Product setup procedures in the XpertOnline Provider utility program are very similar to those in the main program. The main difference in the XpertOnline Provider program is speed: you can create, copy, modify, and save your products and product lists in seconds.
Content Includes:
To begin, you will need to create a product list, and then create products within this product list. Each product within the product list needs to be made up of accesses (bureaus), services, and outputs.
Keep in mind that each bureau access—EFX, TU, and/or XPN—you align to a product must have a bureau access code aligned to it. If you are creating a new product, you must have your bureau access codes setup and saved prior to creating a new product. If you do not have bureau access codes setup before you create a new product, you will not have access to the information stored at the bureaus for the Applicant/Co-applicant.
Creating a Product List
Upon a successful login to the XpertOnline Provider program, click the Setup menu option along the top of the screen. When the list drops down to display more options, select on the Product Lists entry. The page that opens is a list of all of your current product lists; it also allows you to create new product lists.
When you first come to the Product Lists page, you will come to an Exact Search prompt. If you know the name of the specific product list that you would like to view, type it into this field. If you would like to view all product lists, leave the Exact Search field blank and click the OK button.
To search for more than just the name of a product list, click on the Advanced button here. The search window will expand to display a few more options, as shown here. This allows users to search for a product list by Description (or name) or to search by Subscriber ID. Searching by Subscriber ID allows users to type in a Subscriber/Client’s ID number and, when a match is found in that matches to the value that was input, the product list that is aligned to that Subscriber/Client is displayed. Users can also de-select the Exact checkboxes to type in the first few letters of a search criterion. When this is done, all product lists that match will be displayed.
If you leave the Search field blank and click OK, you will then see the page shown here, which displays all of your product lists.
This page is divided into three sections: from left to right, all product lists that are setup for your company will be listed in the tree structure at left; a few details concerning this product list will appear in the middle; and, a series of Actions buttons will appear to the right.
The tree structure to the left has been created similar to the fashion that Windows Explorer works: the plus (+) signs indicate that items exist beneath the product list. To view all of the products that are contained within a product list, click on the plus sign. As you can see, this expandable tree structure contains the products that make up the selected product list beneath each product list name.
The middle portion of the main product lists page contains the name of the product list that is highlighted at left and the date and time that this product list was last modified.
The Actions buttons at right allow the user to perform various actions on a product list.
- Up—moves your selection up one item.
- Down—moves your selection down one item.
- New—creates a new product list, product, access, service, output, etc.
- Delete—deletes a product list, product, access, service, output, etc.
- Save—saves your changes to a product list, product, access, service, output, etc.
- Copy—allows you to copy a product list or product to streamline the creation of a new product. Instead of creating a new product list or product from scratch, users can select the Copy option to create a replica of the selected item and modify it as necessary.
- Close—closes the product list screen.
- Search—opens the Exact Search screen shown on the previous page.
To create a new product list, click on the New button in the Actions section. When you click here, a list opens, allowing you to choose whether you want to create a new product list or a product. You will want to choose Product List here.
You can also right click in the tree structure section and choose New Product List—this performs the same function as clicking the New button on this screen.
When you choose to create a new product list, you will be first prompted to give this product list a name in the Description field. What you type in the Description field should be individual enough to this product list so that this can be distinguished from other product lists.
Once you have given this product list a name in the Description field, click the Save button. When the save is complete, you will have created a new product list. Your next step will be to create individual products within this product list.
Creating Individual Products within a Product List
To create a new product, you first need to make sure that you have the product list that you want to create this product in highlighted in the tree structure section of the main Product Lists page. For example, if you wanted to create a new product within a product list called Test Product List, make sure that you have this product list description highlighted in blue.
Then, you can either right click on the selected product list and choose the New Product option; or, you can click the New button in the Actions section and choose the Product option. When you do this, the middle portion of the screen displays many blank fields that will require input from you for this product.
- Description—give this product a name. Usually, the product description will reflect the bureaus/accesses that are included on this product. For example, if this product is to have EFX only, you might name this product EFX Infile or Single Bureau EFX, etc.
- Category—this field is for Management Report purposes. In the Management Reports program, there is a specific report that is based on Product Category. Often, products are categorized into Infiles, RMCRs, TC/Fannie, or by Subscriber/Client name, etc. If we continue with the example above, since this is an EFX Infile, or an unverified, product, you might assign this product a category of Infile.
- Priority—you can assign this product a priority level. The higher the priority, the faster the request that was ordered with this product needs be worked on and returned to the Subscriber/Client. Differing priority levels on products are usually used for those Subscribers/Clients of yours who need their requests “rushed” back to them. You should set the priority level on the product according to your Subscriber/Client’s requests.
