Content Includes:
- Search Your Rolodex
- Edit an Existing Subscriber
- Add a New Subscriber
- Access Your Rolodex from an Existing File
- Search and Replace Subscriber Within a File
- Edit an Existing Subscriber Within a File
- Add a New Subscriber Within a File
The Rolodex can be accessed from the Navigation Menu.
After selecting Rolodex, a list of all your existing subscribers will be displayed.
From this screen, you can Search, Edit, and Add new creditors.
Search Your Rolodex
At the top of the Rolodex screen, utilize the Search bar to search for an existing subscriber. Search parameters can be a full or partial Subscriber ID or the Company Name. Results will be displayed based on your search.
If no match is found, a message will state this, and you can utilize the link to Create a New Entry.
For more information about creating a new entry, view the section Add a New Subscriber below.
Edit an Existing Subscriber
From the Rolodex screen, expand the subscriber you want to update via the arrow at the right.
All fields will be in edit mode. Make the necessary updates. Select SAVE to retain your changes or CANCEL to revert to the previous state of the subscriber.
Add a New Subscriber
At the top of the Rolodex screen, select the + icon at the right to add a new subscriber.
A new window will be accessible. By default, your Provider ID will automatically be applied to the Provider field. Fill out the necessary fields.
Select CANCEL to quit out of the new entry creation or CREATE to add the new creditor. Upon creation, a message will display that a New Creditor Has Been Added to the Rolodex.
Access Your Rolodex from an Existing File
When working in a file, choose the TRADES tab and expand a trade via the down arrow.
Within the selected tradeline, click the Creditor Name hyperlink. This will bring up the Rolodex screen. By default, the currently listed subscriber will be listed at the top with a green checkmark.
You search, edit an existing subscriber, and add a new subscriber all within this screen.
Search and Replace Subscriber Within a File
When searching, should you want to apply a different subscriber, select the checkmark adjacent to the desired result. A prompt will display if you want to replace the subscriber. CANCEL will revert back to the Rolodex screen, while YES will replace the current subscriber.
Once the subscriber has been replaced, the Creditor Name field will automatically be updated on the tradeline. Be sure the select SAVE along the title header to ensure your changes are properly updated.
Edit an Existing Subscriber Within a File
Editing an existing subscriber works the same way as editing an existing subscriber when accessing your Rolodex via the Navigation Menu. The only difference is you can SAVE & USE SUBSCRIBER in addition to CANCEL and SAVE. Save & Use Subscriber will save the edits made to an existing subscriber AND update the existing Creditor Name to the subscriber you are currently editing. Once the subscriber has been replaced, the Creditor Name field will automatically be updated on the tradeline. Be sure the select SAVE along the title header to ensure your changes are properly updated.
Add a New Subscriber Within a File
Adding a new subscriber works the same way as adding a new subscriber when accessing your Rolodex via the Navigation Menu. The only difference is you can CREATE & USE SUBSCRIBER in addition to CANCEL and CREATE. Create & Use Subscriber will create the new subscriber AND update the existing Creditor Name to the subscriber you are currently adding. Once the subscriber has been added, the Creditor Name field will automatically be updated on the tradeline. Be sure the select SAVE along the title header to ensure your changes are properly updated.