and XPN as Selected, add the CreditXpert addon as Optional, and the Force Joint Access as Separate addon as Selected.
- No required services.
- No required outputs.
Once the CreditXpert License Code and the product is setup correctly, after your client orders a request with the product you’ve enabled and it successfully returns, when your clients view any of the sub-tabs below either the Inbox or the Report List tabs on Client side v2.0, there will be a CreditXpert Scores section below the Upgrade section (see area highlighted at left in red).
Users can then check any checkboxes in the CreditXpert Scores section that correspond to the raw bureau data they want to have analyzed and click the Add Score(s) button. This generates a CreditXpert score analysis output on the bureau or bureaus that they chose to have analyzed. In the above example, TU, XPN, and EFX all had CreditXpert addons that were enabled as Optional.
As an additional note, if you setup a CreditXpert product with the CreditXpert addon set as Both, the CreditXpert score analysis will run at the time the request is pulled and will NOT be available to be added to the request after it is returned. The only way to allow your clients to add a CreditXpert score analysis to existing bureau information after the request is pulled and returned is to make 100% sure that the CreditXpert addon is set as Optional on the product.