SharperLending Solutions
Helping CRAs Get Enrolled in
Fannie Mae's® Early Assessment Program
Information for CRAs to Enable and Support Early Assessment Clients
Fannie Mae has modified their soft-pull pilot into an expansive “Early Assessment” program. Most of you know that this program supports the reissue of one, two, or three soft-pull credit reports. We have been working with Fannie Mae and the bureaus directly to better understand the approval process for you and your clients. SharperLending is ready to assist with your Early Assessment testing if you have interested clients.
Fannie Mae Early Assessment Information
Fannie Mae provides a number of resources for CRAs and lenders to get more information about the program - including ways to get started. Please review these materials:
- Early Assessment Overview and Flow Chart – in this workflow, you are the Credit Information Provider.
- To become an approved Credit Information Provider, review these steps, and be sure to fill out the Request Form.
- When you fill out the Request Form, be sure to select SharperLending Solutions as your Credit Sponsor.
- Fannie Mae needs to verify that your CRA and your lender send specific data to them to identify a Pre-Approval/Soft-Pull has been reissued to DU.
- To accomplish this, you will need a specific set of Early Assessment Test File Reference Numbers to give to Fannie Mae. These test files can be found below.
- We recommend that you use the SIMULATE option on your bureau access codes in XOP to avoid unnecessary bureau pulls and costs.
Freddie Mac Soft-Pull Pilot Information
At this time, Freddie Mac accepts lenders into their limited engagement program based on lender approval for soft-pull reissues. Your clients will need to reach out their Client Delivery Manager at Freddie Mac to be vetted for their program.Test File Information
Individual File Applicant:
- SSN: 991-91-9991
- Last Name: Firstimer
- First Name: Alice
- Address: 9991 Warford Street
- City, State, Zip: Dawson, IA 50066
Joint File (Applicant and Co-Applicant):
Applicant:- SSN: 999-40-5000
- Last Name: Homeowner
- First Name: John
- Address: 175 13th S
- City, State, Zip: Washington DC, 20013
- SSN: 500-22-2000
- Last Name: Homeowner
- First Name: Mary
- Address: 175 13th S
- City, State, Zip: Washington DC, 20013