Administrators that have access to Relationships can create and apply tags to appraiser's profile information via the Lender Appraisers tab. Creating customizable tags can be used to filter your list of appraisers, easily displaying snapshot information at-a-glance. 

To create a tag for an appraiser, select Relationships along the left-hand side of the screen. At the top, choose the Lender Appraisers tab.

Select an appraiser from your Lender Appraisers list and expand the arrow to the right. 


Under the contact information, enter a tag via the New Tag Name field. 

After a tag is entered, select the arrow adjacent to the New Tag Name field.

Once the tag has been created, the word/phrase will be appended to the contact name and directly above the New Tag Name field within the profile view. Any existing tag will be displayed when you begin to type that word/phrase in the New Tag Name field. To prevent re-keying, select the pre-existing tag should it apply to the appraiser, and select the arrow adjacent to the field. Please note: multiple tags can be created and applied to a single appraiser or appraiser group. All tags used for an appraiser or appraiser group will be shown in line with the header bar and the profile view. Tags will also be visible in the appraiser's header bar under Manage Appraisers and Assign Appraisers when working in an order. 

Filtering Lender Appraisers List via Tags

At least a single tag must be created and applied to display in the tag dropdown menu. All Tags will be the default option.

Select an existing tag from the dropdown menu. The Lender Appraisers list will filter to display those appraisers and/or appraiser groups that have the affiliated tag.


Removing Tags

To remove a tag applied to an appraiser's profile, select the red 'X' adjacent to the tag name/phrase. 

The tag will be removed immediately from the individual profile. Please note: the removed tag will still display in the All Tags dropdown menu in case the tag have been applied to other appraisers or appraiser groups.