Freddie Mac's Technology Support for Trended Data
is Coming Soon - How to be Prepared

Ensure Your Bureau Codes Can Request Trended Data

Freddie Mac is on the verge of being able to accommodate trended data for all submissions to Loan Product Advisor® (LPASMand Loan Quality Advisor®. Here at SharperLending Solutions, we have coded and are currently testing our connection to make sure we are passing LPA and Loan Quality Advisor the trended data that is needed, and those test results have been promising.

Freddie Mac is targeting Q2 2024 to announce more details about this requirement in a Single-Family Selling/Servicer Guide Bulletin.

As a CRA, what can you do to help prepare your company for this? It’s simple. Make sure that any bureau access code used to order a credit product that will be submitted to LPA or Loan Quality Advisor is set up to pull trended data.

We know that most of your subscriber codes are already set up and you have been providing trended data to your customers for years. However, if you have mortgage codes in use that are not currently providing trended data today, now is the time to make sure those subscriber codes are properly enabled at EFX, TU and XPN.

You can do this by double checking and verifying your subscriber codes in XOP. Then, communicate with your Bureau representatives to enable any subscriber codes for trended data that will be retrieving data that could be submitted to LPA and Loan Quality Advisor.

We will keep you updated as we progress toward providing LPA and Loan Quality Advisor with trended data.