XpertOnline.net now offers a utility program in the form of an executable program that runs on your local computer to facilitate the process of working through an RMCR request. This program is called the XpertOnline Provider program. When you download and install this RMCR utility program, each request that exists in XpertOnline.net will be available for you to work on through this utility.


The main benefit of the XpertOnline Provider program is speed: you can view, modify and save account list and account detail pages in seconds. You can also setup products and product lists, clients, grantors (including landlords, employers, and collectors), and alert, narrative, name, and ECOA conversions with the timeliness and efficiency necessary to streamline the specifics of your workflow.


XpertOnline Provider is able to perform at a higher efficiency rate because it handles only data. When compared to a web browser, a browser’s processing capabilities are much slower because they have to read long scripts and pages, and then create containers (in the form of XSL and XML) for the data. Moreover, when a large amount of data must be “contained” in a web page, the browser must read the contents of the page and execute any necessary functions, and then create the proper XSL and XML code all prior to bringing the data in front of the user. With a large amount of data, this can obviously take a large amount of time.  


Since XpertOnline Provider is a program running on your local machine with a direct hook into XpertOnline.net’s data, the default requirement of reading scripts and pages and creating containers for the data is eliminated; thus, you are working only with the data necessary to perform the work as requested by your Subscribers/Clients.

Content Includes:

The Main XpertOnline Provider Page

After you have downloaded and installed the XpertOnline Provider utility program from XpertOnline.net, you will need to login with the Provider credentials that you currently use to login to XpertOnline.net. Since this program is exclusively for providers, you will not need to enter in your Subscriber number of zero (0)—you only need to enter your Provider ID, your User ID, and your Password.

Once you have your login information entered into the Logon page shown here, click on the OK button. The credentials that you have entered will be validated against our servers here at SharperLending, and you will be taken into the main XpertOnline Provider program.



This page is divided into the menu options along the top, the Get Next/Workflow buttons and checkboxes, the three tabs in the middle, and control buttons to the right.


The File menu option allows you open the Fax Management program, the Management Reports program, the Workflow Assignments screen, and to exit the program.



The Setup menu option allows users to open and add or edit clients, rolodex information, product lists, and access codes, as well as to customize alert, narrative, name, ECOA conversions, inquiries that are to be removed, and bureau-reported common names. Information regarding every menu option beneath the Setup menu is available from the Help | Documentation menu option in the XOP software—this includes setting up clients, products, access codes, your rolodex; plus, setting up custom narrative, name, alert, ECOA, and common name conversions, and custom inquiry removal.



The Help menu option contains links to existing XOP documentation and all updates that have been made to the XOP program since its release. Users can also choose the About… option to view the version number of XOP that they are running.



Below the menu options is the Get Next/Workflow functionality section. The Workflow pages and Get Next button are based on work in XOP. No matter if you have Administrator or User rights, the Workflow options automate the process of finding and managing outstanding work in the form of RMCR or non-RMCR (Infile) requests that need your manual attention. Instead of sorting through the numerous requests that already exist in XOP, updaters/processors (users setup with User rights) and managers (users setup with Administrator rights) can use the Workflow tab and the Get Next button to view and open outstanding requests ordered by oldest service date/time stamp and priority level.  



For complete documentation on how this process works, please go to the Help | Documentation menu option in XOP and download/read the Workflow, Get Next, and Workflow Assignments documentation. Please note that the Get Next/Workflow section is optional for use.


The area below the Get Next/Workflow section contains three tabs that will list all requests that have been ordered by you and your Subscribers/Clients.


The first tab is called the Recently Opened tab. It keeps track of all requests that you have opened. When you close out of the XpertOnline Provider program in its entirety, then re-open it, the program remembers those requests that you have opened recently and displays them in this tab.



The first time you log into this program, there will be no information in the Recently Opened tab because, obviously, you have not opened any request yet.  Right-clicking on the Recently Opened tab gives you a few more options.

  • Open Request opens the selected request into the main request detail screen for updating.
  • Client Lookup opens an information screen that contains the client that ordered the request.
  • Delete from Recent List removes the selected item from the Recently Opened tab.
  • Restore default grid layout arranges all of the columns in the Recently Opened tab back to the way they were originally.  This is advantageous in cases where you rearranged the column headers on this tab and would like them back to the default layout.
  • Print Request will print the selected request to the default printer.

The Workflow tab contains all requests that either you have been assigned to but are not yet completed, or requests that you have taken ownership of but not yet completed.



Right-clicking on the Workflow tab gives the user a few more options.

  • Open Request opens the selected request into the main request detail screen for updating.
  • Refresh brings the most current information to this screen.
  • Client Lookup opens an information screen that contains the client that ordered the request.
  • Restore default grid layout arranges all of the columns in the Workflow tab back to the way they were originally. This is advantageous in cases where you rearranged the column headers on this tab and would like them back to the default layout.
  • Print Screen prints the information on this tab to the default printer.
  • Print Request will print the selected request to the default printer.

