Lender Level Settings store additional settings for security, supplemental products, and workflow processes. These settings, when enabled, are applied to each division under your client(s). NOTE: Lender Level Settings are only available to Managers and global Administrator users.
For Managers, access Relationships, expand the lender you want to enable settings for, and choose Edit Lender Settings.
Whenever changes to any section have been applied, Managers/global Administrators must select the appropriate Save button to retain the adjustments. This guide showcases the settings under each section and what each setting does when enabled.
Content Includes:
- Security/Password Restrictions
- Manual Review Settings
- Automated Review Settings
- Automated Appraisal Reviews
- Encompass Settings
- Canned Messages
- VA Appraisal Settings
Security/Password Restrictions
Security/Password Restrictions can be enforced by Managers or global Administrators. Enabling multiple settings stacks, i.e., lender users must comply with all password restrictions when updating their passwords. NOTE: Security/Password Restrictions apply to all user types and accounts under the scope of the lender.
- Require Password Change at First Logon: Mandates users change their password after the first time they login to the platform with their default password.
- Require Minimum Password Length (Max 50): Set a character count minimum (no more than 50 characters) for passwords. Whenever users change their passwords, they will have to meet the minimal character count to fulfill the requirement.
- Require Strong Passwords: Requests users to comply with more secure passwords. Upon creating a password, users must meet three of the four requirements.
- Minimum of 1 Uppercase Letter
- Minimum of 1 Lowercase Letter
- Minimum of 1 Number
- Minimum of 1 Special Character
- Enable Password Expiration After __ Days: Sets a timeframe for users to update their password, i.e., password will expire after 60 days. If the password is not updated within the allotted timeframe, users will be unable to login to their account, at which time they will be prompted to update their password.
- Lock Account After __ Log In Attempts: Set the number of tries users have until their account it temporarily locked due to too many login attempts. Administrators or the account Manager will have to intervene to unlock the user's account.
- Automatically Logout User After __ Minutes of Inactivity: Establish a time limit for screen idleness to be permissible. If the screen has been inactive after the specified timeframe, users will be automatically logged out of their account.
- Enable Multifactor Authentication: Additional layer of security that requires users to enter a 6-digit code that is emailed to the end user. Users must enter the provided code to access their account. For more information about the complete MFA login process, please refer to our Enabling Multifactor Authentication (MFA) guide.
Manual Review Settings
Manual Review Settings provide a configurable workflow process for product setup and establish Review Panels across all lender divisions.
Product Setup/Pricing
The Product Setup/Pricing settings can send notifications to the appropriate users, ensure Manual Review runs when the appraised value does not meet specific thresholds, omit loan types from going through Manual Review, establish per form type review pricing. NOTE: These settings are set by the Manager that oversees the lender's account and cannot be enabled/disabled without the Manager's intervention.
- Do Not Notify Users of Manual Review: When an order reaches Manual Review, no email notifications will be sent from the system alerting users that the order is now in a Manual Review status.
- Notify Admin Reviewers of Manual Review: When an order reaches Manual Review, send an email notification to Admin Reviewers, thus notifying Admin Reviewers that the order is awaiting review.
- Run Manual Review if Appraised Value is Less Than the Estimated Value/Sales Price: Ensures Manual Review is performed if the appraised value is input as under the Estimated Value/Sales Price. If the appraised value comes in at or above the Estimated Value/Sales Price, the order will bypass Manual Review altogether. NOTE: Estimated Value/Sales Price must be entered on the order details, so the system can compare that value to what the appraiser enters, ensuring Manual Review is triggered.
- Run Manual Review if Appraised Value is More Than the Estimated Value/Sales Price – This setting will trigger the Manual Review process if the Appraised Value exceeds the Estimated Value or Sales Price. Manual will not run if the Appraised Value is at or below the aforementioned values. Works in tandem with Run Manual Review if Appraised Value is Less Than the Estimated Value/Sales Price setting. When both settings are applied, Manual Review will NOT run when the Appraised Value matches the Estimated Value or Sales Price.
- Run Manual Review if FHA: Ensures FHA loan types go through Manual Review. When this setting is disabled, only Conventional, USDA, and Jumbo orders will through the Manual Review process. NOTE: Enabling this setting will make all Residential loan types eligible for Manual Review. Setting works in conjunction with Run Manual Review if Appraised Value is Less/More Than the Estimated Value/Sales Price, i.e., if the value-based setting is enabled and Run Manual Review if FHA is disabled, the order will still go to Manual Review. Additionally, if the order is FHA, but the form type has been excluded from Manual Review (ex. 1004C), Manual Review will be bypassed.