- Gold—the highest priority. Products assigned a Gold priority level take priority over Silver or Standard products. Gold priority products must be rushed back to the Subscriber/Client.
- Silver—the medium, or middle, priority. Products assigned a Silver priority take priority over standard products.
- Standard—the lowest priority level. This is the default. Products assigned a Standard priority level are not considered as having a priority level and should be worked on after Gold and Silver priority products.
- User Interface—this drop down list determines the data entry fields that your Subscribers/Clients see when they order a new request. Certain user interfaces must be used with certain accesses; for example, if you plan to have a TU Acquire access on this product, you should select the Acquire user interface option.
- Preferred Access Order—this drop down list allows the user to select which bureau information takes precedence over the others and is mainly used with Merge services (Blend, Pick and Choose). For example, if you are an EFX affiliate but this product contains all three bureaus, you should select a Preferred Access Order option that has EFX first, and then TU and XPN as second or third so that, when the duplicate information is blended, it reflects the information from your Preferred Access Order selection. Ultimately, this is your choice depending on how your company does business.
- Available to Client (checkbox)—if you want your Subscribers/Client to be able to choose this product from their product list, check this checkbox. Note that this is checked by default. An example of when you will want to uncheck this checkbox is when you are creating your Trans Chicago/Fannie Mae Unsolicited (TCUNSOL) product—your Subscribers/Clients will select this product and order the request from DO/DU; therefore, your Subscribers/Clients never need to choose the TCUNSOL product when ordering a new request so they do not need to have it available to them.
- Price/Tax—input an Individual and Joint price and tax for this product. Note that computes the amounts in the price and tax so you do not need to do any adding of values here. Also, the tax amount may be left blank.
Two buttons will also appear near the bottom of this page. They allow the user to set certain options for this product and to add accesses, services, and outputs to this product.
Options Button
When a user selects on the Options button, a screen opens that allows the user to assign prices for special work requests from Subscribers/Clients, and to configure this product with other distinct capabilities.
The table that contains the codes, descriptions, and price and tax amounts at the top of the Options page is where you can charge your Subscribers/Clients for special work requests and any request or bureau modifications.
- Web (update requested by the end user through the web)—you can assign a price and tax amount to be charged for any Subscriber/Client messages left on specific accounts via the Internet.
- Phone (update request by the end user through the phone)—you can assign a price and tax amount to be charged for any phone calls that the Subscriber/Client makes to you to request work on a specific account on a request.
- Fax (update requested by the end user through a fax)—you can assign a price and tax amount to be charged to the Subscriber/Client for requests for work on a specific account received via fax.
The web, phone, and fax prices can be charged to an account when you post a message to an account in the XpertOnline Provider program. When Subscribers/Clients post a message to an account, they will see the prices that they will be charged for each special work request (through the web, over the phone, or via fax) as setup in the Options page. Usually, you will charge less for updates requested through the web as opposed to updates requested via phone call or fax. This is to focus your Subscribers/Clients on the Internet and its message-posting capabilities.
The other two options that you can charge for are modifications that the Subscriber/Client can make from the client side of to either request information or bureau information.
- DELCOAPP (Remove the Co-applicant from the Report)—you can assign a price and tax amount to be charged to your Subscribers/Clients for removing the Co-applicant from a completed report.
- SWITCHAPPS (Switch the Applicant and the Co-applicant on the report)—you can assign a price and tax amount to be charged to your Subscribers/Clients on joint reports for swapping the Applicant and the Co-applicant on a completed report, effectively, making the Applicant the Co-applicant and the Co-applicant the Applicant.
As you know, your Subscribers/Clients can only make modifications to request or bureau information (deleting a Co-applicant, switching an Applicant and a Co-applicant) if you enable the product to do so. This is done in the bottom portion of the Options page in the Client Edits section. Users will notice two checkboxes in this section.
- Modify Request—when you check this checkbox, the Subscriber/Client can edit the Applicant and Co-applicant information on reports ordered with this product and resubmit the request.
- Modify Bureaus—when you check this checkbox, the Subscriber/Client can edit bureau information on reports ordered with this product and resubmit the request. This process involves deleting segments from the existing request.
For complete documentation on having your Subscribers/Clients modify request and bureau information on, please see the web address below:
To the right of the Client Edits section is a Postdated/Delayed Billing section. You will notice a blank field in this section. Users that have set their billing in to generate on a specific date can postdate the billing of this particular product to a later date by typing a number—representative of a number of days—to post date, or move back, when billing for this product will be generated.
