SharperLending Solutions - Freddie Mac
Loan Product Advisor 
Connection Soon to Require Trended Data

SharperLending Solutions is excited to announce that we will soon pass trended credit data to Loan Product Advisor® (LPASM) on your reissued credit files. Freddie Mac anticipates enhancing LPA to require delivery of trended credit data in Q1 2024, and SharperLending is ready to support and facilitate the transfer of this data when required.

To prepare your organization for this change, you can ensure that your primary tri-merge products are set up now to request the appropriate trended data from each bureau now. This may require reaching out to your bureau reps to confirm this.

An additional requirement that will go into effect at that time is the Equifax TotalView request format. Most of you are already utilizing the TotalView format to get a more complete picture of the consumer via Equifax. If you are unsure or need to get your codes enabled now to prepare for this future requirement, you can reach out to your Equifax bureau representative for information.