TVP Enhancements
Scheduled for Friday, February 24th, 2023

Release Information for Providers

Starting Friday morning, February 24th, 2023, we are releasing a massive update for the entirely web-based Tax Verification Provider (TVP)! Over the past several months, our teams have been diligently incorporating every feature from TRV Provider into TVP! Now, all TRV processing can occur directly through the TVP website without the necessity of launching the TRV Provider application. Other updates available this release are an all-new TVP focused Help Center and accommodating single 4506 batch preparation per order. For a complete description of these enhancements, please continue reading below.

TRV Provider Merges Into the TVP Website

As we shared on February 15, 2023, TRV Provider has been incorporated into TVP! You can read that announcement HERE. All the features and functions you have utilized for years in TRV Provider are now available in an updated fashion within TVP. As you may know, running the latest version of TRV Provider could be problematic without re-installing supporting files, involving local IT personnel, etc. Now, processing all of your TRVs can be accomplished in a single, web-based platform! We have included a brand-new dashboard where you can process orders, while still tracking orders your users are placing. Please note: TRV Provider will continue to run synonymously with TVP while you and your clients familiarize yourself with the newest iteration of TVP. SharperLending will be sunsetting TRV Provider later this year, however the date has yet to be determined


How To Use This Feature: 

This feature has automatically been applied for your convenience. Login to your TVP Manager (i.e., Provider) account. You will be presented with an all-new dashboard.

The dashboard is where you will process your TRV orders. We have divided the dashboard into five interactive widgetsNew OrdersBatch ManagementSignatures ActiveTranscripts Pending, and Stuck Items. For a comprehensive guide regarding how to utilize the Main Dashboard, check out our Help Center article HERE.

All-New TVP Focused Help Center

With our reimagined version of TVP, we are excited to introduce an expansive Help Center where you can access numerous articles on how to utilize TVP to suit your organization’s needs. This new Help Center contains a vast number of articles explaining every facet of TVP. Articles are grouped by section, i.e., Orders, Client Setup, Reporting, etc. Related articles will be suggested based on the content you are reading.

How To Use This Feature: 

Login to your TVP account, select the ? icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen and click on Visit Help Center.  
This will direct you to the main TVP Help Center page. Search keywords or phrases to narrow results. We regularly update content to the Help Center, so be sure to check back periodically.

Singular Batched 4506s Per Order

To comply with the March 1, 2023, IVES implementation of no longer accepting annotated order requests, we are happy to announce that TVP will automatically send a single copy of the provided 4506 per order when preparing your batches! This new functionality occurs entirely in the background through an automated process during batch creation. When creating your batch to be submitted to the IRS, TVP will determine if the same 4506 was used on multiple form requests and compile your batch to reflect a single 4506 order, while retaining the itemized view on the coversheet.

How To Use This Feature: 

This feature has automatically been applied for your convenience. Users will continue to place orders exactly how they do today. When you are ready to submit your batch to the IRS, TRV Provider and TVP will automatically comb through your orders, removing any duplicate 4506 PDFs from the batch. Please note: if different 4506s per order are used, those individual forms will be supplied within the batch.