When you add a number into the Postdated/Delayed Billing field, you need to keep in mind the date that your billing generates for all requests, and then input a number that fits this billing schedule. For example, if your billing generates on the first day of every month, and you type in 13, billing for this particular product will occur on the 14th day of the month, because 1 + 13 = 14.
The last section of the Options page is the Final Outputs section. Here, when all of the manual service requests on a report ordered with this product are completed, a Supplement report will print automatically that includes all of the items that were supplemented (the Supplement Indicator checkbox must be checked on the account detail screen). A manual service request is marked as complete when you set the status of an outstanding account to Done in the XpertOnline Provider program.
Product Detail… Button
The Product Detail… button allows the user to create the most important part of the product—this is where the bureau accesses, services, and outputs are aligned to the product. When a user adds accesses, services, and outputs to a product, this gives the product identity which allows Subscribers/Clients to choose this product from other products based on its individual make up of accesses, services, and outputs.
When users click the Product Detail… button, a new screen opens to display the name of this product in a tree structure to the left. The name of the product listed in the tree structure will be highlighted and below the product name will be three entries: Accesses, Services, and Outputs.
To add an access to this product, simply click on the Accesses option listed below the product name and the available System-to-System Accesses will appear to the right. Note that if you need to setup a Print Image access, right click in the Access listing and choose Show Print Image Accesses. Once you are viewing the System-to-System Accesses listing, you can decide which access you would like to add to this product by the entry in the Description column. You then can either double click on the selected access that you would like to add to this product; or, you can highlight the access you wish to add, right click on it, and choose one of the options from the list that pops up:
- Selected—this adds the access to this product. When this product is used to order a new request, this access will pull and return the bureau information on the Applicant/Co-applicant.
- Optional—this adds the access to this product but the access will not be pulled when this product is used to order a new request; instead, after the request has been pulled, you have the option to add this access to the product and repull the request.
- Both—this marks the access as both Selected and Optional, meaning that when this product is used to order a new request, this access will pull and return the bureau information on the Applicant/Co-applicant; and, after a request is pulled with this product, this access can be removed from the product and the request repulled.
- Remove—this removes the selected access from the product.
- Show Print Image Accesses—this option brings all Print Image accesses in front of the user so that they can create print image products for teletype requests as necessary.
- Sort Selected Items to Top—when chosen, this option will bring all of the selected accesses to the top of the System-to-System Accesses page.
Important Note: If you right click on an access and choose one of the above options, you will still need to double click on the access to align a bureau access code to it.
When you double click on an access to align it to a product, a new page opens that shows you the name of the selected access, as well as two drop down lists and a button.
The Selected drop down list contains four options, listed and defined above: Selected, Optional, Both, and Remove (see the bulleted items above for definitions). Click on this drop down list and select one of the four options.
Below the Selected drop down list is the Access Code drop down list. This drop down list contains all of your bureau access codes that you currently have setup. You must always remember to align an access code to an access or you will not be able to access the selected bureau’s information store. Click on the drop down list and select an access code for this access.
The Addons… button displays a screen containing all of the available score models for this access. Click the Addons… button to begin aligning Addons to this access. When the subsequent screen opens, to align an Addon or multiple Addons to this access, either right click and choose one of the options listed on the pop up menu that opens, or double click a highlighted Addon. If you right click an Addon, choose one of the options from the right click menu:
- Selected—this adds the Addon to this access. When this product is then used to order a new request, this Addon will pull and return the related score model for the access on the returned Applicant/Co-applicant information.
- Optional—this adds the Addon to this access but the Addon will not be used when this product is used to order a new request; instead, after the request has been pulled, you have the option to add this Addon to the access and repull the request.
- Both—this marks the Addon as both Selected and Optional, meaning that when this product is used to order a new request, this Addon will pull and return the related score model for the access on the returned Applicant/Co-applicant information; and, after a request is pulled with this product, this Addon can be removed from the product on the existing request when you reprocess the request.
- Remove—this removes the selected Addon from the access.
If you double click on an Addon to add it to an access, a screen opens that allows you to choose Selected, Optional, Both, or Remove from the drop down list.
Once you have aligned an access and Addons to a product, be sure to click the Save button. As you will see, the tree structure that contains the name of this product at left will display the additions of accesses and Addons to this product.
You have completed the procedure of adding an access (and access codes and Addons) to a product—next, move on to adding Services to a product.
