Content Includes:
The Client Setup is where all your clients will be listed. This is where you can edit existing client information and add new clients.
To edit client information, select the Client from your list.
Client Details
A new tab will open into the main Client Details page.
To edit any information, select the Edit Client Information button.
This will set the fields to an editable mode. Make the necessary changes and select SAVE at the top of the screen. CANCEL will direct you back to the Client Details page.
The Notes tab is where you can add any notes to that particular client.
To add a note for the client, select the New Note button.
Once the note has been composed in the provided textbox, select SAVE NOTE or CANCEL NOTE. Save Note will post the note while Cancel Note will return you to the main Notes page.
Each client can have their own custom pricing, which can be viewed and edited via the Pricing tab.
Below is a description of what each pricing description entails:
- Form Base Price - The price listed here is the fee for each individual form type selected, i.e., 1040, W-2, etc.
- Reject Base Price - When the IRS rejects a form, you can add a fee for the rejection to help offset any costs for the processing portion of the order placement.
- eSignature Price - This price applies to any order designated as 'eSign' and will incur the applicable fee.
- Rush Order Price - If you allow Rush orders, a Rush fee can be entered. This fee will be added to the overall cost of the order.
- Form Price Per Year - The price listed here is the fee for each individual form type year ordered, i.e., 2022, 2021, etc. for one 1040.
- Reject Price Per Year - When the IRS rejects a form year, you can add a fee for the rejection to help offset any costs for the processing portion of the order placement.
- eSignature Service - Should you subscribe to an eSignature service (SignEasy, DocuSign, etc.), this will say (ON) or (OFF). For (ON), you can enter a fee to offset the cost of the eSignature service for those orders that are placed as needing an eSignature from the applicant(s).
To adjust pricing on a per client basis, select Edit Custom Pricing.
Each field will enter an edit mode where you can make the appropriate pricing adjustments. Select SAVE to update the pricing or CANCEL to return to the main Custom Pricing screen.
Each client will have a list of users, which can be found via the Users tab. The Users tab will display the username, when the user was created, and the user type.
By default, only Active users will be listed. Use the dropdown menu to choose the user list you wish you view.
This is also the location where you can edit a user. Expand the arrow on the right to view the user's profile information.
To make adjustments to the user, select Edit User.
Here you can update the user's status, the username display, add an IP address, etc. Once the edits have been made, select SAVE or CANCEL.
To add additional users, select Add User.
All required fields for new user creation will be outlined in red.
During user creation you can have the user associated to all the client's branches, or only associated to specific branches. Selecting Restrict Branches will add a dropdown menu. Click somewhere in the Select Branch...field to see a list of the client's available branches. Make the appropriate selections and choose SAVE USER when completed.
All branches created under the client will be listed under the Branches tab.
Any new branches that need to be created can be done via the Add Branch option.
The new branch creation will highlight all fields that are required in a red outline. Once the required fields have been supplied with information, select SAVE BRANCH.
The Log tab is currently in development. This tab will display edits made to the client as a whole and will act as an edit log.