Follow these preliminary steps to setup products and clients for access to Trans Chicago/Fannie Mae via XpertOnline Provider. You must be on Trans Chicago file format version 2.1 in order to use XpertOnline Provider for this connection. Have TC turn on your end user codes for v2.1.


Important Noteyou cannot have a Subscriber/Client setup on both the Xpert 2 system and XOP. If you migrate to XpertOnline Provider for TC/Fannie Mae, you must remove the Subscriber/Client from the Xpert 2 system or else you client will not receive reports in XOP.

Product Setup

This section assumes that you have already setup your access codes at Trans Chicago


After a successful login to XpertOnline Provider, select on the Setup | Product Lists menu option.  



When the Product Lists page opens, you will be prompted with an Exact Search window. If you wish to modify or copy an existing product and know its name, type it into this field and click OK.  If you wish to create a brand new TC product, click the Cancel button on the Exact Search prompt.


If you need to copy an existing TC product, the product that you make a copy of will copy completely—including any Product Options pricing that you have set for Trans Chicago Reissues and Trans Chicago Reprints.


If you need to create a brand new TC product, you will see a list of product lists on the left side of the screen (after you have OK'd the Exact Search prompt). Find the product list that you need to create a TC product for and single-click on it so that it is selected.


Once you are sure that the proper product list is selected, in the Actions section, click the New button and choose Product.  



This will create a series of blank fields that need to be populated a certain way, depending on the type of TC product you are going to create.   



There are two types of TC products: an Unsolicited product for Trans Chicago, and a Solicited product for Trans Chicago. The following sections walk you through setting up both types of products and what the differences are for each.

Unsolicited (billed through DO/DU) Product Setup

An unsolicited TC request is originated through the DO/DU software—not from XOP. That is why they are called “Unsolicited” requests—because they are originated and billed (solicited) through DO/DU (and not through XOP). Note that this product is called TCUNSOL, as this is the required Description for the Trans Chicago Unsolicited product.



When you see the blank fields after clicking the New | Product button, fill out these fields exactly as described here. An incorrectly setup TC Unsolicited product can result in not receiving the requests in XOP.

  • Description: type TCUNSOL (in all caps) here. This is the name of your unsolicited product. This name must be spelled correctly and must be input in all capital letters.
  • Category: input a product category for this new entry. This field is for management report purposes. There are no restrictions for this field—for example, you may type in ‘Fannie Mae’ or ‘Trans Chicago.’
  • Priority—if your unsolicited requests will need work (write outs/verifications, manual updates) and the client that will order this product needs the request “rushed” back to them, you can set the priority level to Gold or Silver. The Gold or Silver setting indicates that this request needs manual attention first, over other, non-prioritized requests.   The Standard priority level—which is the default—indicates that this request does not take priority over any other requests.  If you are unsure about using this feature, take the default setting of Standard.
  • User Interface—you do not need to pay attention to this field for the TCUNSOL product.
  • Preferred Access Order—you do not need to pay attention to this field for the TCUNSOL product.
  • Product Level—you do not need to pay attention to this field for the TCUNSOL product.
  • Available to Clientuncheck this checkbox. Your Subscribers/Clients will not need to have this product available to them through XOP/ as the request will originate and come back into DO/DU.
  • Price (Individual & Joint): assign a price for individual reports and joint reports based on your market.
  • Tax (Individual & Joint): assign the tax price for individual and joint reports.
  • Options (button)Important Note: Do not click the Options button for Reissue or Reprint pricing just yet. You will not be able to properly configure these at this moment—you first need to finish creating the entire product, complete with accesses, services, and outputs. You will configure the Options as the final step in creating the TCUNSOL product. 
  • Product Detail (button)—click this button to begin adding accesses, services, and outputs to this product.


Once you have the above fields input, click the Save button.  When the product is saved, click the Product Detail… button to continue.  This opens the main Product Detail screen, shown here.



When the Product (main Product Detail) screen opens, the product list name will be at top left of this screen. Below the product list name will be the name of the product you just created—TCUNSOL—and below this, there will be an Accesses listing, a Services listing, and an Outputs listing. You first need to add the appropriate Accesses to this product, followed by Services, and then Outputs.  This process is described below.


