General Settings allow you to manage basic information at the division level, such as placing order requirements, how orders can be assigned, implementing workflow processes, completing orders, and sending borrower notifications.
Content Includes:
Placing Orders
You can set specific settings for the selected division that will impact how orders are placed.
- Require Borrower’s Email Address - The borrower email address on the New Order screen will be a required field when this option is selected. This option is automatically selected if the ‘Automatically Send Appraisal to Borrower’ feature is enabled.
- Require Loan Number – Orders submitted to UCDP must have a unique loan number entered. Mark the checkbox to require that a loan number be entered at the time an order is placed. This option is automatically selected if UCDP is enabled on the Billing/Services tab.
- Require Estimated Value/Sales Price — Requires the Estimated Value to be entered on all Purchase orders OR Sales Price to be entered on all Refinance orders when designated under Loan Purpose section when creating a new order.
- Require Investor — Requires the Investor to be entered on all orders when designated under Loan Purpose section when creating a new order.
- Require Intent to Proceed (ITP) Date — Requires the Intent to Proceed Date to be entered on all orders when designated under the Loan Purpose section when creating a new order.
- Require Attachment on Purchase Loans — Requires the Purchase and Sales Agreement to be uploaded on all Purchase orders when designated under Loan Purpose section when creating a new order.
- Require Credit Card, Bank Account, or eCheck Payment – Mark this option to require users to place all new orders with a credit card/Bank Account/eCheck payment method. The Bill Me option will not be available on the New Order screen when this box is marked. With these payment options, your account manager will process and remit payment to the appraiser when the order is complete. Please note that your account manager may need to enable Bank Account and eCheck options for your account.
- Require Borrower Input Credit Card – This option removes the ‘Credit Card’ payment option on the New Order screen so that users can only select ‘Credit Card – Request from Borrower’ along with the standard options for Bank Account, Bill Me, eCheck. And Lender Credit Card.
- Restrict Manual Appraiser Assignment - Prevent users from placing orders into a manual assignment status by removing the Manual Assignment checkbox from the New Order screen.
- Require Property Classification – Require that users make a selection in the ‘Property Is’ section of the New Order screen to relate more information to the appraiser and help with accurate fixed pricing (if enabled).
- Allow Rush Ordering – Adds an optional ‘Rush’ checkbox to the New Order screen for any users to select when placing orders, alerting the appraiser that the order is rush. Any Rush fees designated in the pricing section can be automatically applied to the order.
o Restrict Rush Ordering to Administrators Only – Have the ‘Rush’ indicator checkbox only available to Administrator users. When enabled, Originators and Supervisors will not have the ability to mark an order as Rush.
- Allow Bid Requests – Allow the ability to request bids from appraisers for residential orders. Appraisers supply a bid with a turn time and cost. Pick the winning bid to assign the order. You can choose to request bids when you place an order, or switch to a bidding process after the order is created.
o Require Bidding – Ensures that your Residential orders are placed as Residential bidding orders. Enabling this setting automatically enables the Request Bid feature on the new order screen.
o Restrict Bid Requests to Administrators Only – By default, all users can choose to request bids when ‘Allow Bid Requests’ is enabled. Enable this additional feature to only have it available to administrator users and suppressed for supervisors and originators.
o Auto-Request Bids – By default, administrator users need to manually select which appraisers to request bids from. With the ‘Auto-Request Bids’ feature enabled, whenever a user places a bidding order, the system will automatically request bids from all eligible appraisers on your appraiser panel.
o Allow Managed Users to Review Bids – By default, only administrator users can view and accept a bid. Enable this checkbox to allow supervisor and originator users to be able to view and accept appraiser bids. Appraiser name and contact information is still suppressed from managed users with this feature enabled.
- Set Due Date Out _ Business Days – Automatically populate a standard due date on the New Order screen so users do not have to enter one manually.
o Auto-update if order is reassigned – If the Set Due Date Out feature is enabled, have the due date automatically update to give newly assigned appraisers the same amount of time to complete the order as the original appraiser.
o Show per product due dates – Enter specific due dates per product. If a per product due date is not entered for a product, the due date on the New Order screen will default to the one entered in the main Set Due Date Out section.
Assigning Orders
Modify how orders are routed to appraisers.
- Reassign in 10 Business Hours – Designate how many hours an appraiser has to accept an order before it is reassigned to the next appraiser on the panel. By default, orders are automatically reassigned after 24 hours (10 business hours). Note: Hours listed are limited to business hours 8 AM to 6 PM in your own time zone. For example, if an order is assigned at 5 PM with a two-hour reassignment time, it will be reassigned the next morning at 9 AM.
- Manually Assign Custom Products – If you have set up custom products within your Products list for your users to choose from when placing orders, this ensures that all custom product orders require manual assignment by an administrator to ensure they are routed to a qualified appraiser.
- Route to Out of Area AMC as Backup – When all the qualified appraisers on your panel have declined an order, use this feature to automatically route it to an AMC, if one exists on your panel.
