Providers can offer their clients online flood determinations via the XpertOnline Provider software, or within, through DPSI (formerly Ace USE Flood, formerly Cigna Flood). Prior to offering this, you need to register your company, and any interested client companies, with ACRAnet and DPSI. Please see the web address below for the steps required to begin offering your clients flood determinations from DPSI.
Please note that the setup instructions in this document are for XOP only.
Step #1 – Clients Setup
Once you have been notified by DPSI that your contracts are in place and that your account(s) is/are setup, you can begin setting up client companies in the XOP software. Open the XpertOnline Provider program, login, and go to the Setup | Clients menu option.
You will then be prompted with an Exact Search window. If you know the name of the client you wish to setup for the DPSI flood determinations, enter the client name into this field and click OK. If not, or if you need to create a brand new client, leave the Exact Search window blank and click OK to view your entire client list.
When the Clients screen opens, find the client company, single-click on it, and click the Detail tab. Users may also double-click on the client company to open the Detail tab.
When the Detail tab opens, scroll down and in the lower left of this tab, users will see the DPSI Flood Information section.
In the Client ID field, you will need to input a combination of your Provider number and this client’s Subscriber number. For example, if your Provider number is 999 and this client’s Subscriber number is 1234, the number that you will enter into the Client ID field would be 9991234 (999 = Provider number and 1234 = Subscriber number).
When you have the Client ID correctly input into this field, Save your changes from the Actions section on the right-hand side of this screen. When the save is completed, this client company has been setup for flood determinations through DPSI. Keep in mind that this does not setup the client on the DPSI network. You must contact DPSI and have them setup the client on their side first.
Next, you need to setup your products for this connection.
Step #2 – DPSI Flood Product Setup
You now need to setup the Flood products that your clients will choose when ordering their Flood determinations. As you know, the product is what will route the request to DPSI for the flood determination; therefore, an incorrectly setup product can result in your client not receiving the flood determination that they ordered.
From the main XOP screen, click the Setup | Product Lists menu option.
When the Product Lists screen opens, you will be prompted with an Exact Search window. If you know the name of the product list that you need to modify, enter it in at this time and click OK. If you would like to view your entire list of product lists, leave the Exact Search field blank and click OK. On the left-hand side of the screen that opens you will see all product lists that you have setup under your provider company. Find the product list that you wish to add the Flood product to and double-click it.
The selected product list will expand to display all products in this product list. You will need to create a brand new product here, so click the New button in the Actions section of this screen and choose Product.
When you select New Product from the New button, you will be taken to the Product Detail tab, shown here.
On the Product Detail tab shown on the previous page, begin by entering basic information for this product—name, category, etc.
- Description—give this product a name that relates to what this product will request. Since you are creating a product that will request a flood determination, call this product “Flood Only,” or “Flood,” etc.
- Category—give this product a category for management report purposes. Since this is a flood product, give this a product category of “Flood,” for example.
- Priority—you do not need to configure/change this field.
- User Interface—you need to select the Flood UI option from this drop down list. If you would like to order a credit report along with a flood determination, choose the Flood & Credit UI option.
- Flood UI – this option only require a property address.
- Flood & Credit UI – this option requires name, current address, and SSN for credit, as well as a property address for flood zoning information.
- Preferred Access Order—you do not need to configure/change this field.
- Product Level—you do not need to configure/change this field.
- Available to Client—leave this checkbox checked as you want your client to be able to select this product.
- Price and Tax—add a price and tax for Individual and Joint files. The price should be based on the amount that DPSI will charge you for the flood determination as stated in your contracts.
- Options…—if you would like to post charges to bill for your clients’ user service requests on this product, click the Options button and input a price for user service requests posted over the web, via Phone, and/or via fax. Here, you can also enable this product to postdate the billing for a certain number of days after the request was ordered, and enable this product to allow your clients to edit applicant/co-applicant and bureau information. Overall, configuration of the Options is purely optional.
- Product Detail…—click this button to add the appropriate accesses, services, and outputs to this Flood product.
As stated above, click the Product Detail… button to add accesses, services, and outputs to this product.
When the Product screen opens, click the Accesses entry in the tree structure on the left-hand side of this screen, just below the product name (in this case, the product name is “Flood Only”).
When you select on the Accesses entry, you will see the System to System Accesses tab open in the middle of this screen. Find the DPSI Flood Certification/Determination access, and double-click on it. This opens the Access Detail tab.
On this page, ensure that the Selected drop down list reads Selected. From here, if you would like to add the Life of Loan product to this access, click the Addons… button and on the Access Addons tab that opens, right-click on the Life of Loan entry and choose Selected.
Once you have the DPSI Flood Certification/Determination set as Selected, and, if desired, the Life of Loan addon as Selected, be sure to Save your changes. When the save is complete, move on to adding Outputs to this product.
Important Note—if you are creating a product that will return a flood certification only, there are no services required for this product. We recommend against adding any services, Merge or Additional, to this product.
If you are creating a product that will return a flood certification only, you should not add any services—Merge or Additional—to this product.
When you have added the proper accesses and addons to this product, in the tree structure on the left-hand side of this screen, click the Outputs entry. This will display the System to System Outputs tab in the middle of this screen.
Find either the HTML DPSI Flood Certificate or the PDF DPSI Flood Certificate output in the System to System Outputs tab and double-click on it (the only difference between these two outputs is that one is formatted in HTML while the other is formatted in Adobe Acrobat). This opens the Output Detail tab. This example uses the HTML DPSI Flood Certificate.
When the Output Detail tab opens, ensure that the Selected drop down list reads Selected, and click the Destinations… button. Note that the Sort Order drop down list does not need to be set—you can keep the default here.
This opens the Output Destinations tab. Here, right-click on the Output to User Mailbox entry and choose Selected.
When you have the HTML DPSI Flood Certification set as Selected, and the Output to User Mailbox destination set as Selected, click the Save button to save your changes.
When the save is complete, your product for the DPSI Flood certification/determination is completed and your Product screen should resemble the screen shown here.
You should now have your clients and products setup for the DPSI Flood certification/determination process. Now, when your clients login to to order new requests, and they choose a Flood product, they will see one or the other of the following data entry screens, depending on your selection of User Interface for the product they chose.
This is what your client(s) will see when they choose a product with the Flood UI selected on the client side of
This is what your client(s) will see when they choose a product with the Flood & Credit UI selected on the client side of
As always, we recommend that you test this setup by sending a test file prior to making this available to your clients. Here is a valid Flood test file that you can use (keep in mind that on Flood requests the Current Address is not required):
Test Test
1122 N Main (this can be used as the Current Address and the Property Address)