- Default Manual Review Fee: Shows the assessed Manual Review fee on each order that encounters Manual Review will incur. Amount is set by the Manager.
- Show/Hide Available Products and Pricing: List of form types enabled to go through Manual Review. If per product Manual Review pricing is different than the overall default fee, the amount will be shown under the Amount column.
Review Panel
The Review Panel section allows Managers and global Administrators the ability to create lender-wide review panels. This can be especially useful if your organization has the same team of Reviewers that examine the appraisal reports across all your divisions.
Select the Create New Panel button to get started. For a full guide on creating a lender-wide Review Panel, please refer to our Global Lender Review Panel guide.
Approval and Rejection Dispositions
Dispositions are created by the Manager for Reviewers to apply. These dispositions are typically general statements used to describe the appraisal report.
When Approval and/or Rejection Dispositions are in place, they can be found during the Manual Review process.
For more information on how to utilize Dispositions, refer to the Approval and Rejection Dispositions section of the Global Lender Review Panel guide.
Automated Review Settings
Automated Review Settings contain the ability to create an Indicative Words list for Appraisal Scorecard.
The Indicative Words list/tags will screen the appraisal report, searching for any matches, and if matches are found, the results will be present under the Indicative Words section on the Appraisal Scorecard output.
For more information about utilizing the Indicative Words tool, please refer to Create Indicative Words for Scorecard guide.
Automated Appraisal Reviews
The Automated Appraisal Reviews section is only available to Managers and how Managers can enable the Automated Appraisal Review products for the lender as a whole. Automated Appraisal Review products consist of Scorecard (both Within an Order and Standalone) and the Report Comparison tool. Additionally, Managers can set per lender pricing for the aforementioned Automated Appraisal Review products IF the pricing should be different from the Manager overall product pricing. For additional information on Automated Appraisal Reviews, refer to the Automated Appraisal Reviews - Setup & User Guide.
- Enable Appraisal Scorecard - Within Order: Turns on the ability for lender users to Run Scorecard within an order.
- Override Default Pricing: If the lender should have a different fee assessed every time the lender runs Scorecard within an order, enable the setting to enter the desired fee. Note: The default pricing (if entered) will always be displayed so Managers are aware of what the overall fee is currently set at.
- Enable Appraisal Scorecard - Standalone: Allows lender users to place a Scorecard order on its own.
- Override Default Pricing: If the lender should have a different fee assessed every time the lender runs Scorecard by itself, enable the setting to enter the desired fee. Note: The default pricing (if entered) will always be displayed so Managers are aware of what the overall fee is currently set at.
- Enable Appraisal Report Comparison: Allows lender users to see a side-by-side comparison of the current and previously delivered appraisal report. Differences between the reports are highlighted to distinguish how the data differs between both reports.
- Override Default Pricing: If the lender should have a different fee assessed every time the lender utilizes the Appraisal Report Comparison tool, enable the setting to enter the desired fee. Note: The default pricing (if entered) will always be displayed so Managers are aware of what the overall fee is currently set at.
Encompass Settings
The Encompass Settings section are where Managers and global Administrators can customize Returned Fields and Documents to Encompass® originated loan files. NOTE: Only Managers can enable configuration to be available, otherwise the Encompass Settings section will not be displayed under the list view for global Administrators. Once this setting is enabled, customizing the fields/documents that are to be returned to Encompass will be available.
To learn more about customizing Encompass document folders, check out our guide HERE.
Encompass® is a registered trademark of ICE Mortgage Technology® Inc.
Canned Messages
The Canned Messages section permits Managers and global Administrators to create a standard or generic message for users to quickly supply a response, reduce keystrokes, and monitor what users are sending to various parties. These Canned Messages can be applied to Order Messages and/or Messages to the Borrower(s). For more information on how to create and apply Canned Messages, please refer to our Create Canned Messages guide.
Order Message
Creating Order Messages establishes a cache of messaging options for all users to access when utilizing the Send Message feature within an order. NOTE: Message Title is required as this will be what is displayed to users within the stored messages container.
Credit Card Request - Message to Borrower
This feature applies a canned message when utilizing the Credit Card - Request from Borrower payment method when creating a new order. The message will automatically be displayed in the Message to Borrower field on the new order screen and will be included withing the Payment Required email notification that is sent to the borrower.
VA Appraisal Settings
The VA Appraisal Settings is where you can store organizational VA ID.me credentials, the party authorizing the order requests, Requestor Information, and associating divisions with the VA Lender ID. These settings establish the connection for order placement and retrieval through WebLGY.