Begin by viewing the tree structure on the left side of this screen that displays the name of the product you are working on. Click the Services text in the tree structure view, just below the Accesses listing.
When you click on the Services option listed in the tree structure, the right hand side of the screen displays two sections: a Merge Services section and an Additional Services section.
Merge Services are services that have to do with duplicate information received from the bureaus. If you have a two- or a three-bureau request, obviously it is possible that more than one bureau may have information on the Applicant/Co-applicant that your Subscriber/Client ordered credit on. Merge services help to eliminate the number of duplicate accounts on a report in a couple of different ways, based on your preferred access order selection. And, of course, there are instances where you will want to keep all of the duplicate accounts on the file.
Both of these instances (eliminating and keeping duplicate accounts) can be handled automatically by the Merge Services that you set on a product. For definitions of each Merge Service, please see the Services definitions documentation that is available on our web site.
The only restriction for Merge Services is that you can only have one Merge Service in a Selected or Both position per product, which means that you can only have one Merge Service turned on. You may have many Merge Services in an Optional position, but only one can be Selected or Both.
Additional Services are services that help to organize the accounts that return on a report. They do not have to do with duplicate information in any way—instead, Additional Services take the accounts and act on them as defined by the service. For definitions of each Additional Service, please see the Services definitions documentation that is available on our web site (see link above).
To align a Merge Service to a product, highlight the merge service and right click. When the right click menu opens, you will see a few options to choose from:
- Selected—this adds the selected service to this product. When the product that contains this service is then used to order a new request, the selected service will automatically perform work on the returned bureau information as defined in the service documentation. You may only have one Merge Service in a Selected position.
- Optional—this adds the selected service to this product but the service will not automatically perform work on the returned bureau information when the product that contains this service is used to order a new request; instead, after the request has been pulled, you have the option to add this service to the product and reprocess the request.
- Both—this marks the service as both Selected and Optional, meaning that when the product that contains this service is used to order a new request, the selected service will automatically perform work on the returned bureau information; and, after a request has been pulled with the product that contains this service, this service can be removed from the product and the request reprocessed. You may only have one Merge Service in a Both position.
- Remove—this option removes the selected service from the product.
- Sort Selected Items to Top—when you add a service to a product by choosing the Selected option from the drop down list, these items will move to the top of the Merge Services section.
Once you have added a Merge Service to the product, move on to adding Additional Services to this product. You can add as many Additional Services to a product as you like. Be sure to read over the Services documentation to familiarize yourself with how each service (both Merge and Additional) works and that you have a working understanding of each PRIOR to adding a service to a product.
To align an Additional Service to a product, highlight the service and right click. When the right click menu opens, you will see a few options to choose from:
- Selected—this adds the selected service to this product. When the product that contains this service is then used to order a new request, the selected service will automatically perform work on the returned bureau information as defined in the service documentation.
- Optional—this adds the selected service to this product but the service will not automatically perform work on the returned bureau information when the product that contains this service is used to order a new request; instead, after the request has been pulled, you have the option to add this service to the product and reprocess the request.
- Both—this marks the service as both Selected and Optional, meaning that when the product that contains this service is used to order a new request, the selected service will automatically perform work on the returned bureau information; and, after a request has been pulled with the product that contains this service, this service can be removed from the product and the request reprocessed.
- Remove—this option removes the selected service from the product.
- Sort Selected Items to Top—when you add a service to a product by choosing the Selected option from the drop down list, these items will move to the top of the Merge Services section.
To add a Merge or an Additional Service to a product, you may also double click on a selected service. This opens a screen that allows you to click on a drop down list and choose to add this service to the selected product as Selected, Optional, Both, or Removed on the product.
Outputs are ways to format the printout of the request. When the bureau information pulled on an Applicant/Co-applicant returns, the information is formatted and printed in the output that you choose. Each product needs to have at least one output on it so that the information can be transmitted in a printable format to your Subscribers/Clients. For information on what each output does and how it works, please see the Outputs documentation that is available on our web site.
To add an output to a product, in the tree structure to the left, click the Outputs option. This opens a window in the middle of the screen that lists all available outputs that can be added to this product. From this list, you have the option to right click on a selected outputs and to select one of the options from the drop down list; however, since you will want to configure your outputs with Addons, Destinations, and in some cases, Options (and this cannot be done from the right click option), you will want to double click on the output you wish to add to a product. This opens a page that contains a drop down list and a few buttons.
When you are viewing this page, click the drop down list and choose one of the selections on the list:
- Selected—this adds the selected output to this product. When the product that contains this output is then used to order a new request, the selected output will automatically format and print the returned bureau information.