- Manual Rotation – Mark this checkbox if all orders placed under the division should be manually assigned by an account administrator. By default, orders are routed automatically to a qualified appraiser on the panel unless this feature is enabled.
o Notify Admins After Order Placement – With the Manual Rotation feature enabled, turn on this feature so that administrator users are notified every time an order is placed so they know that the order should be assigned to an appraiser.
o Allow Managed Users to Trigger Assignment – Check this checkbox to allow managed users to trigger the assignment of an order. This allows manually assigned orders to still take advantage of automated assignment without bothering administrators: LOs can capture the order data, place orders in a Requested status, and when the timing is right, initiate the order to be assigned to the next qualified appraiser via their appraiser panel automatically. This is especially helpful for new construction lending.
When this checkbox is checked, orders that are placed but not yet assigned to an appraiser will have an option on the Parties tab called Trigger Assignment. The Trigger Assignment button is available to any user that has access to this order. When a user clicks Trigger Assignment, the appraisal order will go through the automated appraiser panel assignment process to assign an appraiser. This process maintains the double-blind ordering process, so managed users can initiate the ordering process without knowing which appraiser gets the order.
- Wait _ days for auto assigning CC orders – Designate how many days the assignment process for credit card orders should be delayed. Users can still place orders, but the appraiser assignment will be delayed. Leave the feature disabled if credit card orders should be assigned right when the order is placed.
- Assign Within_Miles From Property – You can specify that orders only be assigned to appraisers with a profile address within the designated number of miles of the property. This helps ensure that an appraiser familiar with the area performs the appraisal.
- Allow Jumbo Loans to be Auto-Assigned – By default, orders that are marked as ‘Jumbo’ on the New Order screen must be manually assigned by an Administrator user. This feature enables Jumbo orders to be automatically routed to an appraiser, without the intervention of an Administrator.
Processing Orders
You can modify how orders are managed once they are placed.
- Notify if Appraiser Declines Order - Mark this checkbox if administrators under the account want to be notified whenever an appraiser declines to accept an order.
- Allow Conditional Acceptance - For orders with a due date or fixed price entered, allow appraisers to propose a new turn time/price. Appraisers can enter an alternate turn time/price that a user can approve prior to the order moving forward. If a user declines the proposed new turn time/price, the order is automatically assigned to a new appraiser (unless using Manual Rotation).
o Restrict Conditional Acceptance to Administrators Only – If you allow conditional acceptance, limit the ability to approve an appraiser’s conditions to Administrator users. Orders will not proceed until conditions are approved/declined. Enabling this feature removes the Approve/Decline button from a managed user’s screen.
- Restrict Messaging to Appraiser – Prevent originators and supervisors from being able to message the appraiser on any orders. Administrators can still send messages to all parties when this feature is enabled, and appraisers can still send messages to managed users.
- Restrict Price Change to Administrator Only – Enabling this feature removes the Change Price button from a managed user’s screen (supervisors and originators). Only Administrator users can initiate a price change and approve/decline price change requests from an appraiser.
- Auto-Request Status Update After _ Days – If an appraiser has not updated an order within the designated number of days, an email is automatically sent to them asking them to update the system via a message or status indicator.
- Notify Appraiser of Order Coming Due—Sends a reminder to the appraiser when an order is approaching 48-hours of the date required.
- Require Acceptance of Engagement Terms – Upload a contract that will be included with every order placed under the division. Your users and appraisers will have access to view and download the terms within the order.
o Show per product engagement letters – Upload an engagement letter that is product specific. If an engagement letter is not provided for a product, the engagement terms provided to the appraiser will default to the one uploaded under the main section (if one has been provided).
Completing Orders
Modify settings that relate to order completion.
- Require XML Appraisal Delivery – Ensure appraisers provide an XML file by marking this checkbox. The requirement will only affect residential orders that qualify as UAD compatible or EAD/UCDP eligible. Commercial orders and non-UAD report types may still be uploaded in PDF format.
- Allow Managed Users to View Appraisal During Post-Delivery Processes – Grants users attached to the order the ability to view the appraisal report at any time post-delivery.
- Automatically send appraisal to borrower – Automatically email a copy of the report to the borrower when it is made available. Marking this checkbox requires that a borrower email be entered on the New Order screen.
- Delay Sending by _ Business Hours (8AM to 6PM) – This feature will delay the automatic appraisal report delivery to the borrower by a set amount of business hours. Business hours are classified as 8AM to 6PM (local time), Monday through Friday. The system will not send the appraisal report automatically to the borrower until the delay timer has expired.
- Send Each Appraisal Copy to Borrower – Any time an appraisal report is delivered by the appraiser, each copy will be automatically sent to the borrower. IMPORTANT: Enabling Product types will always supersede Loan types, i.e. if Loan types are enabled but Product types are not, all subsequent copies of the appraisal reports will not be sent automatically to the borrower. The borrower will only receive the finalized version of the appraisal report.
- Products – A list of product types available that can be customized to be automatically sent to the borrower whenever additional copies/versions of the reports are delivered. Can work in tandem with the customized Loan Types list.
