Every lender division possesses settings that are only available for Manager users. These settings contain billing practices, messaging and notification preferences, and assignment assurances. To access the Manager level settings, select Relationships, expand a client from the Lenders tab, choose Manage Divisions, and expand the division you want to implement Manager settings. The Manager section houses the Manager level division settings.

  • Manager Bills Lender and Remits to Appraiser - This setting will have you as the Manager remit payment to the appraisers for all Bill Me orders, replacing the traditional Bill Me payment type. Additionally, you can invoice your clients for handling payments on their behalf. 
    • Incur Billing Fee on Bill Me Orders - Adds lender paid billing fees from Credit Card, Bank Account, and eCheck orders to Bill Me (aka Manager Bill) orders to the system generated invoice, so your accounting teams know what to invoice your clients for handling payments to the appraisers. Please note that Manager Bills Lender and Remits to Appraiser must be enabled for this setting to be available

  • Send Borrower Credit Card Request After Appraiser Acceptance - Instead of the normal request payment from borrower payment process, this setting will send the new order request to the appraiser first, allowing them to accept the order, then send the payment request to the borrower to input their credit card information. Using this process will provide borrowers with a more accurate amount charged to their credit card. Please note that Manager Bills Lender and Remits to Appraiser must be enabled for this setting to be available.    

  • Suppress Credit Card, Bank Account, and eCheck Payment - Removes Credit Card, Bank Account, and eCheck as payment types on the new order screen. Leaves Bill Me as the only choice as the payment method. 

  • Exclude from Message Monitor - Removes all messages on orders from displaying in the Manager's Monitor tab from the Messages section.

  • Allow Billing for AMC Orders - Bypasses the requirement of placing an order to an AMC with a credit card as the payment method. Bill Me becomes an available option for the payment type to place the order successfully. This setting applies to selecting the AMC at the time of order creation or when the AMC is included in the assignment rotation.

  • Restrict Messaging to Administrator - Hides the Administrator option on the Send Message screen from the To: and CC: dropdown menus. Please note: Manager users will still be able to select Administrator within the Send Message screen. 

  • Do Not Send Notifications - System generated notifications are not sent to any managed users. Only appraisers continue to receive system generated notifications. 

  • No Transaction Fee for Reinspection - Transaction fee is not applied to orders when the Order Reinspection feature is used. This is used to ensure the lender and/or appraiser are not invoiced for the additional work on the same subject property in order to complete the entirety of the appraisal.

  • Restrict Off-Panel Appraiser Assignment - Hides the All Appraisers option within the Assign Appraiser feature from the Parties tab within an order. This prevents managed users from assigning orders to appraisers that are not on your approved panel.

  • Manager Handles ROVs - When the ROV/Dispute status is selected by a managed user post-delivery, the ROV Request notification is sent to you as the Manager, not the appraiser. This setting can be used to limit the interaction your client has with the appraiser. Additionally, this setting allows you as the Manager to review the contents of the appraisal report to determine if the appraiser needs to upload a revised report, or if what has been provided will meet the requirements. NOTE: borrower-initiated ROVs will always go to the lender, even with this setting enabled, to validate if the borrower's comps warrant passing the request on to the appraiser for a reconsideration of the appraised value

If your accounting teams assign any sort of identifier to your clients when generating reports, you can use the Client ID field to input said identifier. This Client ID will be available on the Billing Activity report, so your accounting teams can verify the appropriate amounts when reconciling invoices.