- Optional—this adds the selected output to this product but the output will not automatically format and print the returned bureau information; instead, after the request has been pulled, you have the option to add this output to the product and reprint the request.
- Both—this marks the output as both Selected and Optional, meaning that when the product that contains this output is used to order a new request, the selected output will automatically format and print the returned bureau information; and, after a request has been pulled with the product that contains this output, this output can be removed from the product as necessary.
- Remove—this option removes the selected output from the product.
If you need to setup a Print Image product, right click in the outputs listing and choose to Show Print Image Outputs.
Below the Selected drop down list you will see the Sort Order drop down list. You can sort the accounts in each section depending on your selection in the Sort Order drop down list. For example, if you would like your trade line accounts to print in alphabetical order, you would choose Alphabetical from the Sort Order drop down list.
Below the two drop down lists are three buttons that allow you to further customize your outputs to your liking.
- Options…—this button allows the user to change the order that the account types print in on the output. For example, if you wanted the trades to print first, you would click on the trades listing and use the Up and the Down arrow keys to move the Trades accounts.
- Addons…—this button allows the user to add any Addons to this output. Addons for the outputs are individual settings for this output. For example, you may add an Addon to this output that hides the price of the report, or that removes the shaded areas of the report. There are a different set of Addons for each output.
- Destinations…—this button allows the user to set the place that the report is to be printed to. Usually, for all outputs, you will want to have the Output to User Mailbox destination set so that any report ordered with this product will be printed to the mailbox on the Subscriber/Client side of and your Subscribers/Clients can view and print the report. For Destinations, please note that the Output to Emailand the Output to Faxoptions are not functional at this time.
To add Addons to an output, you can right click on any of the listed options in the Addons list and choose one of the following options from the list:
- Selected—this adds the selected Addon to this output. When the product that contains this output (and the selected Addon) is then used to order a new request, the selected output and all Addons will automatically format and print the returned bureau information.
- Optional—this adds the selected output (and the selected Addon) to this product but will not automatically format and print the returned bureau information; instead, after the request has been pulled, you have the option to add this output and Addon to the product and reprint the request.
- Both—this marks the Addon as both Selected and Optional, meaning that when the product that contains this output and Addon is used to order a new request, the selected output and Addon will automatically format and print the returned bureau information; and, after a request has been pulled with the product that contains this output and Addon, this output and Addon can be removed from the product as necessary.
- Remove—this option removes the selected Addon from the output on the product.
To add Destinations to this output, you can either right click on the selected Destination and choose Selected, Optional, Both, or Remove from the list; or, you can double click a selected Destination and, from the drop down list on the page that opens, choose Selected, Optional, Both, or Remove. As in the aforementioned documentation, these options are defined as follows:
- Selected—this adds the selected destination to this output. When the product that contains this output (and the added destination) is then used to order a new request, the selected output will automatically format and print the returned bureau information to this destination.
- Optional—this adds the selected output (and the added destination) to this product but will not automatically format and print the returned bureau information; instead, after the request has been pulled, you have the option to add this output and destination to the product and reprint the request to the added destination.
- Both—this marks the destination as both Selected and Optional, meaning that when the product that contains this output and destination is used to order a new request, the selected output will automatically format and the selected destination will print the returned bureau information; and, after a request has been pulled with the product that contains this output and destination, this output and destination can be removed from the product as necessary.
- Remove—this option removes the selected destination from the output on the product.
When you have finished adding bureau accesses and access codes, services, and outputs—including Options, Addons, and Destinations—you must remember to click the Save button to ensure that your changes or modifications are kept by When this is done, you will notice that the tree structure view on the left side of the screen contains the product description (name of the product) and accesses, services, and outputs below the product name with plus (+) signs corresponding to each, indicating that information exists below this item, or there is nested information below.
If you click the actual plus sign next to the Accesses entry, you will notice that this expands to display an Addons entry with a plus sign. Clicking the Addons plus sign drops open a listing of all Addons that correspond to this access.
If you click the plus sign next to the Services entry, you will see a listing of all of the services—both Merge and Additional services—that have been added to this product.
If you click the plus sign next to the Outputs entry, you will notice that this list expands to display the name of the output with a corresponding plus sign. If you expand the plus sign by clicking it, the Addons and Destinations are listed with plus signs next to each. When you click on a plus sign corresponding to one or both of these options, a list opens to displays the current Addons and Destinations that are currently on this output.
Use the information in this document to create or modify product lists or individual products within product lists in the XpertOnline Provider utility program for