When you select on the Search List tab, you will immediately be prompted with an Exact Search box. This enables you to search for a specific request right away.  



When you see the Exact Search pop up window, you can search for the reference number (Display ID), social security number, last name, or first name. If you want to do a more refined search, click on the Advanced button. The Search window expands to allow you to designate if you want to search the Entire List or the Working List, the reference number, SSN, last name and/or first name, Client ID, and/or Fannie Mae Job ID#. You can deselect any of the checkboxes that correspond to the fields here to perform an inexact search—an inexact search allows users to search for the first couple of digits of a SSN to bring up a list of socials to choose from, or to search for the first few letters of a last name to bring up a list of names to choose from, etc.



If you do not want to search for a specific request, leave the search field blank and click the OK button. This populates the first twenty or so entries of your Working List into this screen. If you would like to bring your Entire List into this page, following these instructions within the Search List screen:

  1. Click the Search button on the right side of the screen.
  2. Select on the Advanced button.
  3. In the drop down list at the top, select Entire List (if not already selected).
  4. Click OK.


You may notice that your Entire/Working List that loads into the Search List page looks small—like there should be more requests listed on this page.  This is because XpertOnline Provider is built on a “fetch on demand” idea: when you need more information, XpertOnline Provider will fetch it for you.  With this in mind, when you scroll to the bottom of the Search List page, the next twenty requests will automatically load into this view, moving the scroll bar up.  When you scroll down again, it will again load the next twenty requests into this view until you have all of your requests in this list.



In cases where you do not want to have to scroll to the far right in the Search List tab grid to view a certain column, you can click and drag any column header to any place in the grid that you like.  For example, if you wanted to see the Order Date column first, you could click and drag on the Order Date column header and drag it to the left of this tab. This can be done with any column header in the Search List tab.


Users can right-click in this tab for a few additional options.

  • Open Request opens the selected request into the main request detail screen for updating.
  • Refresh brings the most current information to this screen.
  • Client Lookup opens an information screen that contains the client that ordered the request.
  • Restore default grid layout arranges all of the columns in the Search List tab back to the way they were originally. This is advantageous in cases where you rearranged the column headers on this tab and would like them back to the default layout.
  • Print Screen prints the information on this tab to the default printer.
  • Print Request will print the selected request to the default printer.


On the right hand side of this screen, there is an Actions section that allows you to move up or down through the list of requests, to delete entire requests from this list (Delete is only available if you are viewing the Recently Opened tab), to add a new request, to close this page, and to perform searches at any time.


To open a request’s accounts (the main request detail page), double click on any of the requests listed on the Search List, Workflow, or Recently Opened tabs. This opens the detail concerning the makeup of the request into the Request Detail page, where manual updates can be made by updaters/processors, and where managers can review requests for quality control.

The Main Request Detail Page

When a user double-clicks on a request listed in any of the three previously-defined tabs, the details on this request open into a detail page—this page is called the Request Detail page.  The Request Detail page is made up of four sections: a request summary at the top, a series of six tabs just below the request summary, an Actions section made up of function buttons on the upper right, and an Accounts section listed in the lower right.




Request Summary Information

The request summary information includes the client company name, the client number, the phone number of the client company, and the Attn: field, which reflects the name of the person at the client office who ordered the request. Additionally, this section displays the name of the product, the service team name (if applicable), if this request is assigned to an updater/processor and, if so, the name of the person, and the ordered date, the completed date, and the revised date. Often, the revised date can be more recent than the completed date—this is because the revised date reflects if the product was upgraded or modified, or the request was reprocessed, etc.


Users can right click in the Request Summary Information section for a series of additional options.

  • The Change Client option allows you to change the name of the client that ordered the request. WARNING: this can violate the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Be very cautious when using this feature.
  • Choose the Take Ownership option to assign this request to yourself so that no one else in your office will make changes to this request.
  • The Assign Request To… will only be available for Administrative users. When selected, an Administrator can assign a previously-assigned request to a different updater/processor.
  • The Print Screen option will print the screen that you are currently viewing.


The six tabs below the request summary all contain different information pertaining to this request. When you first come to the Request Detail page, the tab that opens by default is the Instructions/Notes tab.  


Instructions/Notes Tab

  1. Client Instructions—this field contains information specific to this Subscriber/Client. Usually, these are instructions that must be completed on each request received from this client before it can be printed back to the client. This field is read-only.
  2. User Non-printing Notes—as a Provider, you can type into the field just to the right of the Add button to add any notes as necessary to this request. Keep in mind that any notes or phrases in the User Notes field are not seen by your Subscriber/Client. This field is read-only.
  3. Report Footnotes—text that is typed into this field will print on the report that is sent to the client. Any footnotes typed into this field will print near the end of the report.


If you add any text into these fields, be sure to click the Save button so that your additions or modifications are saved.


