To view the list of files that have Undisclosed Debt Notifications (UDN) being monitored, XOLX has an entire management utility dedicated to quickly accessing this information. 

Content Includes:

From the Navigation Menu, select Utilities

Choose UDN Activity from the list of options. 

Upon access to the UDN Activity page, the total number of files that possess a UDN will be displayed along the top. Additionally, the filters Attention, Monitoring, Requesting, and Requested statuses will be automatically applied. 

Users can remove the automatically enabled filters via the 'X' adjacent to the status or from the Filter icon to the left.

The Filter icon allows for additional filters to be added/removed depending on the type of data the user needs to view. Statuses can be found in the top section, while date ranges can be entered in the bottom section. 

Clear Filter will clear any enabled filters, while Apply Filter will generate a new list view of UDN matching files, based on the filter parameters. 

UDN Detail View

Expand a file to view the details of the UDN activities via the arrow to the right. 

Each UDN activity can be expanded, via the arrow, for further insight into the UDN details.

Any UDNs listed that have an alert output, can be easily accessed under the UDN Alerts section. 

Select the link under Alert Description to view the output accordingly. 

Change UDN Activity Statuses

Within the details, users can change the status without leaving the screen. 

When changing the status of the UDN activity, the user will be prompted with a confirmation overlay to ensure that the change is intentional. Below is an example of how the prompt reads when changing the status from Requested to Requesting

Yes will confirm the status change, thus updating the Current Status field, while No will direct the user back to the UDN activity detail view.

If an UDN needs have monitoring cancelled, choose Cancel in the Change Status dropdown. Below is an example of what the Cancel Monitoring overlay prompts. 

Yes will confirm the cancellation and update the status accordingly, while No will direct the user back to the UDN activity detail view.

Add New UDN Bureau Activities

If new UDN activities need to be added for a bureau, select the Actions button to the right of the file list view. Please note that available options will reflect which bureaus were selected, as well as if there is a co-applicant. 

When adding a new UDN, an overlay prompt will ask for confirmation. Yes will proceed with adding that UDN to the selected bureau, while No will direct the user back to the UDN Activity detail view. 

Added UDNs will be included on the detail view.