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The Management Reports can be accessed via the Navigation Menu. These reports will look familiar, as they are the same reports that have existed and been used in XOP. 

Once the Management Reports have been accessed, users can customize the way the various reports are displayed via the tab carousel. 

This feature functions the same way as the tab carousel when working in a file or a request. Slide the tabs left to right, etc. to choose how the reporting tabs are displayed. 

Each of the reports can be configured in a variety of ways, depending on the data you need to view. Below is a description of each report category and the data that can be found within its contents. 

Activity Summaries

Generates figures of the number of reports ordered and the price of the reports. Figures are broken down by client. Select a date range to narrow your results. This report can also be filtered by entering a Client ID. Leaving the Client ID field blank will include all Client IDs. 

Auxiliary Reports 

Generates results surrounding UDM statuses, i.e., monitoring, alerts that have been updated, etc. Select a date range to narrow your results. This report can also be filtered by entering a Client ID. Leaving the Client ID field blank will include all Client IDs. 

Lists and Resources

This report is related to client lists. Returned results include active/inactive clients, service team, region, tax code, product lists setup across the Provider company, etc. Leaving the Client ID field blank will include all Client IDs. 

Billing Reports 

Generates results applicable to the billing information per client, such as charges and credits. Select a date range to narrow your results. This report can also be filtered by entering a Client ID. Leaving the Client ID field blank will include all Client IDs. 

Other Custom 

Generates results based on integration activities, i.e., FNMA, ePass, Calyx, etc., user service requests, manual edits, et al. Select a date range to narrow your results. Depending on the Other Custom report, additional sort by options will be available. Choose Run Report to generate the results.

Pending Requests and Services 

Relates to all possible outstanding items within XOLX. These apply to entire or individual requests. Results can be narrowed by pending requests, services pending, services pending by team, and disputes. Data will display the number of requests outstanding per client and the average number of days the requests have been outstanding. 

Secondary Use 

Applies to approved and cancelled items. Select a date range to narrow your results. This report can also be filtered by entering a Client ID. Leaving the Client ID field blank will include all Client IDs.  

Additional Reports 

Same as XOP custom report utility. Generates .CSV based on reporting type selected.