Administrators that have access to Relationships can update an appraiser's or appraiser member's profile information, via the Lender Appraisers tab. This accessibility can aid in assisting your appraisers and appraiser groups with any obstacles they may encounter when maintaining their Appraisal Firewall account and ensure you have accurate contact information. 

To edit an appraiser's or appraiser member's profile information, select Relationships along the left-hand side of the screen. Along the top, choose the Lender Appraisers tab. 

Select an appraiser or appraiser group from your Lender Appraisers list and expand the arrow to the right. 

Along the right-hand side of the screen, select Edit Profile

This will present you with the full extent of an appraiser's profile information. 

All fields will be opened in an editable mode. Please note: any field with an asterisk is a required field and MUST be filled out. Once the edits for the profile information have been made, select the SAVE button at the bottom. 

Once Save is selected, an overlay will appear addressing that the edits made to the appraiser's profile information are Pending until the appraiser approves the edits. Please note: you MUST click on the Close button. This action triggers the email notification sent to the appraiser to review and approve the profile edits made on their behalf. 

The appraiser will receive an email notification alerting them of the lender that has initiated edits to their profile information. From the email notification, the appraiser can approve or deny the changes. Additionally, when an appraiser logs into their account directly, they will be presented with an overlay displaying what fields have been updated. Upon approval, the updated information will be adjusted. Should the appraiser deny the changes, no lender made edits will be applied.  

Editing an Appraiser Member's Profile Information

Look for an appraiser group on the Lender Appraisers tab and expand the arrow to the right. Access the Group Member tab to display the list of appraiser members. 

Expand the appraiser member you want to apply edits to by accessing the arrow to the right of the group member name. From the member Profile tab, select Edit Profile.


All fields will be opened in an editable mode. Please note: any field with an asterisk is a required field and MUST be filled out. Once the edits for the profile information have been made, select the SAVE button at the bottom. 

Once Save is selected, an overlay will appear addressing that the edits made to the appraiser's profile information are Pending until the appraiser group administrator approves the edits. Please note: you MUST click on the Close button. This action triggers the email notification sent to the appraiser to review and approve the profile edits made on their behalf. 

The appraiser group administrator will receive an email notification alerting them of the lender that has initiated edits to their profile information. From the email notification, the appraiser group administrator can approve or deny the changes. Additionally, when the appraiser group administrator logs into their group account directly, they will be presented with an overlay displaying what fields have been updated. Upon approval, the updated information will be adjusted. Should the appraiser group administrator deny the changes, no lender made edits will be applied.  

View Pending Changes

Until the appraiser approves or denies the changes, fellow Administrators will see the Notes tab highlighted in yellow within the Parties tab of an order when selecting Assign Appraiser, via Manage Appraisers, and when refreshing the Lender Appraisers tab. 

The Notes tab will also act as the edit log, so Administrators can see who initiated the profile changes and when those changes were submitted. Once the appraiser approves or denies the changes, the Notes tab will revert to its previous color, i.e. gray or green.