Applicants/Segments Tab 

This tab shows the user the Applicant and, if applicable, the Co-applicant information. The Applicant/Co-applicant information is listed at the top of this tab, and the bureau segments that make up the account detail on this request are listed below the Applicant/Co-applicant. As you can see from the layout of this screen, the user can get a feel for how much information makes up this request from the number of employments, addresses, alerts, scores, trades, public records, inquiries, AKAs, and consumer statements listed in the corresponding columns.   



If you scroll to the right, you can view a quick summary of the Applicant/Co-applicant information and the segment information for the Applicant/Co-applicant.


To delete a segment, click on the segment listing. Then, making sure that the segment you want to remove is highlighted, click the Delete button at right.  


Notes on Deleting Segments…

  1. Deleting a segment will not cause you to lose any manual changes or modifications that you have made and saved on the request.
  2. Deleting a segment will not unmerge all of the segments, delete the chosen segment, and then remerge the remaining segments. It simply deletes the segment without changing the account information. However, if you Undelete a deleted segment, this will cause the file to unmerge, add the segment, and then remerge.


Services Tab

The third tab on this page compiles the services that were requested—either manually or automatically via the product. As you know, services are requests for either manual or automatic work to be done on a specific account or entire request. They can be manually added to a request by posting a message to an account; or, they are posted automatically to a request based on the product that the request was ordered with.


When a user views the Services tab, they will see that they can filter the list of services listed here by the status of the service or the priority level. Filtering a list is simply limiting the view that the user sees to a set of predefined options (in this case, predefined statuses or priorities of services). By default, the list of services is filtered by those services in Requested status and Waiting status. There is no default filter set by the priority filter—users will see all services no matter their priority level.



Selecting on the Filter by Status drop down list shows the user six status options that they can filter the list of services in:

  1. All—this filter shows the user every service in every status on this request.
  2. Requested—this filter limits the services that can be viewed to show only those services in a Requested status.  Services in a Requested status indicates to the user that this service has been requested by the client but has not yet been worked on.
  3. Waiting for Response—this filter limits the services that can be viewed to show only those services in a Waiting for Response status.  Services in a Waiting for Response status indicates to the user that someone in the Provider’s office has started working on this service but is currently awaiting a response from a third party.  Usually, this indicates that a verification has been sent to the grantor but no word has been received from the grantor yet.
  4. Requested and Waiting—this filter limits the user’s view to display on those services in statuses of Requested or Waiting for Response. When a user first views the Services tab, the view is limited by this filter by default.
  5. Done—this filter shows the user only those services that have been completed for this request.
  6. Canceled—this filter shows those services that have been canceled.


Services are prioritized based on the priority that the product was created with. When a request is ordered with a prioritized product, that service or services included on that product needs to be worked on before other services that have lesser or no priority level on the product. You can set a priority level as high, or Gold, on a product for those clients of yours who need their requests returned to them at a faster rate than other clients. Gold is the highest priority level, Silver is medium priority level, and Standard is low, or no, priority level. Selecting on the Filter by Priority drop down list shows the user five priority options that they can filter the list of services in:

  1. All—this filter is turned on by default. Users can see every service in every priority level.
  2. Standard—this filter limits the list of services to only those set with a standard priority level. This essentially means that no priority level has been set for these services.
  3. Silver—this filter limits the list of services to only those set with a Silver priority level. Services in a Silver priority take precedence over those set with a Standard, or no, priority level.
  4. Gold—this filter limits the list of services to only those set with a Gold priority level. Services in a Gold priority level take precedence over those set with either Silver or Standard priority levels.
  5. Silver and Gold—this limits the list of services to only those set with a Gold or Silver priority level.


When viewing the list of services, users can change the status of individual services by selecting on a service listed on this tab and selecting on the Status drop down list on the right side of the screen. Then, they can choose the status that they would like to assign to the selected service.


The services description, or phrase that describes the selected service, will appear in the Description section on the right hand side of the Services tab.


The Requested section shows the user the date and time that the selected service was ordered.


The Comment section includes notes specifically from the client as relating to the selected service. This is usually for messages left on specific accounts. Providers cannot edit the text in this field.


From the Priority drop down list on the right hand side of this tab, users can change the priority level of a selected service if a particular service should be attended to before other services that have lower priority levels.


In the Serviced By field, the user that attended to a service should type their name into this field.  


The Take Ownership button to the right of the Serviced By field, when clicked, assigns an unassigned service to the logged in user ONLY IF the entire request is unassigned. This button will also assign the entire request to that user. This is based on the idea that a report cannot be assigned to more than one updater/processor.


The Completed value reflects the date and time that a selected service was taken care of, or completed.


The Client User section shows the user the name of the user at the Subscriber/Client’s office that ordered the service/request.


When modifying any section or sections of the Services tab, be sure to click the Save button on the right hand side of this screen.  