Select on the Accesses listing here—just below the TCUNSOL product name entry—to add the Trans Chicago/Fannie Mae access.  A green ball will appear to the left of the selected item.


When you select on the Accesses listing, a tab will open in the middle of the screen that says System to System Accesses. In this tab, find the access listing that is called Trans Chicago FNMA v2.1 Credit Report and right-click on it. Note: For those of you currently using Trans Chicago through, it is no longer necessary to create or use a Trans Chicago Access code.



When you right-click the Trans Chicago FNMA v2.1 Credit Report access, choose the Selected option so that this access will be enabled on this product.  


Once you do this, the Selected column of the System to System Accesses tab will read as Selected.  When the Trans Chicago FNMA v2.1 Credit Report is Selected, double-click on this access to add the proper bureaus and scores.


Note: For those of you currently using Trans Chicago through XpertOnline Provider, it is no longer necessary to align an access code to the access from the Access Detail tab as your access code should have been enabled at Trans Chicago.

  • Description—take the default here. This is the name of this access.
  • Selected—make sure that the Selected fields reads as Selected.  This indicates that the Trans Chicago FNMA v2.1 Credit Report access is enabled.  
  • Access Code—leave this field blank. TC takes care of the access code.
  • Price/Tax—this is the price the client is billed for. You cannot reaccess a TC report to get new information.
  • Addons… (button)—click this button to add your bureaus and scores to this access.


When you click the Addons… button, the tab shown here opens—this is the Access Addons tab.



On the Access Addons tab, you need to ensure that EVERY listing here is Selected so that this product properly matches the product in DO/DU. Therefore, right click on each of the following accesses and accesses with scores and choose the Selected option from the list.

  • EFX—right-click and choose the Selected option.
  • EFX with Score—right-click and choose the Selected option.
  • TU—right-click and choose the Selected option.
  • TU with Score—right-click and choose the Selected option.
  • XPN—right-click and choose the Selected option.
  • XPN with Score—right-click and choose the Selected option.


When you are finished, each bureau/bureau with score listing here should be Selected.



As you may have noticed, the left-hand side of your screen changed with each addition of accesses and accesses/addons to this product, and the green ball moved with your selections of each additional option. The left-hand side of this screen—also called the tree structure of the Product Detail screen—allows you to move back out of each section of the middle tabs. Click the text in the tree structure to move where you want.


When you have added the Trans Chicago FNMA v2.1 Credit Report access, along with all of the bureaus/bureaus with scores, to the TCUNSOL product, click Save from the Actions section. When the save is complete, move on to adding Services to your TCUNSOL product.


To begin, click on the Services entry in the tree structure. There is only one required service for this product—the Import service, found in the Merge Services section of the Services tab.




Right-click on the Import service and choose the Selected option from the menu.



Once the Import service is Selected (Selected column on Services tab reads Selected), you may add any other Additional Services that you like to this product. The Additional services section is below the Merge Services section on the Services tab.


Important Noteadding any Additional services may change certain account values. This can make the report that appears in XOP differ from the report that was actually used during the Fannie Mae determination. If you align any Additional services to this TCUNSOL product, you must keep in mind that Additional services act on the returned bureau information. If you think that adding Additional services to your TCUNSOL product may affect the final report, we recommend that you only add the Import service to this product.


Once any/all services are added to the TCUNSOL product, click the Save button in the Actions section of this screen. When the save is complete, move on to adding the Outputs to the TCUNSOL product.


To begin, click on the Outputs entry in the tree structure. As a user, keep in mind that Unsolicited requests (requests ordered with the TCUNSOL product) that your clients order from DO/DU always return a report back into DO/DU. Since this is the case for Unsolicited requests, your client most likely will not want two copies of the report they order. If this is the case, we recommend that you choose the Optional selection that corresponds to the PDF Lender Report output instead of the Selected option. This will not send a report back to your client via XOP, but it can manually be printed back to them if they request it.


