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Use the Provider Setup tool to view and edit your manager company information and add individuals at your organization that will have access to your manager account. By default, the Provider Setup will open to the Manager Details page. 

Manager Details

All Manager Information can be viewed within the Manager Details tab. 

To make any edits to the Manager Details, select Edit Manager Information

The fields will open into an edit mode where changes can be made. Once updated, select SAVE or CANCEL


Manager-wide pricing can be viewed and edited via the Pricing tab. Pricing entered here will push down to all your clients, unless you have setup custom pricing per client in place. For more information on applying per client pricing, check out our Client Setup article HERE.


Below is a description of what each pricing description entails: 

  • Form Base Price - The price listed here is the fee for each individual form type selected, i.e., 1040, W-2, etc. 
  • Reject Base Price - When the IRS rejects a form, you can add a fee for the rejection to help offset any costs for the processing portion of the order placement.
  • eSignature Price - This price applies to any order designated as 'eSign' and will incur the applicable fee.
  • Form Price Per Year - The price listed here is the fee for each individual form type year ordered, i.e., 2022, 2021, etc. for one 1040.
  • Reject Price Per Year - When the IRS rejects a form year, you can add a fee for the rejection to help offset any costs for the processing portion of the order placement.
  • Rush Order Price - If you allow Rush orders, a Rush fee can be entered. This fee will be added to the overall cost of the order.

To adjust pricing at the Manager level, select Edit Manager Pricing

Each field will enter an edit mode where you can make the appropriate pricing adjustments. Select SAVE to update the pricing or CANCEL to return to the main Manager Pricing screen. 


The Users tab will display all Manager users associated with your Manager account. 

By default, the Users list will display Active users. This is also the location where you can edit a user. Expand the arrow on the right to view the user's profile information.

To make adjustments to the user, select EDIT USER

Here you can update the user's status, the username display, add an IP address, etc. Once the edits have been made, select SAVE or CANCEL.

To add additional Manager users, select Add User

All required fields for new user creation will be outlined in red.  

During the new user creation, you can restrict access to the Client Setup and/or Provider Setup features that are available on the navigation menu. Choose SAVE USER when completed.



The Communications tab is where you can create, view, sort, and remove canned messages for specific messaging types: General, Hold, Cancelled, and Rejected. These canned messages allow users to quickly add pre-written messages as opposed to originally composed messages on orders. Additionally, these canned messages grant you some additional control as to what sort of messaging users can add to orders. 

Expand a category to view existing canned messages via the arrow to the right. 

Any existing canned messages will be listed. You can reorder how those canned messages appear to your clients via the sorting arrows

To edit existing canned messages, select the pencil icon

This will open the messaging title and description into an editable mode. Select SAVE to update your changes or CANCEL to return to the main Communications page. 

Creating a new canned message can be accomplished via the New Message button. 

The required fields will be outlined in red. Once the message Title and Text are in place, select SAVE to add the new canned message or CANCEL to return to the main Communication page. 


The Alerts tab is where you can create general messages and alerts that your client users will see upon login. This feature is helpful when you need to broadcast a quick message to your clients about a system issue, planned downtime, a holiday schedule, etc. When you setup an alert for clients to see, it will be visible to all your clients across the board upon login. Manager users can add alert messages at any time, toggle them to show or not to show, and delete alerts at any time. 

Move to the Alerts tab. To create a new alert, click the orange + button at the right.


You can either create an Alert message, or an Information message. The Alert message is the default option. Click the green “i” to make this an Informational message. 

  • Alert type messages are generally used for vendors that are experiencing technical difficulties. They will appear in red upon login.
  • Information messages are generally for schedule changes, upcoming holidays, etc. They will appear in green upon login. 

Once you select an Alert Type, type in the Title of the message and the Message content. The Title field has a limit of 30 characters. The Message field can hold 350 characters. When ready, save your changes via the Create button. Please note: by default the Alert or Message will be defaulted to All Clients. 

Once created, the message will be defaulted to OFF so messages are not accidentally displayed. It is important to make sure you turn the alert ON to properly display it to your clients. 

The next time any user associated with your clients logs into TVP, they will see the banner along the top of their main dashboard. 

Alerts can also be edited or removed at any time. To edit an existing alert, select the edit icon. 

This will open the alert into an editable mode. Make the appropriate changes. Select SAVE to update your changes or CANCEL to return to the main Alerts page. 

To remove an alert, select the DELETE ALERT button. 

An overlay will prompt you to state 'YES' or 'NO' to permanently delete the alert. 

YES will remove the alert from the Alerts list and NO will take you back to the main Alerts page.