When a user marks a service as Done from the Status drop down list, and then clicks the Save button to save their changes, if the service was posted to this account from a message posted from the client, they will be prompted with a billing pop-up window. This pop-up window allows the updater to charge the client for any additional work that was performed and completed, based on the content of the client message. This window will only pop up if #1 the service was generated from a message posted to an account by the client, and #2 if there is a price setup in the Options section on the product (see the product setup documentation for more information). When the updater clicks OK to this billing pop-up window, an additional charge will be posted to the billing tab on this request. The amount reflects the amount setup in the Options on the product. Click the Cancel button to not charge the client for work done on this user service request.

Attachments Tab

This tab displays any attachments for this file. Possible attachments usually included on this tab are *.200 or *.833 files for those files originated from standard LOS transmission, the LOSActiveX, and ePASS.



Right-clicking in this screen allows the user a  few more options:

  • The View Attachment option will open the selected attachment for viewing/printing.
  • The Print Screen option will print the current screen you are viewing.


Edit Log Tab

This tab compiles and displays all edits made and saved to this request’s detail pages. The Edit Log tab is separated into two sections: on the left side is a list of all individual edits made to the open request. The right side contains the specific details of the edit that is selected in the list on the left.



The details to the right include what was edited in the Account Type field, the Date that the selected edit was made, a brief text Description of the selected edit, and the exact details of the selected edit in the Fields that were Changed section.


Billing Tab

The Billing tab compiles all of the billing information for this request. It is broken down into three subsequent tabs: a Charges tab, a Credits tab, and a Payments tab.



The Charges tab shows the user the amount that the Subscriber/Client will be charged for this request, along with other detailed information regarding the charge to the Subscriber/Client. The total charges for this request will appear in the tab name.


The Credit tab shows the user any information regarding amounts that were credited to this request. The total credits for this request will appear in the tab name.


The Payments tab compiles and displays all payment information concerning this request.  


The Billing tab will subtract the total credits from the total charges as displayed in the tab names and the total—the amount that the Subscriber/Client will be charged—will appear at the upper right of the Billing tab.


The billing information detail concerning the three tabs here (Charges, Credits, and Payments tabs) will display in the data entry fields on the right hand side of each individual tab.


Users can add new billing charges or credits from the New button on the right side of the Billing tab; and, any items can be deleted by selecting the Delete button.  Any additions or modifications to billing information should always be saved from the Save button at right.   


Actions Buttons

The Actions buttons located on the right hand side of the main Request Detail page do not change as you navigate through the various tabs.  They allow users to perform a standard set of functions.

  • The Up arrow button allows users to move up through a list of items.  This button essentially performs the same function as that of your up arrow on your keyboard.
  • The Down arrow button allows users to move down through a list of items.  This button performs the same function as that of the down arrow on your keyboard.
  • The New button will create a new detail item when clicked.  The type of item that is created depends on the tab that you are currently viewing—for example, if you are viewing the Charges tab beneath the Billing tab, a new billing charge would be created.
  • The Delete button will remove an item that you have selected on.  
  • The Utilities button allows updaters/processors to Cancel the open request, or to Reprocess the open request.  
  • The Save button will save any changes, edits, additions, or modifications that you make while viewing any of the tabs in the main Request Detail page.
  • The Print button will open an additional window, allowing you to print the request that you are currently viewing.  See the printing documentation for more information.
  • The Close button takes you out of the Request Detail page and back to the Recently Opened or the Search List pages.  If you have any items that you have not saved while working through the Request Detail page, you will be prompted to save them when you click on this button.



The Accounts section in the lower right of the Request Detail page contains the types of accounts that make up this request. When a user double clicks on one of the items listed in the Accounts section, an additional page opens for that item type. The additional page that opens will list all accounts and corresponding details for each account listed.

The updaters and processors in your office that manually update trade lines and other accounts will use the Accounts section to begin their work.  To open a particular item, double click on it.


What follows are definitions of each item listed in the Accounts section:

  1. Request—when a user double clicks on the Request item, the Request screen opens to allow users to quickly modify various aspects of this request without actually opening specific accounts. The Request screen contains numerous tabs that contain information pertinent to this request:
    1. Quick—compiles and contains client, product, Applicant/Co-applicant, and Loan information. Any of these fields can be modified on this tab. 
    2. Applicant—contains modifiable Applicant and Co-applicant information for this request. Use the Utilities button to quickly swap Applicant and Co-Applicant.
    3. Addresses—users can view the current address information for the Applicant/Co-applicant from this tab, and quickly add or modify any new addresses not reported from the bureaus.
    4. Employments—users can view the current employment information for the Applicant/Co-applicant from this tab, and can quickly add or modify any new employments not reported from the bureaus.
    5. Trades—allows users to quickly add any new trades to this report that may not have been reported by the bureaus.
    6. Appraisal—this tab includes Applicant, Loan, and Appraisal information in case an appraisal was ordered on this product.
    7. Other—this tab contains miscellaneous overall Request Information, including date fields for tracking and management, Interviewinformation, where the report originated from, and the Fannie Mae Job number. Please find quick field descriptions below.
      1. Date Ordered – this field is automatically populated with the date and time that this report was ordered by the client company. This field displays at the top of the main Request Detail page, in the Request Summary Information section.
      2. Date Completed – this field is automatically populated with the date and time that this report was accessed, processed, formatted, and sent to the originating client company as completed. This field displays at the top of the main Request Detail page, in the Request Summary Information section.
      3. Date Upgraded – this field will be automatically populated when the report was first ordered, and then this date and time will be revised automatically if the report is upgraded from a non-RMCR to an RMCR.   If this is request is not upgraded, the Date Ordered and the Date Upgraded will contain the same date and time.
      4. Date Revised – this field is only populated with a date and time if the updater/processor modifies this field manually. Usually, this will be done when any manual edit or change has been performed. This field displays at the top of the main Request Detail page, in the Request Summary Information section.
      5. Date Canceled – this field is automatically populated if the request is canceled. It will be populated with the date and time that the request was set to Canceled. 
  2. Product—double-click on the Product entry to look at the make-up of the product that this request was ordered with.  This opens a Request Product screen into a new window where users can cancel, repull, or redo any accesses, services, or outputs that they wish. The product can also be upgraded from the Request Product screen.
  3. Segments—when a user double clicks on the Segments option, the Applicants/Segments tab opens from the main Request Detail page. A new window does not open when a user selects this option.
  4. Services—double clicking on the Services option opens the Services tab from the main Request Detail page. A new window does not open when a user selects this option.
  5. Employments—double clicking the Employments option opens a new window containing three tabs:
    1. The first tab that opens by default is the List tab—all employments reported for the Applicant/Co-applicant on this request are listed in this tab.  
    2. The second tab is the Detail tab which displays all of the detailed information for each individual employment account on the List tab.  
    3. The third tab shows the raw data as received from the bureau(s).
  6. Addresses—when a user double clicks the Addresses option, a new window opens containing three tabs:
    1. The first tab that opens by default is the List tab—it lists all addresses reported on this request for this Applicant/Co-applicant.
    2. The second tab—the Detail tab—displays all of the detailed information for each individual address on the List tab.
    3. The Raw tab displays the raw data as received from the bureau(s).
  7. Alerts—double clicking on the Alerts option opens a new window that contains three tabs:
    1. The List tab which opens by default lists each bureau alert on this request.
    2. The Detail tab contains the details for each alert included on the List tab.
    3. The Raw tab displays the raw data as received from the bureau(s).
  8. Scores—the Scores option, when double clicked, opens an additional window containing three tabs:
    1. The first tab that the user sees is the List tab.  This tab lists all bureau scores included on this request.
    2. The second tab is the Detail tab.   This tab displays all of the detailed information for each score included on the List tab.
    3. The Raw tab displays the raw data as received from the bureau(s).
  9. Assets—the Assets option, when double clicked, opens a new window containing three tabs:
    1. The List tab on the new window lists every asset account included on this request.
    2. The Detail tab displays the detailed information for every asset included on the List tab.
    3. The third tab on this page is the Raw tab, which contains all of the information for each asset included on the List tab exactly as the bureau(s) reported it.
  10. Trades—when a user double clicks on the Trades option, a new window opens containing three tabs:
    1. The first tab that opens by default is the List tab—all trade lines reported by the bureau(s) for the Applicant/Co-applicant on this request are listed in this tab.  
    2. The Detail tab displays all of the detailed information for each trade line included on the List tab.
    3. The third tab on this page is the Raw tab, which contains all of the information for each account included on the List tab exactly as the bureau(s) reported it.
  11. Public Records—double clicking on the Public Records option opens a new window containing three tabs:
    1. The first tab that the user sees on the new window is the List tab.  This tab lists all of the public record accounts for the Applicant/Co-applicant as received by the bureau(s) for this request.
    2. The second tab is the Detail tab.   This tab displays all of the detailed information for each public record account included on the List tab.
    3. The third tab on this page is the Raw tab, which contains all of the information for each account included on the List tab exactly as the bureau(s) reported it.
  12. Inquiries—when a user double clicks on the Inquiries option, a new window opens containing three tabs:
    1. The List tab on the new window lists every inquiry included on this request.
    2. The Detail tab displays the detailed information for every inquiry included on the List tab.
    3. The Raw tab displays the raw bureau information exactly as reported by the bureau(s).
  13. AKAs—double clicking on the AKAs option opens a new window containing three tabs:
    1. The List tab on the new window lists every AKA reported for the Applicant/Co-applicant on this request.
    2. The Detail tab displays the detailed information for every AKA included on the List tab.
    3. The Raw tab displays the raw bureau information exactly as reported by the bureau(s).
  14. Consumer Statements—double clicking on the Consumer Statements option opens a window containing three tabs:
    1. The List tab on the new window lists every Consumer Statement reported for the Applicant/Co-applicant on this request.
    2. The Detail tab displays the detailed information for every Consumer Statement included on the List tab.
    3. The Raw tab displays the raw bureau information for these accounts exactly as reported by the bureau(s).

