The rolodex is another term for all of the stored information for Subscribers (credit grantors, landlords, employers, and collectors) available to be reported on a trade line. Rolodex information is individual per Provider in the XOP utility program—since most of you using the XOP software migrated over from you probably have a rolodex setup and available to you.  


A rolodex of grantors, collectors, employers, and landlords is important to have when trade lines (including collection accounts), employment accounts, and/or addresses are imported from the bureaus without complete Subscriber information. In this case, your rolodex comes in handy—it allows you to add the Subscriber information to the account if the Subscriber information is included in your rolodex.  


Most commonly, users will see that only the Subscriber number will import—in this case, you can match the imported Subscriber number with the complete Subscriber entry in your rolodex. Once a match is made, the rest of the Subscriber information can be added to the trade line for concise and correct reporting.


In cases where no Subscriber information is included on a trade, collection, employment account, or address, and the Subscriber information is not in your rolodex, you can always add a grantor, collector, employer, or landlord to your rolodex so that it is available to you and the updaters/processors in your office for future accounts.


This document focuses on rolodex setup, addition, and using your rolodex information to make accounts on a request more accurate.

Content Includes:

Adding a New Rolodex Entry to XOP 

After a successful login to XOP, click the Setup menu and choose the Rolodex menu option.


When you select the Setup | Rolodex menu option, an item called a Zip Code Update will be created for XOP—this item allows you to input any zip code for a new rolodex entry and have the city and state populate automatically. You may need to wait a moment while this Zip Code Update is created.


When this is done, the rolodex screen will open with an Exact Search prompt. If you would like to search for a specific Subscriber by company name or Subscriber number, enter it into this field and click OK.  


Users can also click the Advanced button on the Exact Search window to search for exact matches on the Subscriber ID number or the Company name; or, users can enter either the first few letters of a Subscriber company’s name or the first few numbers of a Subscriber number to perform an inexact search. When the Advanced screen drops open, uncheck the Exact checkbox(es), input a partial Subscriber ID or Company name, and click OK. This will open a list of Subscribers whose first few letters or numbers match with your entry.


To view your entire Rolodex, leave the search field blank and click OK (in the screen capture below, Subscriber ID numbers have been removed for security purposes).


The screen shown on the previous page opens—this is the Rolodex List tab. This tab displays a brief summary of each Subscriber currently setup in XOP. Users can click and drag the scroll bar  along the bottom to the right to view more information.


To view more detailed information on a Subscriber entry here, click on a Subscriber entry to highlight it and then click the Detail tab (users can also double-click an try to view the Detail tab for the selected Subscriber).


From the Rolodex Detail tab, users can see such information as the date and time the rolodex entry was created and modified, the type of rolodex entry, the physical location of this rolodex entry, etc.

To create a new Rolodex entry, from either the Rolodex List or the Rolodex Detail tab, click the New button, located in the Actions section on the right hand side of either tab.  

This opens a blank Rolodex Detail tab that allows the user to input details for a new rolodex entry.


As you can see, when you click the New button your unique Provider number will populate into the Provider field by default. This field cannot be modified.

  • Created—when the user saves their changes, this field will populate with today’s date/time for tracking purposes.
  • Modified—when the user saves their changes, this field will populate with today’s date/time for tracking purposes.  If any changes are made to this particular Subscribers information, the Modified field will display the date and time that this Subscriber’s information was most recently modified
  • Subscriber—input the Subscriber number into this field.
  • Type (drop down list)—select whether this Subscriber is a Credit Grantor, an Employer, a Landlord, or a Collector.
    1. Credit Grantor—this is the default.  This type of Subscriber will be added to a trade line.
    2. Employer—this type of Subscriber will be added to employment accounts.
    3. Landlord—this type of Subscriber will be added to addresses.
    4. Collector—this type of Subscriber will be added to trade lines that are collection accounts.
  • Protect from Auto-Update (checkbox)—this checkbox is checked by default.  When checked, this checkbox protects this rolodex entry from being overwritten by new information returned from a bureau on a rolodex lookup.  Users can hover their mouse over this checkbox for more information. 
  • Company—input the name of the Subscriber’s company.
  • Address—input the address of the Subscriber company.
  • City, State, Zip—input the City, State, and Zip code for this Subscriber company.  When a user clicks the <TAB> key from the Address field, they will be taken to the Zip Code field.  Once a user inputs a Zip Code here, then presses the <TAB> key again, the City and State fields will be populated based on the Zip Code value.   
  • Phone, Phone2, Fax—input the phone number, a second phone number if applicable, and a fax number if applicable.
  • Email—input an email address for this Subscriber, if applicable.  If an active email address is input into this field, users can click on the linked Email text to generate an email that will populate the value in this field into the email message automatically.
  • Web Address—if applicable, input the web address of this Subscriber company.
  • Notes—type in any notes that are applicable to this Subscriber.  The Subscriber will never see any notes that you type into this field.

Rolodex Lookups from the Account Screens 

No matter what type of account screen you are viewing—be it trade line or collection account, address or employment account detail screens—if incomplete Subscriber information imports from the bureaus, you can always search your rolodex for the proper information.  XOP will do its best to match the account information reported by the bureaus with the information that exists in your rolodex when you do a lookup.


To do this, open an account into the Detail tab and find the Subscriber section – this is usually located to the top right of the account screen.  If no Subscriber information exists, click the Lookup button to search your rolodex.



XOP will then perform a streamlined search on the existing account information and open all close matches into a Rolodex screen.  If the matching Subscriber information for this account exists in the list, you will want to bring the Subscriber information over into the Detail tab for this account. To do this, single-click on the Subscriber entry and click the Select button.



This will bring the selected rolodex information into this account’s Detail tab.



You will then be taken back to the Detail tab where the selected Subscriber’s rolodex information will be located. Be sure to Save your changes.


If you click the Lookup button and XOP finds no matching Subscribers in your rolodex, the Rolodex window that opens will be blank.  From here, if you happen to know the Subscriber information that should be used for this account, you can input it at this time by clicking the New button and adding a new rolodex entry.  



Rolodex Information Lookup from an Account Verification Form

When performing a verification on an account, often the Subscriber information—the party that will verify the accuracy of the account—will not automatically populate into the verification form.  You will notice that Subscriber information will not be included on the verification form if the Sent To: field is blank.

In cases where the rolodex information for the creditor/grantor, collector, landlord, or employer may not automatically populate into the verification, you can click the Lookup button to have the corresponding rolodex information print on the verification form.  



Clicking the Lookup button scans your rolodex for matches and opens a Rolodex screen containing the corresponding information. All matches will be displayed on this screen.  If you find the correct Subscriber information, single-click on it and click the Select button to populate the selected Subscriber’s information into the Send To field on the account verification form.



If no matches are found, users can quickly add new rolodex entries on this screen by clicking the New button, entering the data, saving their changes, and clicking the Select button to bring the newly-added rolodex entry over to the verification so that it prints on the verification form.

Rolodex Item Removal

If you are setup with Administrative rights in XOP, you can delete items out of your rolodex of creditors, grantors, collectors, employers and landlords.  To do this, go to the Setup | Rolodex menu option.  



At the Exact Search prompt, either search for the rolodex item you want to view or leave it blank.  



Find the entry you’d like to remove, select it, and click the Delete button, located on the right-hand side of this screen. At the Confirm Delete prompt, click OK. This item will then be removed from your rolodex.  



Note: once you remove an item from your rolodex, you will have to manually re-add it, as this information cannot be recovered!


You should now have the information necessary to maintain your Subscriber rolodex per your business standards.