You can offer your clients two specific types of products that pull only employment history information or only tenant history information. When these products are setup correctly, they will evaluate the risk involved in hiring an Applicant, or they will evaluate the risk involved in renting to an Applicant, respectively.
Currently, these reports are only available in PDF output format. In order for you to successfully pull these types of reports, your bureau access codes must be enabled to pull employment and/or tenant screening information. You will need to contact your bureau representative to do this.
Content Includes:
Product Setup – Employment Screening Products
To begin setting up a product that will pull an employment screening report, you will need to open the product list that you want to add this product to and create a new product. Do this from the main tabs in XOP by selecting the Setup | Product Lists menu option. At the Exact Search prompt, leave the field blank and click OK to view all of your product lists; or, if you know the name of the product list you want to add this product to, type it in, and click OK.
From the Product Lists screen, select on the product list you want to add this to, find the Actions section, and click the New button. From the drop down list, select Product.
This creates a blank Product Detail tab where you can input the details specific for this product – such as the product name, the product category, and the product price.
On this tab, the fields you need to fill out are the Description, Category, and the Price and Tax fields. All other fields on this tab are optional.
- Description – give this product a name that tells your clients what they will be ordering. For example, name this product “Employment Screen,” or “Employment,” etc.
- Category – give this product a category for Management Report purposes. For example, input “Employment,” since this product orders employment screening information.
- Price and Tax – be sure and assign price and tax amounts for Individual and Joint report types here. This is how you will bill the originating client for this report.
- Available to Client – you will want to make sure that the Available to Client checkbox is checked, as you will want your clients to be able to select this product from their product list.
The Priority, User Interface, Preferred Access Order, Product Level, and Checkbox Product Type fields can be populated if necessary.
Once this is done, click the Save button. When your changes are saved, click the Product Detail… button.
This opens the Product screen where you can set the accesses, services, and outputs on this employment screening product, shown below.
Begin by adding the bureau accesses and addons that you wish to have on this product. There are no requirements as far as accesses go as long as the access code that you align to each added access is enabled at the bureau to pull employment screening information.
Important Note About EFX v5.0 PERSONA Report: when adding the EFX v5.0 PERSONA Report access – Equifax’s employment screening access – the account numbers on all returned accounts are not displayed.
To the best of our knowledge, Trans Union and Experian do not offer an access that specifically pulls employment screening information only. This means that all returned accounts will display the account number even when the TU/XPN bureau access codes are flagged to pull employment screening information.
After you have added the accesses you want for this product, move on to adding services to this product. You will want to add one Merge Service; and, there is one recommended Additional Service that you will want to add to your employment screening product.
We recommend that you enable the Verify Employments Additional Service as Selected for this product – this will help you in verifying the employment history information that returns from the bureaus when this product is sent to the bureaus.
Additionally, if you wish to include criminal searches, DMV or motor vehicle reports, or education accounts on this employment screening report, you may add the Verify Criminal History, Verify DMV, Verify Motor Vehicle Record, and/or the Verify Education Additional Services to this product. This will help to remind your updaters/processors to add these account types to any employment screening reports, and to verify the information for these account types.
Important Note – Criminal Searches, DMVs, and Education accounts must be manually added to a report after the request has returned from the bureaus as the bureaus do not report these accounts. Also, Motor Vehicle Report information does not have a labeled section on the DMV account detail – we recommend that you add any MVR information into the Footnotes or the Narrative sections for these accounts.
After you have one Merge Service and any Additional Services added to this product that you want, move on to adding the output.
The output that you must enable on this product is the PDF Employment Screening Report output. To do this, find the PDF Employment Screening Report output and double-click on it to open the Output Detail tab.
Once you are on the Output Detail tab, you can set this output as either Selected or Optional. Setting this output as Selected sends a report immediately back to the originating client. Setting this output as Optional does not send a report immediately back to the originating client – this allows your updaters/processors to verify all of the accounts on this report prior to the client having a copy. In most cases, you will want to verify all accounts on the employment report so you will probably want to set the PDF Employment Screening Report output as Optional.
Then, you can add any addons that you wish by clicking the Addons… button here.