Working in the Accounts Screens

The account list and account detail pages that are accessible from the Accounts section of the main Request Detail page is where most of your manual work for updating accounts—and all RMCR-related updates—will be performed. This section builds off of the previous Accounts section by discussing the functionality of the additional screens that open when you double click on an entry in the Accounts section.


The following list of items that make up a request all have very similar—if not the same—functionality on the account list and account detail tabs in the XpertOnline Provider utility program:

  • Trades
  • AKAs
  • Inquiries
  • Employments
  • Addresses
  • Alerts
  • Consumer Statements
  • Assets
  • Scores
  • Public Records


The main differences between the account list and account detail screens per item are due to the differences in the detail that makes up the item: for example, the data that makes up the detail on a trade line contains different elements than the data that makes up the detail on, say, an inquiry, or an employment, or a public record. Therefore, the differences in the look and feel of differing account screens are due to the nature of the bureau-reported data that makes up the item.


As is stated above, despite the differences in the look and feel of account list/account detail pages per item, the functionality contained on each screen/tab is mainly the same.


Standard Functionality in the Account List/Account Detail Tabs

When a user double clicks on any of the items listed in the Accounts section, a subsequent screen opens that is made of up three tabs: a List tab, a Detail tab, and a Raw tab.   

  • The List tab will list all of the accounts for this type of item.  
  • The Detail tab displays the elements that make up each account included on the List tab.
  • The Raw tab displays the raw bureau data exactly as received from XPN, EFX, and/or TU.


While viewing the List tab, most of the items on the account list cannot be sorted or filtered (limited) with the exception of the Trades List and the Inquiries List. The filter and sort options only occur on the Trades and the Inquiries list tabs because these are the two types of accounts that generally contain large amounts of individual accounts.



When a user selects on the Trades entry, there are two drop down lists along the top of the Trades List page: a Sort drop down list and a Filter drop down list.   



The Trades List tab can be sorted in the following ways:

  • Name—sorts the Trades List alphabetically. This is the default setting.
  • Account Number—sorts the Trades List in ascending order of account number.
  • Date Reported—sorts the Trades List from most recent to oldest date reported.
  • Date Opened—sorts the Trades List from most recent to oldest date opened.
  • DLA—sorts the Trades List from most recent to oldest date of last activity.
  • Balance—sorts the Trades List from highest to lowest outstanding balance.
  • High Credit—sorts the Trades List from highest to lowest high credit amount.
  • Type—sorts the Trades List by account type, in the following order: Line of Credit accounts (C) first; Installment accounts (I) second; Mortgage accounts (M) third; Open accounts (O) fourth; and Revolving accounts (R) last.  As you can see, this is sorted in alphabetical order of account type.


The Trades List tab can be filtered, or limited, by one of the following criteria:

  • None—no limitations will be placed on the current Trades List view. This is the default.
  • Name—when you select to filter the list by account name, a blank text field opens just to the right of the Filter drop down list.  When you begin typing in this field, the Trades List will become limited to the text that you type.
  • Account Number—when you select to filter the list by account number, a blank text field opens just to the right of the Filter drop down list.  When you begin typing numbers into this field, the Trades List will become limited to the numbers that you type.
  • Trades Only—this will remove all collection accounts, allowing the user to view only non-collection trade accounts.
  • Collections Only—this will remove all trade accounts, allowing the user to view only trades that have been marked as collection accounts.
  • Supplement—this limits the Trades List to only those accounts that have the Supplement Indicator checked on the Detail tab.
  • Derogatory—this limits the Trades List to only those items that have the Derogatory Indicator checked on the Detail tab.
  • Bankruptcy—this limits the Trades List to only those items that have the Bankruptcy Indicator checked on the Detail tab.
  • Date Opened—when you select to filter the list by Date Opened, a blank text field opens just to the right of the Filter drop down list.  When you begin typing numbers into this field, the Trades List will become limited to the numbers that you type. Note that if you are typing in the numbers corresponding to the months of January through September, you must type a zero (0) before the numeric value. For example, to limit the Trades List to February, type 02 instead of a 2, etc.
  • Derogatory Date Opened—this limits the Trades List to only those items that have the Derogatory Indicator checked on the Detail tab.  It then opens a blank text field just to the right of the Filter drop down list.  When you begin typing numbers into this field, the Trades List will become limited to the numbers that you type. Note that if you are typing in the numbers corresponding to the months of January through September, you must type a zero (0) before the numeric value. For example, to limit the Trades List to February, type 02 instead of a 2, etc.
  • Student Loan—this limits the Trades List to only those items that have the Student Loan Indicator checked on the Detail tab.
  • Mortgage Loan—this limits the Trades List to only those items that have the Mortgage Indicator checked on the Detail tab.
  • Non-Deleted—this limits the Trades List to display only those items that have not been deleted.



When a user selects on the Inquiries entry, there is a Sort drop down list along the top of the List tab.   