To add the PDF Lender Report to this product as an Optional output, find the PDF Lender Report output in the System to System Outputs tab, and double-click it. When the Output Details tab opens, click the Selected drop down list and choose Optional.



Once Optional is selected, we recommend that you set one Destination for this output in case you need to manually print the Freddie Mac request to the client side of To do this, click the Destinations… button, and once you are on the Output Destinations tab, right-click on the Output to User Mailbox entry and choose Selected. Users can select any Sort Order, Addons, or Options as they please.



If, however, your Subscriber/Client does want two copies of the Unsolicited report (one in DO/DU, one available to them in XpertOnline Provider), double-click the PDF Lender Report output and choose the Selected option from the Selected drop down list.   



You will then need to click the Destinations… button and, for the Output to User Mailbox option, right-click and choose Selected (please see following page for graphic).



Additionally, for the Selected PDF Lender Report output, users can select any Sort Order, Addons, or Options as they please.


When you are finished, click the Save button to save all of your changes. When the save is complete, the required components on your tree structure for the TCUNSOL should resemble the graphic shown here:


  • Accesses = Trans Chicago FNMA v2.1 Credit Report
    1. AddOns = EFX, TU, XPN, EFX with Score, TU with Score, XPN with Score
  • Services = Import
  • Outputs= PDF Lender Report (either Selected or Optional)
    1. Destination = Output to User Mailbox


Move on by configuring your Product Options. Click on the TCUNSOL entry in the tree structure of this screen to have the Options button available to you.

Options – Configuring Trans Chicago reissues and reprints 

When you are viewing the Product tab in the middle of your screen, click the Options button near the bottom to configure your TC reissue and reprint prices for your clients.




The Options window opens to allow you to designate pricing for Trans Chicago reissues and reprints (duplicates). You may enter any price and tax value here that you wish to charge.   If you do not want to charge anything for these, input zeros into these fields. Note – do not leave these fields blank! As stated above, input 0.00 into these fields if you do not wish to charge for Reissues or Reprints.


A Trans Chicago reissue is the process of retrieving a request pulled via XOP/ and sending it back to DO/DU for subsequent submission to FNMA. No bureau data is reaccessed during a reissue.


In most cases, you will not want to charge your Subscriber/Clients for Trans Chicago reprints (duplicate requests). The only time you should ever see a reprint is if the original file did not import correctly into XpertOnline Provider and Trans Chicago resent it as a duplicate; or, if you request the same borrower again without waiting at least 24 hours.


Once this is completed, Save your changes from the Actions section.  You have successfully created your Unsolicited Trans Chicago/Fannie Mae product for XpertOnline Provider.


Quick Overview: Solicited (billed through XpertOnline Provider) product setup 

The previous product setup instructions are only for your TCUNSOL (unsolicited) product. Most likely, you will want to have more than one TC product setup in your product list: with this in mind, you can use the below information as a general guide on setting up solicited TC/Fannie Mae products as there are not as many specific requirements for Solicited TC products. If a specific item is not listed, there are no requirements for its use on a TC Solicited product.

  • Description: You may choose any product description you like. One suggestion here would be “Trans Chicago Infile.” As always, make sure that the description reflects the bureau(s) it will access and the type of the product.
  • Accesses: always choose the Selected option for the Trans Chicago FNMA v2.1 Credit Report access with the proper AddOns to all TC/Fannie Mae products.   For AddOns here, use the following list:
    1. EFX, EFX with Score, TU, TU with Score, XPN, XPN with Score. Use any combination of these accesses and accesses with scores as necessary.
  • Services: always choose the Selected option for the Import Merge service for all TC products. Since these are pre-merged files, you DO NOT want to choose any other Merge service than Import.
  • Outputs: choose the Selected option checkbox for the PDF Lender Reportto each product with Destinations set to be sure that your originating client receives a copy of the report.
    1. Destinations—be sure to choose the Selected option for the Output to User Mailbox destination.
  • Product Options—you will need to set TC Reissue and TC Reprint prices as your clients are billed each time they reissue or reprint from TC.  As a general rule, ALWAYS enable the Trans Chicago FNMA v2.1 Credit Report access PRIOR to setting your Product Options pricing for TCReissues and TCReprints. Note – do not leave these fields blank! Input 0.00 into these fields if you do not wish to charge for Reissues or Reprints.


