Appraisal FirewallX is Prepared
for ACE+PDR Submissions
Appraisal FirewallX is fully prepared for your clients to submit their Automated Collateral Evaluation (ACE) + Property Data Report (PDR) product directly to Freddie Mac! While ACE+PDR submissions to Freddie Mac are not yet required, Appraisal FirewallX wants to ensure that all your clients who currently sell loans to Freddie Mac are covered when the requirement goes into effect.
Currently, Freddie Mac’s Beyond ACE Application Programming Interface (bACE API) provides feedback messaging to help lenders and data reviewers assess PDRs, assists with applying any necessary updates/changes, and conveniently submits PDRs to Freddie Mac. Appraisal FirewallX will handle the submission and review process on behalf of your clients. Our teams are prepared to assist you and your clients now to guarantee zero delay in PDR submissions.
What We Need from You
We need assistance with gathering your clients’ Freddie Mac Seller ID and Seller Name, so that we can submit the PDRs to Freddie Mac on their behalf. Below is a sample email you can employ to send to your Freddie Mac clients:
According to our records, you submit loans to Freddie Mac. If you are participating in Freddie Mac’s Automated Collateral Evaluation (ACE) + Property Data Report (PDR) program, can you please supply us with your Freddie Mac Seller ID and Seller Name on file with the GSE? Since Freddie Mac is now accepting submissions for PDRs via their Beyond ACE Application Programming Interface (bACE API), we will need this information to submit the reports for you. Please fill out the Seller/AMC Relationship form to process the submission request.
Thank you.
Once you have the Freddie Mac Seller IDs and Seller Names from all your participating clients, please send the list to Danielle Walker at If you are unsure which of your clients are selling their loans to Freddie Mac, utilize the Mass Lender Email feature via Relationships to request this information from your current clients.
Danielle Walker
VP, Product Development
Direct #: (509) 844-3588