Clicking on the Sort drop down arrow shows two options:

  • Inquiry Date—this sorts the Inquiries List from most recent inquiry date to oldest inquiry date. When you first open the Inquiries, the List tab is sorted by this option by default.
  • Inquiry Name—this sorts the Inquiries List alphanumerically. This means that those bureau-reported Inquirer names that begin with numbers will show first in ascending order, followed by those bureau-reported Inquirer names that begin with letters will come second in alphabetical order.


Despite the sorting and filtering options on the Trades and Inquiries List tab, the functionality included on the List tab is the same no matter the type of accounts you are viewing.


Beginning from the top of the List tab, users will see a Deleted to Bottom checkbox that is checked by default. When checked, those items that have been marked as deleted will move to the bottom of the List tab.  When this checkbox is not checked, those accounts marked as deleted will be mixed with other undeleted accounts throughout the List tab.



The main make up of the List tab is the grid section that lists the actual accounts for this request. The column headers along the top of the grid include status information, if this account has been deleted, segment information, account name, account number, date reported, date opened, high credit, balance, and other summarized detail information concerning each account.  Each item on this tab can be edited—users can simply highlight a value and begin typing. However, we always recommend that an account’s detail be edited from the Detail tab. To do this, highlight the account you want to edit and click the Detail tab (or, double-click a selected account).  


Narratives are edited a little differently than other fields on the List tab. To edit a narrative, single-click in the narrative row that should be edited so that it is selected and highlighted in blue. Then, press the F2 hotkey on your keyboard, and begin typing.  To add a line break, press the Ctrl + ENTER keys on your keyboard and continue typing. Once you are finished, single-click elsewhere on the Trades List tab. Your edits will then appear in the Narrative column, in the row that you edited.   Remember to Save your changes from the Actions section of this tab.  


Important Note: for fast and easy Narrative value/phrase editing, either double-click on the trade whose narrative you wish to edit, or highlight the account and switch to the Detail tab. We recommend that all manual updates on narratives be performed on the Detail tab instead of the List tab.


In cases where you do not want to have to scroll to the far right in the List tab grid to view a certain column, you can click and drag any column header to any place in the grid that you like. For example, if you wanted to always see the value in the Balance column for each account listed in the List tab without having to scroll to the right, you could click on the Balance column header name and drag it to the left of the List tab grid so that when you open that type of account into the List tab, the Balance field would always appear where you dragged it to. The XpertOnline Provider program will remember which column you dragged where after you close completely out of the program and come back into that particular account list.


To restore the grid layout to the default column order, right click in the account list grid and choose to Restore Default Grid Layout. There are a few other right click options available in the List tab:

  • Delete—this option marks the selected account as Deleted.
  • Change Grid to Row-Select Mode—this option allows the user to select an entire account row listed in the account list grid instead of a particular field within an account row.  Always use this option when deleting multiple accounts at once—hold down the CONTROL key and arrow up or down to select multiple accounts.
  • Change Grid to Edit Mode—when a user selects on the above option (Change to Row-Select Mode), the right click options change to display a Change Grid to Edit Mode option.  This option is the default mode of the account list grid—when in the edit mode, users can tab from field to field within an account row and not from row to row.
  • Print Screen—select this option to print the screen you are viewing to the default printer.


Users can switch from edit mode to row-select mode as they wish.


To the right of the account list grid is an Actions section that includes function buttons.

  • Up—this button moves your cursor up one account.
  • Down—this button moves your cursor down one account.
  • New—when clicked, this creates a new, blank account and moves the user to the Detail tab.
  • Delete—this button marks the selected account as deleted.
  • Msg—this button allows you to add a message to the selected account. Adding a message to an account marks this particular account as outstanding, indicating that manual work must be completed on this selected account before the entire request can go to a status of Done. Adding a message to an account is the same as manually adding a service to an account. Note that users can Take Ownership of a message added to an account.
  • Save—this button saves any changes or modifications that you manually make.
  • Verify—this button allows you to create a verification to be sent to the grantor for the selected account. Creating a verification for an account marks the account as outstanding, indicating that manual work (in the form of a verification in this case) must be completed for this account before the request can go to a Done status. Performing a verification on an account is the same as manually adding a service to an account.
  • Close—this button closes the current account screen.

Below the Actions section is the Accounts section.  This shows the user the types of accounts that make up this request.   Double clicking on an entry in the Accounts section opens the corresponding account list, account detail, and raw tabs for that type of account. To facilitate your workflow, the Accounts section is included on every account list and account detail page that you can open so that you can easily move from the trades accounts to the public records accounts, for example.

The Detail tab is where you will perform any manual modifications and/or additions to any of the Applicant/Co-applicant data that makes up the account for this request. The example on the page that follows displays the Trades Detail tab—please keep in mind that each Detail tab will look differently depending on the type of account (employments, addresses, public records, assets, etc.) that you choose to open.



The Detail tab is made up of data entry fields containing bureau-reported data instead of grids. Users will probably need to scroll down to view all of the fields that make up the Detail tab. Most, if not all, of your manual RMCR work will be accomplished in the Detail tab. The data entry fields in this tab allow your updaters/processors to make quick account modifications and to save their changes from the Save button to the right.