Always remember to Save Changes from the Action Menu.

Quick Overview: “TC to RMCR” Product Setup Recommendations in XOP

In order to convert a TC Infile or an Unsolicited request  to a Trans Chicago/Fannie Mae RMCR, you will need a  “TC to RMCR” product. You will not be able to use your normal RMCR products with TC files: you can only upgrade a TC product to a product with a TC access on it. Therefore, if a product has a Trans Chicago Access, you can only upgrade to a product that also contains a TC access. Once this product is setup correctly, you will be able to upgrade an existing TC report to this new RMCR product. Here are some guidelines. If a specific item is not listed, there are no requirements for its use on a TC to RMCR product.

  • Description: You may choose any product description you like. One suggestion here would be “TC to RMCR.”
  • Accesses: choose the Selected option for the Trans Chicago FNMA v2.1 Credit Report access with all of the AddOns listed here to this TC/Fannie Mae product:
    1. EFX, EFX with Score, TU, TU with Score, XPN, XPN with Score.
  • Services: choose the Selected checkbox for the Import service to all TC products.  Since these are pre-merged files, you do not want to use any other Merge service.
    1. Since this is an RMCR product, you will probably want to add certain Additionalservices that are specific to RMCRs.  See below for a list of Additional services that are usually added to RMCR products:
      • RMCR
      • Verify Balances Old than 30 Days
      • Verify Balances Old than 60 Days
      • Verify Balances Old than 90 Days
      • Verify Addresses
      • Verify Employments
      • Interview
  • Outputs: choose the Selected option for the PDF Lender Report.
    1. Set the Destinations to Output to User Mailbox.
  • Product Options—you will need to set TC Reissue and TC Reprint prices as your clients are billed each time they reissue or reprint from TC.  As a general rule, ALWAYS enable the Trans Chicago FNMA v2.1 Credit Report access PRIOR to setting your Product Options pricing for TCReissues and TCReprints. Note – do not leave these fields blank! Input 0.00 into these fields if you do not wish to charge for Reissues or Reprints.


Use this TC to RMCR product to upgrade requests ordered with TCUNSOL or Trans Chicago Infile products to TC RMCR requests.


Make sure you Save Changes from the Action Menu.


Once you have any/all Trans Chicago Fannie Mae products setup, you must give access to those clients who will order TC/Fannie Mae requests.

Subscriber/Client (End User) Setup

After you have set up TCUNSOL and any other TC-related products, you will then need to edit the Subscriber information screen for the Subscriber/Client that will use the Trans Chicago interface. Note that if you need to add a brand new client, you will need to add the new client information first, and then move on to adding the Trans Chicago information outlined in the following pages. For instructions on setting up new clients in XOP, please see the Client Setup documentation located in the XOP program by going to Help Documentation and downloading the Setup documentation.


The following instructions only involve editing existing client information for Trans Chicago.


After a successful login into XOP, click the Setup menu option and choose Clients.  



You will then be prompted with an Exact Search box—if you know the name of the client you are going to setup for the TC/FNMA connection, type it into this field and click OK. Otherwise, leave the Exact Search box blank and click OK to see the entire list of clients.


You will then come to the Clients screen. Once you have found the client company entry that you wish to setup for TC/FNMA through XpertOnline Provider, select on it and click the Detail tab. You may also double-click on your client company entry in the List tab to move into the Detail tab.


The Detail tab is where you will start setting up this client company for TC/FNMA access.



The two areas of the Detail tab that you will need to pay attention to are the Unsolicited User/Lookup Unsolicited User… button section and the Trans Chicago Information section. Depending on your monitor resolution, you may need to scroll down in the Detail tab to view this information.


Begin with the Unsolicited User field.  



Here, you need to populate the Unsolicited User field with a user’s name from this client company that will order/receive the unsolicited TC requests—that is, the requests ordered and billed through DO/DU. Click the Lookup Unsolicited User… button for a list of users that can be added to this field as you cannot type in this field.  