Once you have any output addons that you want enabled, click the Dests text entry in the tree structure to the left to add your Destinations for this output. You will need to set the Output to User Mailbox destination as Selected. To do this, right-click on it and choose Selected.
Once you have the destination set for the PDF Employment Screening Report output, click Save. When the changes are saved, your employment screening product is completed.
Product Setup – Tenant Screening Reports
To begin setting up a product that will pull a tenant screening report, you will need to open the product list that you want to add this product to and create a new product. Do this from the main tabs in XOP by selecting the Setup | Product Lists menu option. At the Exact Search prompt, leave the field blank and click OK to view all of your product lists; or, if you know the name of the product list you want to add this product to, type it in, and click OK.
From the Product Lists screen, select on the product list you want to add this to, find the Actions section, and click the New button. From the drop down list, select Product.
This creates a blank Product Detail tab where you can input the details specific for this product – such as the product name, the product category, and the product price.
On this tab, the fields you need to fill out are the Description, Category, and the Price and Tax fields. All other fields on this tab are optional.
- Description – give this product a name that tells your clients what they will be ordering. For example, name this product “Tenant Screen,” or “Tenant,” etc.
- Category – give this product a category for Management Report purposes. For example, input “Tenant,” since this product orders tenant screening information.
- Price and Tax – be sure and assign price and tax amounts for Individual and Joint report types here. This is how you will bill the originating client for this report.
- Available to Client – you will want to make sure that the Available to Client checkbox is checked, as you will want your clients to be able to select this product from their product list.
The Priority, User Interface, Preferred Access Order, Product Level, and Checkbox Product Type fields can be populated if necessary.
Once this is done, click the Save button. When your changes are saved, click the Product Detail… button.
This opens the Product screen where you can set the accesses, services, and outputs on this tenant screening product.
Begin by adding the bureau accesses and addons that you wish to have on this product. There are no requirements as far as accesses go as long as the access code that you align to each added access is enabled at the bureau to pull tenant screening information.
After you have added any accesses you want for this product, move on to adding services to this product. You will want to add one Merge Service; and, there is one recommended Additional Service that you will want to add to your tenant screening product.
We recommend that you enable the Verify Addresses Additional Service as Selected for this product – this will help you in verifying the tenant history information that returns from the bureaus when this product is sent to the bureaus.
Additionally, if you wish to include criminal searches, DMV or motor vehicle reports, or education accounts on this tenant screening product, you may add the Verify Criminal History, Verify DMV, Verify Motor Vehicle Record, and/or the Verify Education Additional Services to this product. This will help to remind your updaters/processors to add these account types to any tenant screening reports, and to verify the information for these account types.
Important Note – Criminal Searches, DMVs, and Education accounts must be manually added to a report after the request has returned from the bureaus as the bureaus do not report these accounts. Also, Motor Vehicle Report information does not have a labeled section on the DMV account detail – we recommend that you add any MVR information into the Footnotes or the Narrative sections for these accounts.
After you have one Merge Service and any Additional Services added to this product that you want, move on to adding the output.
The output that you must enable on this product is the PDF Tenant Screening Report output. To do this, find the PDF Tenant Screening Report output and double-click on it to open the Output Detail tab.
Once you are on the Output Detail tab, you can set this output as either Selected or Optional. Setting this output as Selected sends a report immediately back to the originating client. Setting this output as Optional does not send a report immediately back to the originating client – this allows your updaters/processors to verify all of the accounts on this report prior to the client having a copy. In most cases, you will want to verify all accounts on the tenant report so you will probably want to set the PDF Tenant Screening Report output as Optional.
Then, you can add any addons that you wish by clicking the Addons… button here.
Once you have any output addons that you want enabled, click the Dests text entry in the tree structure to the left to add your Destinations for this output. You will need to set the Output to User Mailbox destination as Selected. To do this, right-click on it and choose Selected.
Once you have the destination set for the PDF Employment Screening Report output, click Save. When the changes are saved, this product is completed.
You should now have the information necessary to create an employment screening product and a tenant screening product. Once these are setup, we recommend that you send a test file through XpertOnline using these products prior to offering them to your clients for live production.