XOLX offers UDM solutions for all three bureaus:
- Equifax Undisclosed Debt Monitoring (UDM)
- TransUnion Pre/Post Close Mortgage Notification (PCMN)
- Experian Mortgage Watch
You can offer all three UDM solutions to your clients. All three UDMs can run simultaneously, giving your clients the best chance to identify any new or undisclosed debt.
When working in a file, any UDMs that have been ordered from the file will be visible via the UDMs tab. The number of UDMs ordered - no matter the status - will be designated on the UDMs tab.
Click the down arrow at right to view a UDM order for a specific applicant and bureau. When expanded, you will see all the data that is on the file for the bureau to monitor.
When UDMs are present, any UDMs that have been ordered on the file will be listed within this tab. An array of information will be displayed such as the status the UDM is currently in, reporting bureau, applicant name, etc. Below is a list of UDM statuses you may encounter and how the status is defined:
- Requesting - the file is being prepared to be picked up by the bureau.
- Requested - the file has been accepted by the bureau but is not yet monitoring.
- Monitoring - the file is actively being monitored for any new debt/inquiries/second uses by the bureau.
- Canceling - a request that monitoring be canceled has been submitted, but the bureau has yet to cancel monitoring.
- Canceled - monitoring of the file has been canceled.
- Attention - an error, possibly a formatting issue or a password expiration, has occurred on the file. Refer to the Description column for the nature of the error, and how fix the error. Please see the Changing Statuses section below for resetting UDM statuses.
- Done - the UDM has completed its monitoring period based on the 60-day expiration of most bureaus.
Key sections: Current Status, Change Status, and UDM Alerts.
- The Current Status field displays where the UDM is in its process.
- The Change Status field allows you to reset the current status of the UDM to either 'Requesting' or 'Cancel.'
Changing Statuses
- Changing to a Requesting Status
When you choose 'Requesting', this resets the current status of the UDM to begin at the very beginning of the UDM process. This tells the order to prepare to be picked up by the bureau. Typically, this status is used when there was an issue with the specific bureau and/or applicant, and that issue needs to be corrected. Changing the status to 'Requesting' will have the bureau attempt to pick it up again.
- Changing to a Cancel Status
When you choose Cancel, this tells XOLX and the bureau to cease monitoring. Please note: this is not an instant process as the bureaus may not receive the notification to cancel monitoring until the next business day.
UDM Alerts
The UDM Alerts section will display any additional debt pertaining to the applicant/co-applicant (if included) during the monitoring period. Alerts usually come in the form of new trades, inquiries, and/or second uses from the date the credit report was initially ordered.
When alerts display in this section, select the link on the corresponding Inquiry/Trade/Second use alert to review it. Use this information to inform your client of the alert so they can reach out to the applicant/co-applicant.