October 14, 2024: Reminder - New ROV Features Webinar
Modified on: Mon, 14 Oct, 2024 at 10:04 AM

REMINDER: Appraisal FirewallX Launching New & Expansive ROV UpdatesJoin Our 30-Minute Unveiling Webinar on October 15, 2024! Appraisal FirewallX recently introduced borrower-initiated Reconsideration of Values (ROVs) features to the platform. Release notes can be found HERE. Now, our team has expanded and enhanced even more ROV features! These new features will be available to you and your clients prior to the October 31, 2024, effective date. Join us Tuesday, October 15, 2024, at 9:30am Pacific/12:30pm Eastern for an unveiling of our new ROV content.
This 30-minute webinar will focus on the following:- Implementing borrower disclosure requirements
- Borrowers can request ROVs directly through Appraisal FirewallX
- Expanding lender’s ROV tracking process for reporting incoming ROVs
- Enhancing lender’s ability to efficiently respond to borrower(s) ROV submissions
Click ‘Join Here’ to launch the Zoom meeting on Tuesday, October 15, 2024, at 9:30am PT/12:30pm ET. We encourage you to invite your clients to join us! |
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