When your appraisal report is completed and delivered to your lender, your lender will forward a copy to you. When this happens, you may receive an email that looks like this.

In the Documents Included section, you will find a link to your Appraisal. Click this link.

When you click the Appraisal link, you will be taken to a secure web page to make sure that you can view and download your appraisal report in an Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF file. This is a data security process that helps make sure your appraisal is only displaying to you.

For more information about accessing the Reconsideration of Value (ROV) Disclosure and how to submit an ROV request, please refer to the Borrower Initiated Reconsideration of Value (ROV) Process article. 

Viewing and Downloading the Appraisal in Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF Format

  1. If you see the “Appraisal is almost ready for download” section, an Authorization Code will be shown.
  2. Find the Authorization Code, enter it into the Authorization Code section at right, and click Confirm.
  3. Your appraisal report will display. You can securely view and download it to your computer.

Cannot Display the Contents of the PDF

  • If you see a message that says, “Cannot display the contents of the PDF,” find the section that reads “Unable to read the contents within the PDF?”

  • Check the checkbox labeled "I am either unable to view the PDF or I do not agree to receiving the appraisal electronically." Once this checkbox is checked, the Confirm button is enabled.

  • Click the Confirm button. 

  • A message will display that says "Your lender has just been notified that your copy of the appraisal will need to be printed and delivered to you directly. If you have any questions, please contact your loan officer.”

A notification will be sent to your lender, and you will receive a printed copy of your appraisal from your lender directly.

Reach out to your loan officer with any questions you may have.