From this tab, users can view any outstanding services for this account in the Services section; they can see if this account is listed for the Applicant or the Co-applicant; and, they can Lookup any Subscriber (creditor/grantor) information and add it if it is not included on the account.  

One handy tool that updaters/processors can use to track the status of their work on a particular account is the Account Status drop down list.  The Account Status drop down list, located on the right side of the Detail tab just above the Account Indicators, can be used to set an account to OK, Pending, or Check.  The Account Status field is blank by default and is a purely optional feature—no action is required on the part of the updater/processor if they do not wish to use this feature.  This drop down list is not to be confused with the status of a service on an account!

  • OK—this indicator means that the account has either been reviewed for work and has been completed, or that no manual work is required on this account.
  • Pending—this indicator means that the account is currently being worked on.
  • Check—this indicator means that the account should be reviewed for quality control.


The other fields and checkboxes pertain to the account itself and are individual to the type of account that you choose to open and view.


A Note on the Employment and Address Detail Tabs

The Employments and Addresses account Detail screens include employment and tenant screening information. These fields are collapsed by default, but when viewing the Detail tab for any address or employment reported by a bureau, or added manually, users can click the Advanced button located in the middle of the Detail tab to view the checkboxes and/or fields pertaining to employment and tenant screening. These checkboxes and fields need to be updated manually, meaning that the bureaus will not report this information for the Applicant/Co-applicant. When any of the checkboxes/fields below the Advanced button are populated with information and saved, the Advanced button will be highlighted—it will appear blue with bolded text. This is so that updaters/processors can use the Up/Down controls in the Actions section of the Detail tab to determine which employments/addresses contain manually-entered employment or tenant screening information.


Below is an example of the data entry fields that can be used by updaters/processors for any applicable employment screening information.



Below is an example of the data entry fields that can be used by updaters/processors for any applicable tenant screening information.



The Raw tab shows the bureau information exactly as reported by the bureau or bureaus and shows the user all of the original bureau segments that make up the selected account. The information that this tab contains is usually extensive and users will need to scroll down through the information to view all of it.


When viewing the Raw tab, users can take their mouse and hover over any field here to see a pop-up window that contains all of the information that is contained in the field that is being hovered over.  



Users can right-click in the raw tab and choose Change grid to edit mode (F12).   This option allows users to manually edit any of the values in the Current column. All other columns are still Read-Only (cannot be edited or modified).


On requests that have been merged (products with either the Blend or the Pick and Choose service enabled), updaters/processors can delete the base, or kept, account, and then undelete another account that was merged with the base account to create a new account. This can be done easily from the Raw tab: users can right-click in the column or columns that have the bureau names at the top (EFX-2, for example) and select the Create New Account from XPN-1, for example, to create a new account and set all of the fields for that bureau only.  This feature is usually only necessary for Trans Chicago/Fannie Mae requests.


On requests that have been merged (products with either the Blend or the Pick and Choose service enabled), users can go to the Raw tab, right click on a desired row or field in one of the bureau columns (EFX-1, TU-2, etc.) and choose to use the information from that row or field for that bureau access on that account, replacing the CURRENT value.  For example, if the base, or kept, bureau segment was EFX-1 after the bureau information was merged, but the TU-1 segment reported more thorough narrative information, a user could right click on the Narrative row/field in the TU-1 column and choose to Set CURRENT Narrative to TU-1 Narrative. This will replace the narrative reported from the EFX-1 segment with the narrative reported from the TU-1 segment, but still show that this account was reported from the EFX-1 segment. Users who wish to take advantage of this feature will notice that the right click menu option beneath the bureau-named column (EFX-2, TU-1, etc.) will change depending on the row/field that they right click in: if they right click in the Account Name field beneath the TU-1 column, the menu option will read Set CURRENT Account Name to TU-1 Account Name; if they right click in the High Credit field beneath the TU-1 column, the menu option will read Set CURRENT High Credit to TU-1 High Credit.


Updaters/processors should now have the information required to update any RMCR requests, and/or to work up user service requests posted to accounts in the form of a supplement/message by your clients.

User Documentation and XOP Updates

Any time while working in the XOP software, users can go to the main XOP screen and click either the Help | Documentation or the Help | Updates menu options for completed documentation and information on all software updates, enhancements, and new features, respectively.


The Help | Documentation menu option opens a screen that allows users to download and view all user documentation that has been written for this program. Users can also view accesses, services, and outputs definitions.  As you know, the accesses, services, and outputs are the items that make up a product. This page also provides a direct login link to XpertOnline.net, and a direct link to the What’s New page in XpertOnline.net.


The Help | Updates menu option contains the most recent new features and enhancements to existing features that have been integrated into the XOP software. In addition to this, users can view an archive of past new features and enhancements, and they can Search for a specific feature as well.


At any time while working in the XOP software, users have these Help options available to them.