Once you are viewing the Users screen, select on a user that should order/receive TCUNSOL requests, and click the Select button.  The selected user name will then populate into the Unsolicited User field.



If no name is input into this field—if it is left blank—the default user name will be the first user that occurs in your user list.  Since this may not be the user you wish these reports to be assigned to, we strongly recommend that you input a username into this field.


Once this is done, move down to the Trans Chicago Information section. Since we are only discussing the Trans Chicago/Fannie Mae connection, you only need to pay attention to the FNMA Subscriber Code field. In this field, input your client’s end user number assigned to you by Trans Chicago. This number is what Synergistic software refers to as the TC Subscriber Code.


When you have finished entering the FNMA Subscriber Code value, click the Save button to save your modifications to this client company.  Once the changes are saved, you then need to click the Validate Setup button.   

This button prompts XOP to add the FNMA Subscriber Code value to the server that routs Trans Chicago/Fannie Mae requests.  You must save your information prior to validating your setup—click the Save button from the Actions section of this screen.  


If XOP was successful in validating these Subscriber Codes, you will get a confirmation saying that the Subscriber Code was added correctly.  If not, you will get a descriptive pop-up message informing you of the steps that need to be taken in order to get this FNMA Subscriber Code validated.


Once you are finished entering an Unsolicited User value and the FNMA Subscriber Code into the Detail tab of the Clients screen, click the Save button to save your modifications to this client company.  When the save is complete, you have setup your client company for the TC/FNMA connection through XOP.


Remember: you cannot have a client setup for TC/Fannie Mae within Xpert 2 and XpertOnline Provider.   If you do, this Client will NEVER receive a report back into XpertOnline Provider  You must remove this client for TC/Fannie Mae access in the Xpert 2 system. This applies to as well!


You should now be able to send a test file through using any of the TC products, this client company, and the Unsolicited User value to ensure that this connections functions properly.


Things to know about Trans Chicago through XpertOnline Provider

  • Do not reaccess a Trans Chicago report unless it is in a status of Please Review or System Review. Once a report has been pulled via Trans Chicago, the bureaus cannot be reaccessed, and Trans Chicago will simply reprint the existing report, creating an exact duplicate. XpertOnline Provider interfaces with Trans Chicago directly from the bureau level; therefore, if a report’s access does not have a status of review, then Trans Chicago already received the report, so reaccessing will be redundant. If the access status is “Waiting,” then XpertOnline Provider received a confirmation from Trans Chicago that the request was received. If the file is “stuck” at Trans Chicago, reaccessing the report will not help.
  • Make sure that you have “Address Parsing” turned on at the bureau level for all Experian access codes that Trans Chicago may be using.  To do this, contact your XPN bureau representative. When Address Parsing is turned on, it sends the data to Trans Chicago in a format that makes it easy for them to parse out the address information. It causes the address information contained in the XPN raw data to be separated by slashes. If Address Parsing is not enabled, your XPN files will not be processed correctly by Trans Chicago.
  • The same TC End User Number cannot be used in XpertOnline Provider simultaneously with either or Xpert 2. You will have remove the TC End User number from either of these systems in order to use XpertOnline Provider.
  • Any Fannie Mae products must have the Product Options for the Trans Chicago Reissue and the Trans Chicago Reprint populated. These options become available to you only after you have aligned the Trans Chicago FNMA v2.1 Credit Report access to the product. They are listed below the Product Options link. The pricing can be zero, but these options must be available.
  • The Same TC End User number cannot be entered for more than one client. XpertOnline Provider would not know what to do with TC unsolicited files if the same TC number existed for more that one subscriber number. The best course of action would be to have Trans Chicago assign a second End User Number for use with the second Subscriber number.
  • If you successfully receive a credit report back from TC, you cannot resubmit the same request on the same date—if you do, Trans Chicago will not repull the bureaus. This is true even if you create a new report (with a new Display ID). TC will resend the same file to you. If you want a new request with fresh bureau information for the same applicant, you must wait until the following day (Trans Chicago does this to prevent over-billing issues if a client accidentally re-requests the same borrower(s) within the same calendar day).