- Residential – All form types classified as Residential products, including Property Data Collection - Value Acceptance/ACE, will be sent to the borrower each time a copy is delivered. Note: VA appraisal orders are restricted from being automatically enabled under Residential Products and instead can be manually enabled under the Loan Types section. This setting is enabled by default when Send Each Appraisal Copy to Borrower is enabled.
- Products – A list of product types available that can be customized to be automatically sent to the borrower whenever additional copies/versions of the reports are delivered. Can work in tandem with the customized Loan Types list.
- Commercial – Any report types applicable to Commercial orders will be sent to the borrower each time a copy is delivered. This setting is enabled by default when Send Each Appraisal Copy to Borrower is enabled.
- Valuations – Applies to AVMs and PCRs. When enabled, all copies of the AVM/PCR report will be automatically sent to the borrower.
- Verisite – Applies to Collateral Data, Photo Report, Plus, and Photo Report with Collateral Data products. When enabled, all copies of the outputs will be automatically sent to the borrower.
- Loan Types – A list of loan types available that can be customized to be automatically sent to the borrower whenever additional copies/versions of the reports are delivered. Can work in tandem with the customized Products list.
- Conv – Applies to Conventional loans. When enabled, all deliveries of the appraisal report will automatically be sent to the borrower. This setting is enabled by default when Send Each Appraisal Copy to Borrower is enabled.
- FHA – Applies to FHA loans. When enabled, all deliveries of the appraisal report will automatically be sent to the borrower. This setting is enabled by default when Send Each Appraisal Copy to Borrower is enabled.
- VA – Applies to VA loans. When enabled, all deliveries of the appraisal report will automatically be sent to the borrower. This setting is disabled by default when Send Each Appraisal Copy to Borrower is enabled.
- USDA – Applies to USDA loans. When enabled, all deliveries of the appraisal report will automatically be sent to the borrower. This setting is enabled by default when Send Each Appraisal Copy to Borrower is enabled.
- Jumbo – Applies to Jumbo loans. When enabled, all deliveries of the appraisal report will automatically be sent to the borrower. This setting is enabled by default when Send Each Appraisal Copy to Borrower is enabled.
- Borrower ROV Disclosure – This feature will automatically store and send the borrower-initiated Reconsideration of Value (ROV) disclosure letter, when enabled, directly to the borrower. The letter can be uploaded via the +Attachment/Drag File(s) Here section. NOTE: The ROV disclosure letter should be composed in alignment with your organization's policies and requirements, outlining the expectations the borrower must follow for submitting a ROV request.
- Restrict Borrower Request for ROV – This feature will hide the "click here" link in the body of the Property Documents email notification the borrower receives, thus preventing the borrower from accessing the ROV submission page.
- Review Cancellation Fee – This feature grants you the ability to approve, reject, or counter the appraiser's requested cancellation fee on cancelled orders. When the appraiser enters their cancellation fee, any managed will encounter an overlay to approve, reject, or counter the appraiser's cancellation fee.
- Restrict Cancellation Fee Review to Administrators Only – Only Administrators will be allowed to approve, reject, or counter the appraiser's entered cancellation fee via a confirmation pro. Supervisors and Originators will not be presented with the overlay when a cancellation fee has been entered by the appraiser.
- Restrict ROV/Dispute – This feature removes the ROV/Dispute button from appearing in an order’s menu options for managed users. Administrators will still be able to access the ROV/Dispute feature.
- Restrict UCDP – This feature removes the Send to UCDP option from appearing to supervisors and originators. Administrators will still be able to access the Send to UCDP button. If settings have orders automatically route to UCDP with the Restrict UCDP feature turned on, reports will still automatically be delivered to UCDP when supplied by the appraiser.
- Restrict FHA EAD – This feature removes the Send to FHA EAD option from appearing to supervisors and originators. Administrators will still be able to access the Send to FHA EAD button. If settings have orders automatically route to EAD with the Restrict FHA EAD feature turned on, reports will still automatically be delivered to the EAD portal when supplied by the appraiser.
- Restrict Order 2nd – This removes the Order 2nd Appraisal button from appearing to supervisors and originators on all their orders. Administrator users will still be able use the feature on any order.
- Restrict Request Revisions – Remove the Request Revisions feature from appearing to originators and supervisors. Administrator users will still have access to the feature on all orders.
- Restrict Appraiser Invoice Delivery – Discourage appraisers from uploading their own invoice to the system by removing their Invoice button. The automatic system invoice will still be available to all users.
Borrower Notifications
Sends the borrower an email notification of what amount the appraisal cost and/or custom lender fees is expected to be. Only functions when request credit card from the borrower is selected as the payment type.
- Notify Borrower of Appraisal Price—Notifies the borrower via email the amount of the appraisal order if the lender has fixed pricing, lender fees (i.e., lender management fee, service fees, etc.), and custom fees (if any). The fee is disclosed under the Expected Appraisal header in the email which matches what is stated in the authorization receipt. If a lender does not have fixed pricing, this amount is not included within the Expected Appraisal section of the payment request, but it will include any fees that are assessed to the borrower.
- Notify Borrower of Custom Lender Fees—Notifies the borrower via email the amount of any custom lender fees. Each custom lender fee will be disclosed as their own line item within the email notification send to the borrower.